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Everything posted by shonen

  1. Well I can't exactly talk on behalf of apple after all the last mac o.s I used was the classic one in primary school. lol MAC get games now? shit I am bloody behind the times, I recall many years back when mac got myst and all my mac friends were raving about it. hey isn't mac based around Unix/linux or some shit like that?
  2. Yeah that is true. In any case windows will win hands down due to simplicity and gaming factor. Not that I have anything against windows other than the sheer price of the O.S.
  3. lol don't stress I was just messing with ya, besides I have busted your balls enough for one night.
  4. The USB switchblade maybe a little old now but it sure with stands the test of time and still is freaking AWESOME!
  5. pitty you can't choose 2, I am willing to bet a fair few of us in here dual boot.
  6. LMFAO now that is the funniest thing I have heard/read all day. You sure its a networking course and not how to be an a pornstar? With all that talk of cock piercings and ass shaving no wonder you hide with the head phones on, I would too! This is what happens when you take a IT course that is a complete sausage fest, networking needs more GIRLZ!! We have one curry in our course who is a dead set pissa, he puts on this gay voice and shit stirs one of the bigger boys by feeling up his man b00bs. lol it must be a networking thing *wonders if its the same for the people doing programing*. lol I would say sure supply your audio file for laughs but hey you still aint delivered on those pics you mentioned in a previous thread. Fuck i sound like a nagging WOMEN *gasp* Protip: Study multi-media they have some glams doing that course XD I got busted sneaking into that class room a few weeks back. One of the boys was getting stuck into me saying I was trying to pick up. My reply was well at least I have the balls to walk in their and aint a virgin. I could imagine your ice breaker if you did the same thing, ZOMG a GIRL I have read so much about you on wikkipedia. =P
  7. Thats a pretty good little tut for subnetting, if only I came across it about 8 months ago when I needed it for a bloody exam. It took me a lil while to get seeing as I am a little mathematically challenged but thankfully one of the dudes doing my course is almost through his CCNP, so he was a big help. Your method is pretty much the same as mine. Truth be told I need to a refresher seeing as I have never had to deal with subnetting since the exam. I did this tut on subnetting a while ago for some online mates and as a resources for myself. http://animeyakuza.freeforums.org/basics-o...-exam-t326.html I only got as far as subnetting class C addresses I believe that the formula changes slightly when doing A and B and that shit about classless addresses is like putting a blonde chick in a round room and asking her to find a corner. Ah YES those easily side tracked teachers.... I had those last year. I also had a bunch of n00bz in the class that should not be doing the course (seriously they got as far as the TURN ON button). Thankfully they either left or failed. Hey are any of my fellow networking students doing bullshit subjects as part of their course? By bullshit I mean ethics, project management or anything else that aint directly related to networking. I have a couple of said modules to complete and by Christ they are a complete waste of time that could be better utilized. Worst part is these subjects are really text book driven and require a shit load of writing after school hours.
  8. Yeap first year was a sod, 2nd is getting a little better due to a higher quality of teaching seeing as we don't have the same pin heads as last year. Personally I hope we cover cisco IOS, IDS/IPS and linux/Windows 2003 a fair amount this year *fingers crossed* So far it appears that my course isn't exactly well planned and we just cover the basics for everything (which is not what was advertised). If the teaching is really bad unfortunately you will have do do a fair amount of reading while balancing work handed to you in class. It also helps if you can pool together with fellow class mates for an info exchange. The only problem with this method is somethings are best explained by a knowledgeable teacher because a book wont answer all your questions. By doing this you do also tend to get confused about shit a little more than one would like. Networking isn't hard their is just a lot to remember and it's confusing in parts. Oh and sub netting sucks balls! lol you can do my 2^n math homework. XD All and all it was a wise move in posting in here, I do it myself and the fellas sure know their shit.
  9. About 6 months ago I was mucking around with wireless networks in my neighborhood. More often than not people like to use the area code and their home phone number or their mobile phone number for their "secure" password. I must say it makes for interesting prank calls once you have used net send, exploited a network attached printer with a few page of ALL YOUR BASE BELONGS TO US. XD Or in the event they don't use the phone number as their WEP key a lot of people have the computer name set to something like J-smith or some shit or there location is in the SSID which can easily be found browsing the online phone book. I did the above as a demo to one of my neighbors who I am on friendly terms with, I then secured his Access Point and was given a bottle of Jim beam black label and advised I can borrow his bandwidth if need be. XD
  10. lol well played frozen, I love it how you reversed deceptions comment *round of applause*. Check mate. for the record Frozen has my sympathy, last year I had a Indian teacher with a shocking accent, this wouldn't have been half as bad if the twit actually new his shit. Our class was pretty much the following, So how do you *insert random question here*? Just google it. Um I didn't pay money to get an education of google! Thankfully a lot of the guys in my class where skilled in different area's so we just borrowed a room in the library and taught our selves.
  11. Yeap I have found that out first hand Vector, No xp chipset driver among other things and its starting to look like a right royal pain in the ass finding half the shit (hopefully the drivers in those links work for me). Personally I would rather just use ubuntu and be done with it but as much as I like wine I don't wanna be using it for packet tracer among other things for class, it just starts to get a little to messy and annoying for my liking. I read that swathe had win 7 somewhere on here and I have been somewhat considering installing it. I know for a beta its allegedly pretty stable but I still have some reservations on using it. Not to mention that I need to leech some bandwidth to get the .iso, bloody capped already.
  12. that is one cool site and handy to have bookmarked. lol and for the record your a mean bastard, then again I am just jealous I didn't think of it first. XD
  13. I was doing some research into downgrading from Vista to Win XP to check out any potential hurdles I may find in my way. Anyways I was curious if any of the 1525 owners have done the same thing and what they came across. From my reading I found that if you don't go into the bios and change the HDD type from ATHA to ATA you can run into problems. Also read that this method didn't work for some and they had to get the sata driver provided on dell's website and chuck it on usb for install prior to windows EDIT Just read if you have a copy of win xp with sp2 on it the hard drive driver/bios aint an issue(can anyone confirm/offer advice). I also had a look at dells xp drivers and other than finding the one for the wireless card, modem I got a bit lost. However I did find this http://en.kioskea.net/forum/affich-24760-d...downgrading-how which supposedly has everything needed to get all the devices working. List of hardware can be found here: http://www1.ap.dell.com/content/products/p...;l=en&s=dhs Also I was planning on install both xp and ubuntu on the one hdd with diff partitions, but last time I did this on my desktop I ran into a couple of issue's and opted to install each on a separate hdd. Was wondering if anyone has come across a problem like this. So yeah any advice for what I should keep in mind or slight problems that may occur would be greatly appropriated.
  14. lol holy crap, you wouldn't want one of those exploding laptops anywhere near you down stairs area (their goes fathers day). Agreed, more than half the time I use my laptop laying in bed or placed on my lap while relaxing on the couch, I am not a huge fan of doing things at a desk. I do that all day in class and your back tends to tense up and become rather bothersome. You wouldn't think their would be to much of a difference from having your notebook on your lap or sitting on a table. The vents on the bottom are usually not even half a cm from being covered from your working surface. Moral of the story is when your notebook or any other computing device starts to heat up, turn the shit off and give it a rest.
  15. lol But chucking a shoe just doesn't have the same affect. XD
  16. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    That is a pretty neat work around Webjocky especially due to the overly protected desktop. Thanks for the share it was a interesting read. lol I wish you could still visit blocked sites via entering IP addresses. The only work around the guys have found thus far is using XB browser but by Christ is it slow.
  17. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Interesting find H@lo, Sounds like Vision has some pluses over Lanschool. lol Cheeky bloody app switching ports on you! By the way what do you have in mind for the chat thingie?
  18. Your totally right on that vector. Maybe I should have reworded it slightly, but if previous experience shows anything its that the older Acers use cheaper parts (not sure about their latest lines).
  19. Yeah thats True about the USB wifi products however I would also like the option of jacking in a bigger antenna. But for most people its a good solution. Thanks Digip, I will be having the same issue as swathe just as soon as the laptop is couriered some time this week.
  20. lol stuff the school, if anyone deserves their money back surely its this poor chap having to sit this bullshit course. I say a refund and just had the dude his piece of paper!
  21. I will agree that for cost and specs acer do provided the best deals, however I repair a fair few desktop's in my spare time and as far as prefab manufactures go for dying just after warranty or during it Acer are by the worst offenders. Most common issue is cpu fan or the GFX card. I also have 2 mates who are more techie than myself who purchased acer laptops, both cracked the shits with em and ended up putting their fist through the screen out of frustration *lol dick heads*. My cousin and his friend also had an Acer laptop that was purchased a year ago (same model but I cant recall what it is exactly), The hdd drive died in my cousins and he lost a bit of work for school and his friends screen kicked the bucket shortly after his. In both case's its only a couple of weeks after the standard warrenty. Unfortunately Acer are one brand I will never consider purchasing. But hey I hope I didn't Jinx your Acer *touch wood*
  22. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Just one quick update for now, on Friday a class mate decided to BYO laptop with Lanschool teacher viewer installed, I can confirm 100% that you can utilize it without joining the domain (incognito much).
  23. If its for Swathe's Dell 1525 laptop it would be one of the following wireless NIC's but more than likely the first one. Intel Pro/Wireless 3945 802.11 a/b/g Mini Card Wireless Intel Pro/Wireless Next-Gen Wireless-N 802.11 a/g/n Mini Card Wireless Standard laptop wireless cards are pretty useless for packet injection (except asus eee 701), hence why I wanted an expansion slot on the new one and thankfully the 1525 has one.
  24. LMFAO That was exactly the first thing that came to mind, buy one to FUCK with girlfriend. with that in the male arsenal no guy shall ever be placed on sex sanctions for forgetting to take the rubbish out on collection day.
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