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Everything posted by shonen

  1. Oh shoot and I thought it was a brothel or casino. looks like no E-cookie for me =P wait priests like young boys, can I get a partial credit??? please XD
  2. lol You know I would really be keeping a close eye on what meds your missus is chucking into your food, you certainly don't sound like the typical husband. Oh wait how long have you been married that could explain a few things =P I kid I kid. I got jibbed for the options on the lid, they only supplied black, puke green, poohish looking brown and metro sexual pink. So obviously I went for the PINK.... actually it was BLACK XD (now I want racing strips to make my comp run FASTER!) Well all the bad reports on compaq's started to flow in from fellow mates shortly after I purchased the first one. They do have a bit of a bum rap sheet but for the most part they are pretty solid and reliable for the average home user. Thankfully they no longer do that stupid lock thing for the monitor when it is closed either (I bet they had a few send backs with that bright idea). I was previously of the opinion Dell where not to crash hot either, but after using the desktops at school and recommendation's/doing some research they seem to have taken customer feed back on board and have made some improvements on the latest lines. lol YES!!! I hate keyboards that do that shit too, still after using the asus EEE for forum postings and what have you for a year nothing will ever shit you up the wall as much as the 701 keyboard! And yes NO best buy down under yet *wonders what the aussie equivalent to best buy would be* GOOGLE TIME! So far I am happy with my decision, you would be hard pressed to find a better laptop for the same price as the Dell 1525, still final verdict will not be in until I format the sucker and put it to work for couple of weeks.
  3. No no no.... I was not referring to moonlit but, that comment was addressed to said non-googler's. lol maybe my Aussie-ness got lost in translation XD Turkey slap = pulling down your pants and slapping your cock on someones face (its for when a normal slap just isn't insulting enough). Think of it Its as chucking your shoe's at George W Bush the aussie way. XD
  4. Well twisted surely matches that mind of mine. XD
  5. Its all good I can keep things on the down low *WINK* We will just lock yours up and feed her the odd rice cracker. XD being married makes this option even more tempting. =P
  6. lol well those people don't need a blog, they need to be turkey slapped XD
  7. I had a read and to be perfectly honest I am 50/50 on the google one. Granted people who don't do research prior to posting are annoying, especially when you try to explain it and they still don't get it due to the lack of info they currently posses. This could have easily been obtained from google and they would be able to comprehend the reply and actually follow up on the responded remarks. On the other side I have tried to do my research prior to posting and have experienced first hand that with some specific quires and some rather odd ones google does not always cut it. Plus you also have to factor in the amount of time that was wasted spending a hour or two trolling google compared to a quick forum post to be pointed in the right direction. For the most part I enjoy helping people out where I can, its good karma and payback for those who have done the same for myself. Plus you have the added bonus of having that warm fuzzy feeling inside. LoL @ Vako Go forth with your said rebuttals, this could be entertaining indeed. *que star wars music and scrolling yellow text*
  8. Ah awesome thank you very much for the conformation on that Swathe. I was considering PMing you directly and asking seeing as you work in IT and are a fellow Aussie hence you would be in the know a whole lot more than myself. Thankfully great minds think a like and we both have excellent taste. Sooo when are we going to Thailand to sus out a couple of mail order bride's? not that we could get much with only two dong between us =P
  9. Actually I don't hate Compaqs, The one that I mentioned in the above didn't die on me per say. The first problem was the locking mechanism that keeps the monitor lid closed got jammed and wouldn't open. Yeah I was annoyed that they took their sweet time on it and the mailing fee but when I got it back they did a really good job. New keyboard and mouse pad where added due to slight ware and tear and they fixed the initial problem (I was expecting them to just replace the reported damaged part). After warranty expired the pin for the AC plug got damaged but this was more than likely due to excessive use from me. All and all I can't really complain seeing as I do put my gear through its pacers. For the record this posting is done on a Compaq persario f500 that I purchased some time after the above. Works great and have never had an issue. I will agree with ya on the XP driver thing, I had a great deal of headaches caused in trying to locate the correct drivers or non buggy ones to roll the F500 back to win XP. Seems compaq are not so friendly with this unlike Dell. I did some reading on the ubuntu forums and I also found that athero's wifi chipsets require a lil more fiddling around with. But thanks for the heads up. I ended up ordering the more expensive Dell 1525 with 250gb HDD seeing as I will have to keep a few virtual machines on it and wanted the dual boot (hopefully ubuntu wont cause this Linux nub a great deal of grief on the new laptop *fingers crossed*). MMM once I get it I shall have to check out Moonlit's Windows cube desktop to solve some of my VMware headaches. I must say $550 is a really good price and running Windows Server and a couple of xp clients is rather impressive. Oh and thanks to everyone who helped out. XD
  10. LoL at gateway going belly up (thanks for the heads up foo). I did have a look at the gateway for the price it looked ok but with that send I rather pay a little extra and get a brand I am a little more accustomed to. I personally can't say to much about dells seeing as I have never purchased one, however I have had a compaq once before and it died within the first six months. It was a really sod dropping it off to save on the 80 postage fee and waiting 3 weeks to get it back. I have heard nothing bur praise for Dell product and the way the handle damages under warranty. I had a look on their site and I have taken a fancy to the Dell™ Inspiron™ 1525 T4200 at $999.00 (I think I will order it later on). One in the middle XD http://www1.ap.dell.com/content/products/p...;l=en&s=dhs
  11. Ah ok coolies, I guess they call the slot on the laptop an expansion card slot then? (54mm slot)? or does it have a specific name (may be a dumb question) but a lot has changed since I last purchased a laptop. XD
  12. Ah thanks vector, So how do you go about chucking in a new wifi card that supports a change/better antenna in the newer fan dangled things?
  13. Hey Peoples of Hak 5, I recently acquired some funds and I am in the market for a new laptop for school (annoyed with the school's slow piece's of shit and am anal about desktop layout etc). So I figured I would consult the all mighty guru's in here. My budget: Is around the $800-900 Aus mark, however I am prepared to go to $1000 if the features are worth it. CPU: Not to fussy as long as it is speedy and can handle Visualization software smoothly, while doing some slight multi tasking. RAM: roughly 1gig min but more is always nice. HDD: 80 gig min but preferably 120 GB. GFX Card: Not to fussy seeing as it will largely be used for word processing and internet use. Screen Size: Something around the 15 inch mark, not fussy if it is slightly smaller just as long as it is no asus EEE. I would also like a PCIMA slot so I can chuck in a new wifi card that supports a RP-SMA connector down the track. A MMC/SD card reader would also be nice but this is not a must for me (just an extra that would be handy). I have noticed that most come pre-loaded with windows vista and would like to downgrade to Win XP. So something that has easy to find XP drivers would be really helpful seeing as I wont have to much time to stuff around with it due to assignments getting on top of me. It will also be a added bonus if it virtually supports ubuntu out of the box, I am contemplating a dual boot. P.S: I was look at the HP 550 15.4" Core 2 Duo NOTEBOOK but figured you guys will have better suggestions. Link: http://www.shoppingsquare.com.au/p_5571_HP..._2_Duo_NOTEBOOK Thanks in advanced to all who reply.
  14. Seriously who gives a toss about the pronunciation all anybody really cares about is what it does.
  15. lol didn't you state previously that you are 16 dr0p? I thought the legal drinking age was 20ish or some shit in the state's. Its sure good to be Australian legal drinking age of 18 and you can drink at any age providing its at a restaurant and you are with a legal guardian that approves. XD Dingle if you drop your wallet I would be kicking it home (ok I am all out of gay jokes now).
  16. *LMFAO @ Dingle* Your easily bought but at least the currency is alcohol. Dr0p well even if I have no anime on my desktop I at least have this as a hold me over. XD
  17. I could see this toy being one of this things that is fun for about an hour or so but winds up being stored away in a cupboard for the remainder of its life. If only we could do the same thing with children XD
  18. lol well the main thing that pissed me off was the endless amounts of writing to pass the module. I can understand that these days most people lack common sense. Well that's just it for me its more the learning factor, sometimes the best way to learn something is by breaking it then fixing it.
  19. ROFLMFAO @ liquid, the facial expression in the pic make it a CLASSIC, well done. Happy Birthday Darren or as us aussies would call ya Dazza. XD
  20. A lot of you guys have some kick ass taste in music, at the moment I am hooked on Alestorm PIRATE METAL!! Over the sea's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7sHLjI1sQE Captain Morgans revenge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoh67mT1K4E Wenches and Mead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csHTqMG7zUo Guitar and drums are not as good as the above songs and the lyrics are a little repetitive but I love the content, it makes for a great drinking song at the pub/bar with mates. Sample Lyrics: When I come back from a mighty quest I have no need for sleep or rest I head to a tavern for a drink And get so drunk I cannot think A wench by my side, a jug of mead These are the things that I most need So I sit back and sing this song And drink and party all night long Now if only some mob will bring out some NINJA METAL!
  21. Digip great job one the design front, it looks most awesome. Agreed Swathe why do us poor aussie folk always git stiffed *shakes fist* I want a BT sticker for my EEE! BT seem to be filled with slogans this time around but for the most part they are true and amusing.
  22. ZOMG Keiyentai, Quick hide or the gay dude is going to pounce and attacks Yooh! I kid I kid (sorry I so had to) XD Well at least your honest and have a sense of humor about it. By the way I have <3'd your previous desktop with that anime character in it. XD
  23. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    You maybe right on lan school trying to restart its self. So far I have found the best way to kill it is to get your hands on the initial setup .exe and use the uninstall option (works 100%). The only draw back is once you logout of the schools domain it obviously will be back on your task bar. Well thus far I have only tried one port listener and blocker, by the reports in here TCPview maybe able to get the job done. I will eventually get around to seeing if this works and post my findings on here (thats if someone isn't kind enough to do it before me).
  24. I lol'd, well at least your honest XD
  25. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Ah awesome, I think someone else mentioned TCPview earlier in here, I shall have to give it a whirl. Thanks for sharing XD
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