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Everything posted by shonen

  1. lol You know you could have worded the title a little diferntly *points to sound relief* For some odd reason when I read the above, I had a mental image of some dude knocking one out/trying to hump a sub woofer. =P
  2. You have a point there but to make matters worse my memory is pretty damn dodgey. Its for this reason I hate most test's seeing as it boils down to memory retention.
  3. 4 Layers. Link, internet, transport and application at the top. To be honest I cheated and had to google it, its been a year since I have had to use that shit. If you were thinking the TCP layers would help in solving my initial question you are mistaken. Think in logical order and you will twig at how simple it is.
  4. Well talking about there tech related stuff prior to release does suck but is understandable, not mention you can work on other peoples equipment is a blessing seeing as NO ONE wants to be the neighbour hood tech guy who constantly gets asked to fix their gear for free but work perks, come on what can you gain from that other than bragging rights. *BUZZ* Correct but its also wrong, Application Layer is indeed Layer 7 but I mentioned layer 8 on purpose. I did this to test logical thinking and how hackers think outside the box. Here is a clue layer 8 is the cause of MOST technical/non technical issues and should be added to the OSI model XD
  5. LAWL I should have added that caption!
  6. Bah stupid sensative laptop. Ah well may as well use this post, Question what is Layer 8 of the OSI model? =P
  7. What the fugg nondisclosure agreement for work placed perks? what ever the fuck for? Don't tell me Dell are paranoid that a rival company would luar their staff away with a more attractive deal. lol Hex you should check the network shit here, cisco CCNA MCSE and even a degree = help desk. FTS on that one.
  8. I would hate to see the cost for the modular unit.
  9. lol The Bannana man on the toilet was a classic, I took the photo before I shut the door and left him there. It sacred the fuck out of my mother. XD I think handles/nick names are ok providing they aint to try hardish.
  10. I figured most of us would be of the same opinion, that truely is a dick head number plate, seriously some people with custom plates should be issued an on the spot fine from parking inspectors. Do my plush toy photoz make you RANDY BABY YEAH!!!!! =P
  11. Well done Mach and congrats are in order. Other than the nice paycheck what are the other work perks?
  12. Ok this maybe some half assed information and I personally have not used ethercap. However I did take a read of this tutorial some time ago and found it useful. http://openmaniak.com/ettercap.php I would suggest you do the same, that way you can come back and ask more specific questions so that the others who are more 1337er than myself can point you in the right direction. It may pay to set it up in a mini lab at home and trial it prior to doing it in a live production enviroment. As for the filter to inject the cornified code, hopefully dr0p will explain it in a little more detail if you ask really politly. XD Anyways hope this is some what helpful, sorry I cant be of more assistance.
  13. I also found this one in my account. Protip: Don't come home drunk and decided to mess with your 5 year old brothers plush toyz for lulz.
  14. I lol'd at ethan hunts comment. XD I concur with everyone else, vako's post was exceptional and stood out as always, even if it did lack his usually comical greatness and ZING! Now if you will excuse me I am off to to sell my comp gear for a new set of head phones and a couple of gig worth of the latest I-Dose crack. I wonder if it will make my ears turn yellow or fall off. =P
  15. I was cleaning up my photofuckit account when I stumbled across these pictures I took about a year ago. I was doing my morning run down to the shops for a packet of ciggas when this caught my eye and prompted me to go back with my digi-cam. He must eat his HaXor flakes. =P
  16. You have to give credit to cisco's marketing deparment for this one, I expect cisco's new line of security hardware is gonna cost a stack load more because of the production cost's of each of those episode's. I wonder when the cartoon networks will pick this up and we can see the kiddies playing with Wall and other action figures in the playground.
  17. Did you test your password strength against the USB switchblade?? =P My money is on the switch blade!
  18. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Will do mate, I forgot to d/l the beta version before heading out to class. Some pin head accidently sleeped in. XD I will let ya know how it went once I give it a whirl.
  19. LOL eating near the keyboard, damn that can't be hygienic =P
  20. Ah so you where THAT excited, not that I blame you. If its just going to be a test box, I agree with a few of the others and would run win server 2003/08 with VMware or some shit on it. Bare in mind depending on the specs/rolls of your server and total number of clients it could chug a little. Also if it is just going to be a test box and not placed live on your LAN I wouldn't bother purchasing a licesese..... That is unless you guys are aware of something I aint. bahaha yeap some of the server shit is bloody heavy, do you have a rack cabinet?
  21. I have no idea how hefound it, but damn did I laught at ZOMG BOT NETZ!!! and the character named wall.
  22. Well even if your boss is pretty laid back, it doesn't hurt to run it by him and get it in writing. With the legal bullshit out the way with it's full steam ahead! XD
  23. At first I had no bloody clue what it was, images are like drunkard vision on a late saturday night. XD Looks pretty sweet and I would be pretty pleased with myself too, you decided on what NOS you are stuffing in the sucker? For the record thats a small e-penis , it should be bigger with toys like that. XD hopefully when my near gear starts to roll in I will be topping you, so live large...... for now!
  24. A fellow class mate hit up my inbox with this and I got a laugh out of it, seems like everyone is getting into the marvel gig. Your Linkage here
  25. I lol'd @ Lopez. Is it safe to assume that the mojority of IT ninja's in here are either stoners or ex-stoners? I will admit I fall into the later catagory. I-dose the cheap mans high, fuck the credit crunch must be hitting you americans bad =P
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