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Posts posted by h3%5kr3w

  1. slitaz? (if you want something like yet usable)

    There are a plethora of linux distros out there for any need.

    Check out Distrowatch.com and just browse till you find something you like.

    Funny you say that though, I am going back to Ubuntu to try on my laptop. Installing netbook remix cause I like the simplicity in the menu system. I just wanna have it usable without much fuss..

  2. Well, I never did go back and watch seasons 1 through 3 (I started watching at about mid 3) I did watch ep 1 se. 1 and dabbled around watching most of 3. I mean definitely for their dedication you have to give them props. They (I think) have just started making real money out of this show, and to top it off when you think about it split 3 ways, it's probably not the most generous paycheck out there but it's what they want to do.

    Also you have to love the fact that they have open ears for the show to let the show evolve from their standpoint and a mix of ours. These people that just started randomly bitching about content kinda pissed me off because they really didnt give the hak5 crew a chance to evolve and change. But as a result since enough people did say that they would really like to see the show take a few steps back to the direction it was, the crew then changed it for us. This is the great thing about the show. Go tell 20/20 about what they are doing wrong.. they probably would not even open the letter or email.

    I don't like to paraphrase people but I must say that this is one of those things that the internet has enabled, and that is people do have a say about things and others will listen, and things will change (paraphrasing Kevin Rose)

    Now I would like to see more of this that and the other, and alot of what is on the show is stuff that we think of or things that make the hak5 crew think about, but for now, new things that I do NOT know about that they talk about on the show makes me happy and when I think they should check out something I know about for the masses (if I ever think of anything like that) then I will say it.

  3. Well I just downloaded FF3.5b and it seems pretty fast. While I was at it I decided to check to see if there were any ready to go extensions for it, and believe it or not there was! (thinking how different this is from 3.0beta)

    This version DOES seem pretty quick. Fox Tab, Download Them All, WOT, and a few other popular extensions are ready to install upon loading of it. BTW, FoxTab is a pretty neat idea though a novelty really. It's basically like compiz desktop switching themes but for tabs in firefox (minus the cube option).

    You get a 'Private Browsing' option via the tools menu to initiate a-la chrome style porn surfing I guess. Also there is supposedly a revamped privacy section in the options as well. Other than that, it seems pretty much what you would expect firefox to be. Most menus are very close to picture perfect copies of Firefox 3.2. There are supposed to be some newfangled coding you can put in HTML 5 to change the look and effects of the menus though Not sure if I feel too good about that, but time will tell. Maybe it would be handy as sort of an on-the-fly skinning themer for websites. i.e. you go to the cheetoes website and the whole menubar turns orange with a pic of the mascot, and when you go to say... 1up.com, you get a coordinating skin that goes with their site.

    What's your opinions?

    (btw, have not found any sites that mess it up or that renders incorrectly yet)

  4. Well, I have to say this all sounds great but if you don't want to mess with a VM (Virtual Machine) or worry about messing up your data, give Wubi a try: http://wubi-installer.org/

    -It installs Linux on your hard drive but as a file in your windows partition and keeps everything in that file.

    -It's completely uninstallable from within Windows

    -Does not add a bootloader OR tamper with your MBR (master boot record); uses the standard Windows Boot Loader.

    -You download the Wubi installer and run it, and it installs Ubuntu for you (no interaction needed for the actual install)

    -The only downside is hard drive performance from within Linux. But for you, it should not be a problem at all.

    Also if you already have an Ubuntu live CD that is 8.04 or higher, it comes with Wubi on disk, and just pop the disk in while in Windows and there is a link in the autorunning application.

  5. BTW, just to add, you are looking at the WD Caviar drives? You might want to look either at the WD 1T Green Drives *better efficiency* or the WD 1T Black Drives *better performance*.

    And I also agree that your going a lil' overkill with that. Why do you want so much space btw? You should invest in some hot-swap bays as well, and I would go with a large case w/ @ least 5 large front bays to accomodate the hot-swap bays.

  6. Dev.5 was an attempt to put the point back into hak5 -- we were going to be the brainchild behind hak5, but as with everything hak5 touches, it faded.

    Oh my bad dude, I just thought it was someone trying to rip the logo *or at least the 5..*

    I have seen Darren really pissed (not a good sight) and I have seen him drunk to mumbling and drooling (he almost knocked one of the cameras off the wall!~)

    Haven't seen him cry yet... but umm... yah, I would turn the other way if he did.

  7. I agree with Vako. If it is a server per say that is using all Ubuntu installed packages that is one thing *for just like a web;ftp;sql database* because you can pay for support and call Canonical, and they will support it and will help you out however they can, BUT for specialty serving ala specialized apps, the total opposite is true, because like Vako said, you just cant track down some dude who programed that server daemon 6 months ago who probably has gone on to other projects and cant even remember the first byte of code from it, if you can get a hold of him at all.

    Linux IS stable... least in it's purest form, but it can be as unstable as anything else depending on the hardware you have, how good that hardware is supported from the drivers available and the programs/daemons that you are running.

    This is also the reason why Unix has always been so expensive. Because you get top notch backing by whomever package it came from (i.e. compaq, dell, or IBM). So while Linux IS free, your on your own for the most part.

    As far as being a mainstream desktop, yah, linux can do it if you have the right hardware installed. Also as far as client serving, until someone comes up with an easy way to manage linux workstations on a network in a fashion similar to Active Directory, your just not going to have the simplicity to manage large scale networks.

    BTW, yes you can just create a script to make a bunch of users, and stuff like that in Linux, but at that same time, you have to create all the groups, assign the groups, etc.etc.etc. and even though distros like Ubuntu are on the right track, the diversity in simplicity is just not there yet. They need to really eye what makes active directory so easy to manage, and then come up with a complete package that does the same exact thing, but better, and folks... do you have 800 hardcore linux code guru's in one place in an organized producing environment? Neither do I.

    As far as the Apple side of things are, I don't even know if Apple offers enterprise class Server hardware (i.e. 40+ proc servers/blade servers/etc. etc. etc.) but they are stable and since in essence it is Linux/Unix compatible software (no i didnt say it was linux :P) you COULD get a fully backed server daemon or two that can be utilized in a production network.

    Personally I think the Linux community should back up a step or two, put off server projects for awhile, and focus on the desktop. Once they have got that code rocking hard, THEN try to compete hardcore in the server market.

    -btw (damn it.. ok this is the last edit to this post... hopefully) Linux DOES have it's place though all over the world, in the form of smart products. i.e. Cellphones, netbooks, routers, mp3/media players, etc.etc. or any device that runs the OS code from ROM, and mainly because you can program linux easily to be as small or as big as you want and change or create the U.I. to whatever you want it to be and it will be rock solid stable. But mainly it's not because of it being linux, but because it is cheap (or free) for the originating code to be burned AND in turn you have less to spend on the RnD of that code because of it being so versatile. It's no secret that if you sandbox linux to whatever you want it to be, it will run until the hardware burns out, but unfortunately that's if it is sandboxed *well as a synonym anyways*.

    Also the unfortunate thing about this is how many people use linux and have no idea they are using it. If you stuck a sticker on everything that uses linux that says *Linux Enabled Device* then it would pretty much become a household name... nobody will know WTF it is, but they will know the name Linux when they hear it.

  8. TBH, Vista has been great on my machine, I mean I have not had hardly ANY problems with it, matter of fact, since this last install (due to myself putting a bunch of crap on my machine... when I get tired of my desktop I go freeware crazy on it, and usually I end up crapping on it [not literally]) It has performed perfectly, besides the downloading issue. Disk read performance is killer, and so is writing, as long as a program is doing it and not just copying files.

    The reason why I kept Vista over 7 the first time is because A. I did not know if it was going to be good or not when I first installed it, and B. I did have quite a few issues with it the first go around.

    But with 7RC installed.. shit.. I did not have to install ONE driver, and I am running Far Cry 2 perfectly with the nvidia driver 7 downloaded. How is that for sick?

    Bad part is.. If Linux does not tighten up and start hounding Nvidia and Macromedia on Linux support, well... I could see Linux falling back to where they were before.

  9. ok kids, so it goes like this: One day the uptight I-phone finally slept with the old whore netbook while linux was watching.... And so came the Snapdragon...

    Honestly, I like it, but what I do NOT like is how much the plan will cost for it (and I am not looking it up, for this is why smartphone is not what I have..)

  10. NO!!! I remember it too! It was a freeware site where you could get all kinda stuff... God what was the name of it, but yah, the whole site setup had a windows theme (and I mean like in windows) real easy to navigate...

    it was like bestfreewindowsutils.com or something of that nature...

  11. Well I just got the email from M$ saying I can now download SP2 for Vista... This kinda sucks to get it now though because I just reloaded with 7rc, leaving only a few gigs for linux, and I really don't feel like repartitioning and reloading right now. I know there are a few minor things, but my question is data transfer and copying. It's totally horrible to copy even a 500mb file in vista because for some odd and unknown reason the transfer rate (even copying from one folder to another on the same hdd) BLOWS!!! I have experienced this with my desktop and my laptop with both being sata3, and in XP, Linux, and 7 respectively the transfer rate is just as it should be.

    My question is, is anyone else having that problem, and if so, does this SP fix it?

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