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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. umm... looks like you fail sir! *j/k*

    this isnt just the hex version of his password, it's a hash, I believe, cause I put it through my hex to ascii converter and here is what it spit out: RPAgT‰E",ÈJB¶+Æå

    but i will say this, that would be one 1337 ass password!

    btw, nettools. Search it, live it, love it.

  2. no, dont use vmware for linux gaming, use Virtualbox, because with the new v-box guest extensions, you get alot more acceleration out of the vm.

    hell i cant even do any desktop effects with vmware...

  3. yah, man see thats what you do (i dont post online for services cause i dont have time for that much) but you let your folks know, and your friends, and they tell they're friends, and co-workers, etc, and next time someone is phuked cause they dont know how to fix it they'll call you.

    It's just like Quagmire said:

    "Hey, fat chicks need love too ya know.. heh..heh.heh. but they gotta pay!"

    oh, btw, I have been paid with nice tall glasses of 151 and coke many-a-times

    (one time I was so drunk, it took me till 5 in the morning to reload a computer for a friend.... started at 9 that night, but hey it was all fun and games though)

  4. You can do all you want, but I think this all boils down to the fact that you cant do what EVERYONE wants you to do. I like the show the way it is, others dont, but then others do.

    On the simplistic side of things with the show though, you have to understand something critical.

    They JUST started broadcasting on REV3, and as such not to many real 1337 people watch shows on rev3, so to pull in the greater audience they do have to restart, as it were to let all the newbies (such as I) catch up with what they are doing.

    Think of this season as a 'primer' season.

    I have never made a webcast (though I was going to do monthly segments 4 progbox.co.uk as a distro reviewer... till I found I did not have the resources I needed, even though it was going to be a 5 min. segment....)

    And yeah I'm a fanboy, a big fanboy of hak.5, and a relatively new one, but I get what they are doing, and compaired to other shows that evolve, this one has seemed to evolve pretty darn well compaired to the first season (havent watched the other seasons, just season1, and this season)

    and sometimes it's just the fact of the matter that there are just not that many known hacks out there, hell there has been ALOT of hack content on hak5, you want them to just start over or something?

    Finally, I know how it feels to look back at a show and go crap.. I have been with them from the get-go and now it sucks ass, and there is NOTHING I can do about it (diggnation), but this is not the case with this show, I think it just has to go through some growing pains, thats all.

    BTW, almost everyone who has seen my posts knows multi-times over that diggnation was the show I loved and watched from the beginning, but probably sick and tired of me explaining that, so I'll tell you why and I'll finally quit it.. I bought the shirt, sounds silly, but I bought a $20 shirt and right after is when it went to shit, so now I dont even wear it cause probably the people who watch it now is a bunch of mac-1337's that dont know their asses from a port # (NOT refering to the mac-1337 peoples on this forum btw)

  5. well, i have an ath5k wifi card so it's not really the software but the driver implementation, and i have not tried what you are proposing, but have tried all the drivers that are 'supposed' to work with the card, but it's still kinda new, but it seems older atheros cards are fully supported AND some newer ones are fully supported, i think someone just kinda stepped over it without thinking that it was so wide spread (at least to my understanding it is anyways) either that or the community agreed that it would probably work with the driver set as defined for most of the ath cards.

  6. same here, hell i never use it anymore anywayz so it's a hope.

    today if your out the whole console loop, it's kinda hard to say what to get, there is already another wii in the works from nintendo, the xbox360 is now close to the end of it's shelf-life according to microsoft's 5 year cycle, and the ps3 seems to be going down the tubes at a sega saturn style pace....

  7. lol, thats happened to me a few times too. I have recieved alot of hardware just from people who wanted to upgrade to the 'cool guy' hardware, even when what they had was good enough for what they were doing.

    heck I have built whole computers multiple times over for friends and family that cant afford it, for free just from slightly dated hardware that people dont want to keep. especially video and motherboards/procs.

  8. sry bout the commento-aggrivato... blah im a bastard BAD hexskrew BAD!!!

    hey how about this, lets just turn into a pos+ thread :D

    I do love freeware, and Linux is a great example of that, hell I just cant wait for my wifi card to be properly implemented into the kernel, and a good flash client from adobe, and then ill be running linux 4 life :D

  9. hak.5


    scam school

    every now and then i drop in on cranky geeks, just depends on how long I can stand Dvorak's ranting (also depends if I agree with him, but even if I dont, it's always at least a justifiable rant)

    and i guess diggnation here and there (long story but not nearly as good as it used to be)

    and ONCE in a blue moon I'll check out Leo Laporte. If it wasnt for him. I would probably be set back in my computer knowledge about 5 years, so I owe it to him to watch, but lately it just seems more painful.

    other than these, i like watching the food network and house episodes on fox.com, if that counts :D

    and theBroken was the shiz man... ramzi's how to secure a laptop tips was my fav!

  10. High, I'm A PC,

    And Im A Pirate...

    Were a happy couple ya kno!~


    Last but not least:

    I dont condone piracy, but I have to learn all the bases as it were. Im not rich. Im not a fanatic about any operating system, especially lately.

    guess what, someone comes up to me with a macbook pro, and has a problem with i dunno, whatever something on it (never used a macbook before) and says hey fix it, guess what, I dont know how, I look like an idiot, and there goes some cash out the window. If I downloaded a copy to test it out *with the basis that it worked* looked around the gui, got a feel for it, saw where the parameters were for the os, learned how it works, etc, THEN I could say YES! I can fix that peice of shnit you paid too much for! LOVELY! and so there is a happy ending.

    I have only pirated ONE (1) operating system in my life, and it was Windows XP, no service pack, made into two cd-r's one bootable, but uninstallable, the second installable but not bootable. (It was truthfully the only OS I wished I would have paid for, but I did get three new computers with XP on them recently...)

    Got it from a friend of a friend, a long long time ago. As of now, anything I want is available to me online through the MSDN shop, through my school for free (and yah, i have Visual Studio 05, 08, Server 03, 08, Vista Business 32, and 64 bit, AND vista business SP1, etc.etc.etc. mucho thousands of dollars in software completely legal) but at the time, the price for xp was about... i think it was around $300, I couldnt afford a new pc (at the time if you remember couldnt get one for any lower than I think $900) and I was a Gateway service tech. We had no info whatsoever on the O.S. People would call in and we just crossed our fingers and hoped it wasnt an xp call cause we had no idea where shit was or anything. think about that.

    BTW, how the hell did we get on the whole piracy subject?

  11. I could not agree with you more. On every point you are 100% correct. But please understand that with the freedom of choice comes responsibility and that you are the sum of your choices so those choices say a lot about you, everything in fact. If you choose to steal your OS, you are a thief with little or no moral fiber and no self respect, Kant taught us the we should universalize every choice and understand that if it is not ok all of the time in all situations then it is not ok in the present one. Please don't steal software, music or anything else from anyone unless you believe it is ok for everyone to steal everything from everyone else all of the time in all situations, it's hypocritical and ignorant to do otherwise and don't encourage others to steal or present theft as an honest choice, it's sleazy. If you must use windows, mac os or any other commercial system please purchase a legal copy from an authorized vendor.

    What about Apple with their whole, The only way to get OSX is to buy our hardware crap. OSX86 is making leaps and bounds EVERY DAY to enable OSX on intel AND NVIDIA hardware, because apple is basically shutting us out of their loop. Hell i'd buy OSX if I could use it on my system, and im sorry Im not BLOWING an extra $1200 more for a system LESS capable than one I can build just to use a f*cking OS.. oh yeah, pretty doesnt mean shit to me.. sry. flame if u want. care=not.

    And with the prices of windows these days, ranging from $100 XP SP2 for system builders, and to start on the vista front @ $200 retail for VISTA BASIC, to over $1000 for server 2008, dont tell ME about stealing shit from people, these people are gangraping everyone else.

    Now I understand that piracy (at least in light of the microsoft prices) is what led to the hiking of prices for O.S. but remember too that piracy at that time had alot to do with people building their own systems, or even that it would be beneficial to them to just upgrade their systems instead of buying new ones. Now computers are a nickle and dime type of thing, and thats why probably not much OS is being pirated these days.

    but the piracy that does happen these days, are because of people who arent going to stand for these super high ass prices for jumbled peices of sH*t software that need to be patched as soon as you get it off the shelf and is never properly stable, nor efficient *vista reference*, nor secure, NOR ARE THEY GOING TO GIVE YOU THE NEXT VERSION FOR FREE CAUSE THEY F*(KED UP THE LAST ONE! (very vista reference there.)

    In short Quit Hatin'

  12. nah... that's iffy droz. Yes SATA (Serial ATA) is faster than PATA (Parallel ATA) but USB (Universal Serial Bus) V.1, is not, and V.2 MAY have a wider Bandwidth, but may not have a higher Thouroughput than PATA.

    Furthermore, it depends on what the bandwidth of the external housing is for the hdd.

    Oh and BTW, SATA and USB are two different things, maybe u think of e-Sata, or External Sata which is faster than all BUT SATA *with which is supposed to be the same*

    aint hatin' man but read up on ur terminology~

  13. well, in linux you may have to install some dependencies, but in windows, runs fine for me on my desktop and my laptop (vista/ubuntu, and xp respectively)

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