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Everything posted by shonen

  1. Yeah apple always seem to go after anyone who tries to mod their software in any way shape or form. Its a little harsh considering people are only making the original product more functional. The problem with average joe/jane (janes more so than joe's) is that when they are after a new techno gadget its all about the look and not about the practical features. Sure the iphone is a great toy but its rather gimicky. Computers on the other hand I will admit the O.S is pretty and user friendly (uninstalling apps is so awesome in apple) and the hardware is pretty specy.
  2. *I laughed pretty hard* Even though Trent took the piss out of apple nicely and he still managed to raise a valid point. Vako you would be spot on, like most apple products they are all fashion accessories and in some case's there are better products that can be purchased.
  3. ah shit, I was under the impression that ESXi supported sata, either I cocked it up or it is available in one of the updated release's. mmmm ....... *wonders off to check* Edit Yeap your spot on 3tek and the latest update doesn't correct this. Damn thats rather sucky, you would think they would support sata off the bat.
  4. Thanks for that fella's XD
  5. Just a word of warning a mate of mine has a dual core with 2gb of ram and has a win 2003 server running active directory, FTP and a VM server install running windows media center. Not sure if you will have the same issues but his box chugs like a fat bitch exiting an all you can eat baffet. You may wanna look into VMware's ESXi (FREE) and run all your shit in a virtual enviroment. The problem with VMware server is all its proccessing power is allowcated via the host O.S so obviously your win 2003 machine is gonna suck a good portion of it for its own thing as where the bare metal ESXi Doesn't have this issue/is a rather light install. Just an idea you may wanna consider and I am interested what the other's in here think.
  6. Hey I have two questions, 1: How come with cain & abel you don't need to fake associate with the access point using aireplay unlike BT3, is this something cain does automatically? 2: What was the manufacture/model of the wiresless device used in your video, from what I remember it was some sort of USB dongle.
  7. lol I have never bothered using cain to do wep cracking but it looks a hell of a lot simplier and quicker than using backtrack 3. Video and Audio is prerfect and it is well explained if you are not to fussy about the ins and outs of the technical detail behind it. Good tutorial for people just starting out and I give it my thumbs up. Keep up the good work.
  8. You know I always loved reading the Legal threats section on TPB, smug bastards I must say.
  9. it will be the best windows release thus far due to the fact they are actually listening to people for a fucking change! As for the auto run on optical media they should piss that off as well, it annoys me!
  10. oddly enough I understood all the short hand, weird thing is when I need it I can't recall fuck all. =P Yeah that is true about the IOS versions and sadly most of the shit we use are on 2500's which have IOS 12.1 I believe. 2500's lick balls and I much rather use the 1800's in the other room that I never have classes in. =P I personally stick to entering in a few letters and hitting the tab key or rely on my good friend the question mark. Hey have you guys done TFTP servers and putting encryption on your equipment? we just started the encryption shit last week but due to the shitty-ness of 2500's we are pretty much limited to tacacs (or how ever you spell it).
  11. Thats a really good crash course in router setup and commands. I am gonna copy and past this into my cheat shit list for future reference. I am down with the basic shit, like setting up VLAN's, interface's and all the show commands (didn't now about show brief though) but I cant for the life of me remember setting up static routes, EIGRP, RIP OSPF and access lists. Bad memory and not enough repetition. Do you always use the full syntax or was that just for making the tutorial ease to follow? In any case thanks again for the refresher on some the stuff and I learned a couple of handy things. XD
  12. lol it only took em a few variants of conficker to wisen up, I am with adminx and am glad to see the back of this annoying feature. It now saves me time on disabling this feature after a fresh nuking.
  13. lol I concur with you on the use of hubs but what can ya do when you don't get to hand pick your devices. Oddly enough after the teacher viewed my topogy he suggested to connect the wireless AP to the hub instead of the switch. I was like =0 are you for really? thats a security issue, hubs forward packets on all ports and you are just asking for someone to run a packet snifffer! *shakes head* Ah thanks for the info hex, routing protocols and static routes have never been explained to us. We just blidly enter commands into a router not knowing what half of em do. So jah lots of side reading from my ICND book when I have the time. mmmm I should really get off my ass and download the CBT nuggets CCNA shit. Not to bad on the cisco test scores, I did one of them a last year for a laugh and scored %55, which was surprising since I knew nothing about cisco and only knew some bare basic's.
  14. Fuck I am so awesome I get to double post, GO ME! =P
  15. lmfao why waste a perfectly good flat pannel go for a CRT =P Besides you need something harder than a flat pannel for mentioning using windows 98,95! After watchintg last weeks ep of hack.5 and finding the brief talk Matt gave very interesting, I did some research and decided to chuck ESXi on my Dell Power Edge 2650 (installing as we speak). From the reading I have done the shit looks pretty mint! XD
  16. lol changing the cabling was a little mean but fuck was it funny. ZOMG you have girls in your class? The closest thing I have are a few guys with man b00bs, so not fucking fun! I demand some eye candy. I did something stupid the other day in class that I will share, however my own stupidity was over shadowed by my teachers comment in correcting my networking problem. Our teacher chucked a LAN up on the board and our job was to move devices in this topology to make things more centralized and practical, once done we had to configure it in packet tracer (x1 router x1 switch x1 hub x8 PC's, x3 servers x1 wireless access point x2 wireless clients) . Anyways I did the topology shit with no issue and used the auto cabling option due to being lazy, I set my addressing and enabled a bunch of services on the three servers. With that all done it was time to ping across the network which I segmented up using two different IP classes which resulted in fail. I double checked my address to see if I cocked it up and everything was fine. So I issued another ping which again resulted in fail *insert fucking packet tracer in here. My teacher over heard my little verbal out burst and asked what the problem is and took a look at my router. his reply was, Um obviously its not going to work seeing as you haven't issued a routing protocol you fool. I was like WTF? You only need a routing protocol if x2 or more routers are being used (which was debated heavily by myself and other students). Anyways I took another look at that router and it turns out I cocked up IP addresses on the fast Ethernet interface's (I applied them the wrong way around for the two networks). Damn I do some stupid shit. =P
  17. I don't own a Wii or any of the other latest and greatest gaming consoles, however the wii modding didn't really bother me. I guess this is due to me not having any console or the need to look this kind of shit up on the interwebs. But I am considering doing this to my cousins nintedo wii (who has lots of PAL games). The show did have a lil techno lust in it *points to matt's VM segment*, granted it was all theory driven this episode but it has laid a solid foundation for future awesomeness and I for one am looking forward to the rest of his segments on this topic.
  18. Nope, I think I can speak for myself and swathe when on this one. When we mean "OUR" own, were referring to our fellow country men/women "Australian's", Color is not an issue! FYI I didn't mention weather I did or didn't help people in my own backyard. You sure do like to assume everything and know absolutely nothing aye mate? Excuse me while I hop on my magical carpet and fly off to the gum drop land of make believe, where everyone is generous and the female population have choc chip nipples! .
  19. digip don't you just love that, we have a guy in our course who is in the same sort of boat as you (Has been working at an ISP for 9 years and comp hardware prior for 10 all self taught, yet no certs) Its actually handy having people like this in class because they are quick to point out how little is actually used in the real world and how little you know without all that experience. On the upside you won't have to worry about being one of those paper CCNA's, going by mates who working the industry there are plenty of them out there. I love the stories I get told like this one for example. I handed this new guy a MITRJ connector and he had no idea where to plug the damn thing in, fucking paper CCNA"s using packet tracer. =P but meh I am not even at the paper CCNA level yet so I can't exactly talk. ^_^
  20. swathe hit the nail on the head, there are enough problems in one's own backyard. The only exception to this rule are natural or other devastating disasters that come once in a life time.
  21. I have almost done that a few times myself on here. Some of the mods should come with one of them goverment health warning type things mentioning that reading this post may cause damage to your electronic gear.
  22. lol take some cisco shit home to make up for the low pay... with that much stuff no one will notice. XD I now know why they call it hardware XD
  23. lol whats the bet one week after the OP does this we have his son on this forum asking how to remove the shit. OH THE IRONY!
  24. lol if he ever starred in a porno that would make a fitting title. XD
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