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Everything posted by shonen

  1. I will start by saying its late and I am a lil confused with your first question but I shall try and have a crack at it, also I am not to 1337 when it comes to networking. First question: This is kind of YES and NO, more than likely each floor is on a serperate network. This could be done via IP addressing. For example floor 1 = 192.168.0.* Floor 2 = 192.168.1.* Floor 3 = 192.168.2.* notice the incrament after the second dot, by changing this you change the network a computer is located on (well for class C addresses anyways), hence they can only comunicate within the same network portion of an IP address. So if you are on the first floor network you will have to change you address to a differnt floor. I also believe the same thing can be achieved by subnetting an IP address block (correcting me if I am wrong on this). Its confusing and a pain in the ass to cover. XD For further reading consult google for the following: TCP/IP classes and subnetting. Also if the network is using cisco device's they can split it up via using VLAN's (virtual local area network). Basicly it allows you to sub divid ports on a switch so they are each there own network or a memebr of a certain network and can only comunicate with in the same vlan membership applied to that port. Once again they could have rigged it up as floor 1 = vlan 1 floor 2 = vlan 2 etc etc. Question 2: Networking best practice dictates that wireless should be placed on its own VLAN sperate from the main network. I would assume wireless is set as say VLAN 4. Hence the only connections you are gonna see are other clients connected to the wireless access point. The reason cain picks up nothing is no other wireless clients are connected and due to the wirless being situaited on its own vlan port it can not cross over to the wired side of things... if that makes any sense.. It could also be due to the wireless access point's DHCP (dynamic host control protocol) handing out IP addresses seperate from the other networks as mentioned in the above. Hope that helps and is some what understandable. P.S: Aint you supposably learning Linux? So why are you using cain??You should be practicing with Ethercap. XD But I will admit cain is pretty user friendly for MITM attacks. PSS: Don't be an ass hat within your apartment blocks network. =P
  2. lol at Hyde, fuck I missed this post twas gold. Anyways I finally got the routers and brackets in the other day and got to work on it today. Yes routers that I ended up getting were not the ones originally listed in the O.P, I was running low on funds and went for a 2621xm abd 2651. Meh it gets the job done for now anyways. So this is how its looking and it still needs a few more things and some work.
  3. For ultimate protection install some sign-age that reads TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT AND GIVEN A NEW ASS HOLE!
  4. The first one looks pretty mint mate.
  5. Roflmfao, Tim do the world a favor and recycle some icon's mate. Seriously how can you find anything? This is what happens if your parents don't bitch at you about having a clean room as a child. =P
  6. lol@ Razor's porn suggestion, or you could go door knocking and punch the TWAT in the face. =) There is a park not to far from my house and when I walk to the shops I always see different people sitting on the bench with a laptop out. One of these days I am gonna set up shop and have some fun with these people. Scorpion: That would be due to belkin being shit (well a fair few models of their's anyways). The whirlpool networking forum get posts like your pretty much every day and the solution is always the same. God help you and Fuck off the belkin gear.
  7. ROFLMFAO, I love English comedy!
  8. No need for a write up mate you have given me a fair amount of info as is and it is a nice work around instead of setting up an expensive server. Not sure how his boys are going to like having their admin rights revoked.
  9. Awesome, I never knew that and shall take a look at the linkage you provided. Thanks mate EDIT: Also if there are any hardware options available I would like to know. The idea is to give him a couple of options.
  10. I received an email from a friend of mine today who has had enough of his two son's having domestic spat's over the amount of bandwidth they each consume at home. In his email he made a point of specifying the following feature's. 1. Allocate download limits per machine. 2. Restrict download speeds per machine. 3. Create access control to internet, days/times/hours per machine. In a home environment I personally don't see the point of restricting download speeds per machine and scheduled time's for internet connections. The way I see it is he would get the results he requires by implementing just the download limits per machine. I made mention of this in my reply and am waiting on clarification to weather or not all the features are necessary. In a nut shell I am asking for advice as to what vendor equipment could be used and if there are any modd's or such to do this to reach a desired outcome. I did briefly mention that smoothwall could be used but I will have to take a look at the QoS options that are available seeing as I can't exactly remember what features are provided. Also seeing as this person is not exactly an avid techno nut, something with an easily configured web interface or such would be the way to go. I will more than likely be setting this up but I do not wish to turn into that "GUY" if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance for the help fellas, its much appreciated
  11. In the spirit of black hat edition to hack 5 I propose the only alcoholic beverage that can knocked back during the show is anything black label. Bring forth the top shelf shit!
  12. Its shit like the above that makes me glad I never rushed out and purchased an x-box. lol I will never forget the day my mate was talking up the 360 and how much better it is compaired to the PS3 (such a fan boy), during his rant in comes the RROD to save the day. Still think X-box is the shit?? me thinks not!
  13. lol F00 if it bothers you that much mate why don't ya just get a access point that supports client mode or modd a linksys with DD-WRT frimware...... Oh yeah because that would mean one less game in the collection. =P Nice SSID btw
  14. Found this on youtube, it maybe a lil old but its interesting non the less.
  15. I lul'd bad, could be worse though, shit could be 80's porno music. =P
  16. WTF how was that a double post *shakes fist*
  17. lol WOW if thats your idea of a dirty weekend you are either A: Married or B: needing to go to the mens gallary more. =P Yeah the command line is not fun if you have a really SHIT memory such as myself. I found it help full to write up a cheat sheet so you can quickly refernce commands until you have used them a few times and the shit sticks.
  18. Nope I wasn't aware of that, even still if the postage on most things from the states is anything to go by I am up shit creek without a paddle. XD Besides after my recent purchasing over the passed two weeks on cisco shit, I am flat broke.
  19. I second that, at the moment I am using a ripped copy of server 03 installed on my lab just for practicing stuff I find in the MCSE book, I would love to have a legit copy so I can have it live with all patches etc... but the cost is a killer. Maybe when I am done with the books I may look at a freeBSD solution to my money problems. Ah nice, we have a mod doing the same thing in my home state that have a massive wireless mesh grid setup, only thing is they do not provide free internet its more so a massive intranet. I may one day consider checking it out once I get a a hi gain directional antenna. Never knew that and that sure is funny!
  20. The only issue I have ever come across with the gui was in class running redhat in a virtual environment after a clean install. a fair few people were presented with the console screen on boot up. I swear it was funny watching people panic like their head was cut off (ZOMG NO GUI'z). In the end it was an easy fix startx did the trick. Funny thing was my install booted up with no issue's what so ever. I suspect some people didn't install the gnome or kde desktop on the install.
  21. damn they are bloody quick in releasing new versions. Thanks for the linkage dingle.
  22. Thanks for the info Stingray, should have figured it was a unix solution. =P Neinsager now WTF do you need all that for? lmfao
  23. Well going by the report on 60 minutes earlier today symantic suspect roughly 5 million computers are infected world wide. Thats a fair amont and I am surprised that the authors are still yet to use all of the drones. One thing that really got under my skin with that 60 minutes report was the constant use of the word "hacker" and how conficker is a result of hackers. Is it so hard for a media organization to wikki the word hacker and use the correct terminology for these malicious individuals.
  24. Ah nice one Rayman, Out of curiosity what o.s are you running your VPN on? you just using a windows xp machine, windows 2k server or something? Reason I ask is I am considering rigging something like this up myself. I was previously just using windows xp pro for VPNing on my desktop but I now currently have access to a server that I was considering using.
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