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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. Well, I was half right about the heat because thats what causes chip creep. That was also the problem with the early dipp chips used for the 8088 and old school memory.

    Hey anyone remember the Old ATI RAGE cards you could install more memory on via dipp chips?

    I HAD ONE!! cant remember the model but it was in a Packard Bell, and it was 2mb ram upgradable to 4... never got to upgrade it though.

  2. since this is a class project, im sure your just wanting to connect both lans together. You cannot do this with xp and good ole network bridging, because it only works if both lans are in the same subnet (loooonnngg story).

    Basicly you either need a router, or a computer using ubuntu as sparta said, or a computer running windows server. You don't want to go buy server just for a class project because it costs so much. I would suggest dipping your nose into some linux routing.

  3. The Dell tech who replaced my wifes hard drive in her laptop told her her old drive could not be formatted because you cant format vista hard drives.

    (Before you ask, she wanted them to do it due to warranty integrity and i was at work.)

    wow.. thats the lamest thing I have ever heard out of tech support.

    btw, where can you buy one of these said 'vista hard drives' did'nt know microsoft was into hard storage these days :P

  4. Caution: May cause loss or degradation of television signal and risk of electric shock or fire. Not recommended unless you're trying to claim house insurance. Consult a lawyer or electrician before attempting this procedure.

    I am Hexskrew and I approve this post.

  5. That would be a hell of a documentary (though I would not want to watch it for another year and a half since I have a geek squad warranty [but trust me I just got it for the parts warranty...])

    Actually you know what would probably be better? A documentary on American tech support personel. I used to be one for Gateway through an outsource co. so I know for a fact they hire people who don't know shit about computers. Everytime the network went down everyone was looking toward me, my friend and a few others in the call center for help because they had NO idea how to troubleshoot things without the help database.

  6. lol, even though not what she's looking for I would love to have a 1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT-VR4.Twin-Turbo, All Wheel Drive, Over 250hp, +-16 degrees of turn for the back wheels when your going around a corner at faster than 45mph, and the spoiler will auto calibrate for the least drag.. oh yah, the electronic/hydraulic suspension is badass too...

  7. umm... what I would do is assign the router a static IP on the wan side, and set the other side on a different subnet, OR what I would really do is just not use a router, just a smart switch. OR I would just turn off DHCP on the router. That would probably be a good thing.

  8. dear god...if its not one thing from a store with a hidden cam it's another. -_- O NOES the Xbox360 can have a webcam on it! Same with your computarz! Run....before they haxorz your technology with bad hoaxes

    *yah, the gov is doing a sting on illegal teenagers whacking off in front of their xboxes (since they are REALLY just watching porn dvds :P*

    Interestingly enough though, somebody is probably planting one on their girlfriend's super hot friend so he can watch the feeds of her after she gets out the shower... umm... NO! I wouldnt do anything like that!...but I thought of it first!!!

    Besides this is old re-spun bullshit anyway. There was the same urband legend with directv boxes.

  9. Actually the real reason why Intel (and AMD) went back to the reg. chip design/slot is because they found that the board design w/L2 cache on the board as opposed to on die was actually alot slower than they thought it would be (the reason why they went with the slot design is because they thought it would be faster AND cheaper to manufacture.)

    Also the other reason why they went back to zif designs is because slot A processors were error prone, and suffered from chip creep and things of that nature (I have had a head/wall bout with these before..)

  10. I'm in CCNA2 and would like to persue of course my ccna, but I want to work progressively toward the ccie, and I would love to buy a cisco router (to start) I have experience on one, but only @ school, and I want one at home that I can constantly tinker around with IOS. I have packet tracer, but thats only good to an extent, and most intermediate/advanced features of IOS are either buggy, or missing from packet tracer (and I have v.5.1)

    I have found what look like awesome deals online for cisco routers, but I have no idea what are good sources. Basicly I know I could find one for really cheap on ebay, but I dont want to get screwed, and to be specific I am looking for one within the 2000 series, it doesnt have to have a wic2t or any expansion cards already in it (hell it doesnt even have to have IOS on it... I know there are ways...) Just a 2000 series or equivalent with 10/100 support, and 2 expansion slots *and of course with a console port*. I can make my own rollover cable easily so that's not a problem. Would Like to have an aux port just for tinkering with, but that's optional. I dont care if it's scuffed or kicked to high hell as long as it works well.

    The expansion cards, I can just find a cheap source and if it doenst work, then no big deal. I can find serial cables for uber cheap all over the place so no big deal on that either.

    Thank you all for ANY help given.

  11. hmm... sorry but thats still not within the scope of this forum.

    Let me make this a little clearer..

    If you want to know how to hack, then there are great books for that, but we are not a 'how to' guide, and do not support said 'random hacking' on this forum/website.

    You will get kicked (in the nuts if possible) by an admin if you keep it up.

    Hell I'll give you a little arrow pointing where to start


  12. I like to commit 'random hacking' and 'global crime' riding public transport using the free municipal wireless internet. It's awesome!

    However, free software is buggy, doesn't work and supports communism, not to mention insecure, so don't use it! Remember that next time you think about installing Linsux or downloading other open source stuffz from the tubes.

    LAWL Stingwray!

    Why you always hatin' on open source? It's not communism, nobody forces you to do it.

    Another thing... what is random hacking?? I have no idea. Go find another forum to ask that b.s.

  13. I Fully agree with both of you. They should have to pay, and it makes me soooo mad because of the fact that they just act like it's a toy. It's a computer, it can do within seconds, what you cant your whole life and it does it millions of times per second....


  14. It's even better with Macs,... I use the blanket term "MacBook" and everyone understands.

    c'mon, when did this happen?! j/k.

    My LAPTOP get's hotter than shit on my lap, but um... thats kinda the point of my 'portable computer' is to sit on my lap. The laptop WAS only made origionally to be a space saving alt. to the desktop, BUT it has turned into the LapTop, weather anyone wants to agree or not. But even still it is pointless to blah blah about legalities and etc. as far as legalities anyway, all a company has to say for the most part is you must have 'misused' your equiptment, and have something to back it up and they win. So who cares? My laptop get's super hot in my lap. It's an AMDX2 1.9ghz, of course it's going to get hot. Battery stays cool as a cucumber. I think china may have been the bottom line to the issue with the blowing up battery (as is most of the time, for lead based, and carcenogen based products in plastics and etc).

    But of course I DO take very much care of my laptop, and ALWAYS give the vent fan space (and it's easy enough to do, just keep it on the rt. side of my lap :D).

    Makes me wonder... Are MacBooks really super sturdy and reliable peices of eq. or is it just that since it costs 2 arms and a leg to buy one, that people are afraid to even look at it wrong :P...

  15. well I will say this, that the casing that acer uses for their aspire series your speaking isnt made that tough (had a friend in college that had one last semester, it dropped like 3 ft, and the whole thing busted apart... he's still awaiting the replacement)

    that is one sweeet ass acer your speaking of. never heard of it in that price range or else I would have bought that one!

    even the lower ones that are just like that one xcept w/the intel shit gma video are like $600 to start around here.

    yah, i even found out my 'one of a kind' compaq case is made by some off the wall co. that makes alot of cases for dell and of course hp.

    I will however have to say a few things about the premade category, yes alot of general companies make general hardware for computer companies, BUT the ONE thing that is specificly made most of the time is motherboards. Typically made by some offbrand manufacturer, or w/a package deal with specific name brands. This is how they can pull off all the lcpc's (low cost pc's) at such a low price, and some of the midrange computers. IBM does alot of the midrange boards believe it or not, but actually it doesnt stop there, because most of these companies are getting their parts for the motherboards from offbrand manufacturers too (anyone remember the ibm motherboards with the busted capacitors?) these were included in a wide range of IBM, Dell, and Gateway computers (and I have seen these issues with all 3 brands myself).

  16. lols this is a funny convo. but anyways I'm glad you found what you were looking for. I wasnt trying to say that you would say anything bad about compaqs, and dont get me wrong I despised it till I bought this thing, and honestly, I got it (w/o warrany price) for 450 link here. but I started thinking about it too, you may not have best buy in your country (i dunno)

    but there is many peoples that hate on compaq and with their previous reputation I cant blame them, but it's obvious at least their laptops got alot better.

    Only thing that I really find annoying (and it's this way with alot of cheaper laptops) is how the keys bounce (i.e. you hit the key once, and it makes your finger bounce a little and makes it type a char. twice) I have found I am not the only one, but it works great. I take care of it the best I can so I'm happy with it.

  17. lol... I actually found the password later on, but the funny thing was I told a guy at school that I gave a copy to, about he password, and he said 'yah, all linux distros have that for the default' I'm like, when the F89K did this happen? lols~ far as I was evr concerned it was root, and either root for pw/ or no pw. hmm...

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