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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. i dunno... never had alot of different energy drinks, except rockstar and monster (and a few others that I cant remember cause me thinks they are out of business) but it's been the opposite with me and rockstar/monster. Red bull (yah I know they are uber expensive, so I rarely ever buy them less I have to) just does it for me, a 24 oz does a little too much :L

  2. Mixing stimulants (caffeine, ginseng, guarana, etc.) with downers (alcohol) destroys your nervous system and liver. It can lead to heart attaches as well. (just thought I'd let everybody know)

    I was on my way to say the same thing. B careful kidz, mixing uppers and downers makes you go all-arounderz.

    I only drink red bull for energy.

    I DRINK COFFEE!!! black or with some 1/2 & 1/2.

    about a pot does it for a little while with me.

  3. I feel the same way leanaseyego does (and not cause he helped a bro out in another thread)..

    If it was a bunch of white guy's you would have felt the same way.

    If it was a bunch of kittens, you would have not (though that would have been an odd situation...)

    It's about the generic formula of getting an ass whooping or whooping ass.

    a+b/c = factor

    a = # of people

    b = size of the people

    c = you

    3 good looking women would equal probably the same as you so you would not be scared

    4 guys reguardless of age/race/accent/ or the way they brush their hair would be > the power of you.

    Ponder that for a second.

    Then again.... maybe they were just trying to find a place to bury the body in the trunk?!

  4. How do you sit on a chair without a back?

    ... believe it or not I actually prefer it without a back...

    I sit usually either indian style on the chair or on one of my legs.. and yes, my leg has been numb up to my asscheeks before when I got up... really strange feeling. I mean it really all comes down to space, and if I had the space for a nice comfy chair I would definitely have one, but it's always been this way so I'm kinda used to it.

  5. Like Apple and the App Store, how would one judge what is quality and what is not to another. It's not necessarily Nintendo's place to say..., that's up to the consumer. I'm a little wary of the concept. Also, are plenty of bad games on the 360 and PS3 (Haze, *shudder*).

    umm... is it not well known that if good ole' steve doesn't like it, it get's tossed out like an old gallon of milk?

    There are a few good games on Wii, and I am psyched bigtime about madworld. I think there are a few good titles coming up for Wii, but not a ton of them, and nothing like what is on other consoles. I like what is on other consoles, not because of the visual appeal but because of the xtras, the fun, and the spontinuity (is that a word?!) of them. Alot of Wii games go like this: open the box, watch the intro video, play the game, put it back in the box. and thats it.

  6. Just to clear up a few things that I know I was mindlessly yapping about:

    DUAL LAYER DVD DRIVE CONSPIRACY!!! YES friends, I believe this, because if you have a first gen wii (such as myself) there is no way you can play super smash bros. unless you send the wii in for 'A special cleaning that only Nintendo authorized personell can execute on the system' BULLLLLLSHHIIIIITTT!!! BSBSBS... that may work with a 7 year old but not a techie, and there are too much of us out here now to deny shit like this. If that's the case, then just say it.. IE. We thought we were installing dual layer dvd drives in wii's but were making more money off the system than any competitor, so we just didnt really check... so in that case, im sure that everyone in the company, before smash bros release (or the BETA team for that matter) JUST so happened to NOT have a first gen wii lying around when testing for the release of the game? This isnt even just full of fail, ITS FORTEFIED WITH GENUInE fAIL!

    I have no idea what you're talking about hurr.

    Here is some info on that:

    Nintendo Customer Service | Repair

    ***oh crap oh crap oh crap.... If you search google with this "wii dual layer conspiracy" This thread comes in at #3 on the search list.. well.. hmm.. did not realize that would happen..***

  7. omg.... ok, this is way out of hand (yes I know it is my fault)

    Let me explain a few things to you folks and maybe I wont be looking at a massive flame post count.

    1. As quoting sablefoxx

    You sir are LAME!!! Here i thought i was gonna read a thread on running the bourne again shell (bash) on the wii (Am i the only one?), but no turned out to be a flame session.

    If you would have read the caption: "The OFFICIAL Bash The Wii Thread (With official Nintendo Seal of Approval :P), Grab a bat and start swingin, no ps360 leeterz plz" you would have known that this has NOTHING to do with hacking the wii, though I do say I am going to persue your informational links, kthx.

    2. Why is everyone so stunned about grammer, albeit I feel I should not have used so many colorful metaphors, and were uncalled for which I do apologize if it is not too late for that, but this is not an English class, nor a high profile job site, etc. It is a forum. Deal with it.


    h3%5kr3w clearly put a good amount of time and effort into the post and it is members like that, that help create active and positive online communities.
    Thank you.. That takes a lot to agree with someone who will most definitely get uberflamed afterward and I commend you, yet I still feel that this was taken far away from where it was supposed to be.

    4. Let me explain why I actually posted this thread. a. because it almost highjacked another thread, and b. because even though I do enjoy playing games on the wii (and even though I may look silly doing it, it's still fun) but the WII has been out for awhile, and I feel that Nintendo should use some of that cash they are stockpiling, to put into really cool stuff for the WII to keep it afloat for the future to churn out more business after xbox360 and ps3 really start grabbing more gamers back to where they were before. The fact of the matter is, is that the WII IS in fact capable of many things, and hindering it to just kids stuff and horrible games is going to bite Nintendo in the rear with a force to be reckoned with, when the next xbox or ps4 comes out (which for the ps4 will be at least another 4 years).

    And contrary to everything else, if you flame me, I will not flame back, and this is not really even a flame board, more like a Wii owner's yap board. Thats why I specifically stated in the title "no ps360 leeterz plz" because this thread is for Wii owners and players to yap about the negatives on the wii, and this brings me to my one real fail (that happened to be an EPIC FAIL!) in this post was the very last line... "BLAAAHHHH!!!!! should have bought another system instead..."

    This is super crispy fried fail. I should have never said that. I love the Wii, but I also hate it for obvious reasons that you have all read...

    So flame if you must, I gladly open my coat to aide in the flinging of rocks.

    p.s. I HATE Halo with a passion, UT2004 is awesome to me but I have never acted like a tard on it, really I rarely have chatted in it because I was having too much fun pwning people, and please post more nullArray, because this is a community, and we all have opinions. Noone should shoo out others just because they have different opinions.

    and the last thought I have about all my "manifesto" is the fact that I think Ninty should put more R and D into the console and revise what is aggrivating about playing it.

  8. yah, ill be honest i didnt even vote for obama, and truthfully did not want him to become presedent, but after his speech when he won the presidency, and seeing how strong he is holding himself to be to get things done, and the positive effect it is having on america, I think this is a wonderful thing for him to become president. BUT I will say this, I am not republican/democrat/or neutral. I believe it's a big ole' ball of bs to say your one thing or another because of how diverse people are these days. We dont hide behind a cloak that says one thing when we feel another way (or at least I dont anyway) and I dont have to be labeled to be sold for stock on one person's ideals. And to the people who say 'you just cant make up your mind one way or another' that is false. It's not the fact I cannot make up my mind, or I am too scared to be one thing or another, but I choose not to be any of it because it's a childish game of throwing rocks and everyone gets hurt in the process.

  9. I think it is literally a cheap LCD monitor with a digital tv reciver mated to it.


    most probably..

    Though I will say this, if you have a less than great gaming pc, the lower resolution *though hard to read text* of a tv makes games in lower res look WAY more awesome than on a monitor, mainly due to interlacing, as it can sorta add a fake anti-aliasing like effect.

    btw, if your into computer/audio visuals DEFINITELY DO WINAMP WITH R4 (you can get r4 here: Rabbid Hamster's R4

    BTWW- Also it works GREAT with ANY newer video card, even really cheap intel gma's

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