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Everything posted by shonen

  1. ROFLMFAO that is gold especially spilling the beer on the NAS. I bet it wasn't so funny when it actually happend. NAS's the new geek beer coaster!
  2. Cheers for that extra piece of advice and especially the one on ndiswrapper not supporting monitor mode, I would have tried it a little down the track and been all like WTF NOW! Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that the inbuilt wireless card supports monitor mode but not packet injection. So as for getting some wifi fun on I would be waiting a hell of a long time. I am contemplating getting another card for the expansion slot when I come into some extra funds. Sorry the keyboard explanation is a little vague but to be honest I have no idea what is causing it. I gave it a lil thought after following your suggestion and I am starting to think it may not be the keyboard but the mouse pad. To be more spacific I think it has something to do with the sensativity when double tapping the pad to open applications and what have you.... but I could be wrong. mmmm *wonders off to find the mouse config shit in ubuntu*
  3. Yeap that would be the one, first thing I did when I got it was nuke vista back to kingdom come. currently got it dual booting win xp and ubuntu. I tried to use the restricted drives as soon as I noticed it wasn't working but didn't have any luck with it. Maybe my laptop is suffering from PMS or its an ubuntu 8.10 thing *shrugs*. In any case its all working now and I am pretty happy. Next time I format I will download and use the latest version of ubuntu (I probably should have done that from the start. I still have one minor issue to work through and I honestly have no clue how to do it (and I am to tired and CBF searching). They Keyboard seems a bit temperamental and loads shit without me really clicking on it and is a right royal pain in the ass.
  4. Thank you so VERY VERY much Backbone, this has been pissing me off immensely all bloody day! w00t you have restored some sanity!
  5. ok awesome I will commit that command into memory. as for the ndiswrapper I have heard of it before but have no idea what it is or how to install it (yes yes I know I suck). =P guess its google time but a hand would be much appreciated
  6. Done, lol I fail to understand any of this shit but I am sure you are only after this part. But just in case full out put is bellow
  7. Hey guys can someone please help a linux n00b before I crack a shit fit. I have ubuntu 8.4 installed on my Dell insperion 1525 but have a few issues with the ubuntu wireless 1395 802.11g Mini card not working (I believe its broadcom) After my initial install of ubuntu I download all of the 260+ updates required and also consulted the hardware drivers option under administrator and enabled the Proprietary Drivers for Broadcom STA wireless driver I get the following. 1: Wireless card seems to be working seeing as I can scan for networks however when I try to set the WPA2 key in the networking manager it always resets it back to the WPA 2 type. 2: When I do an ifconfig my wifi card shows up as eth1 (I always thought wireless was Wlan or wifi something or other). 3: It can not associate with my access point If you need any more information feel free to ask and please post the command line in simple terms so I can get my head around it seeing as I am by no means fluent in Linux CLI. Thanks in advanced.
  8. I am usually dead against beating a women but after seeing that boxy youtube shit I am adding an exception to my rule! Rule of thumb anyone?
  9. Thanks for the info guys, I will take a look at your recommendations,
  10. That is bloody interesting and a fantastic idea. I would love to set something like this up myself but money would be a major issue (don't you just love the shitty-ness of being a student). I am not much of a coder but once you get back be sure to chuck up your scripts. Thanks for the share, this is bloody awesome
  11. shonen

    zero punctuation

    I lol'd, thanks for the morning dose of laughter, my day is off to a fantastic start. The first time I came across Yahtzee was after a big night of drinking with a mate, we ended up going back to a friend of a friends house who just so happens to be a programmer for EA Games. Anways said ED dude introduce me to one review where he took the beat down stick to programmers at EA, Damn I was drunk and laughed my nipples off. Was awesome I also got to play/preview a couple of games a year before release. I have to ask what is your fav review from Yahtzee? I always loved the smash brothers brawl and mail bag one seeing as I hate smash brothers brawl with a passion. God I wanna slap my 20 something friends when we have drinks and they want to play that god awful piece of shit!
  12. lol I kind of got lost with this part /v23[10:99]/[1:99]/[1:99]/RANDOM/ care to explain what the 1:99 are?
  13. good luck if your ISP only provide static and not dynamic IP addresses. Some ISP are not so quick to respond to such issues and this goes double for Indian technically support staff who think that unplugging and plugging your router/modem back in corrects all ISP related issues. XD
  14. I personally have always hated facebook and the above just validates my hatred for all profile sites. Thats a great find dingle and I could see this as fun for messing with people I know IRL who use facebook. I get most of it bar the finding the 4 digit pin part, care to enlighten us n00bish type folk? In any case interesting reading and thanks for posting
  15. shonen

    zero punctuation

    Firstly sorry in advanced if someone has posted a similar topic in here, I did however do a quick search and came up empty. Anyways seeing as sharing is caring and have found that most members of the hak5 community like to indulge in sarcasm and quick wit I thought I would introduce you folk to Ben Yahtzee Crenshaw. Yahtzee is a British-born, currently Australian-based writer and gamer who brings a unique and refreshing prospective to game reviewing. I have been following his work for about a year now and eagerly await his latest installments every Wednesday, but hey don't take my word for it check out his Saints Row review which is highly amusing http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...12-Saints-Row-2 Latest installments can be found at http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation enjoy
  16. Yes indeed, freeforums was once a kick ass free forum hosting which has descended into the depths of shitty-ness. My old forum is still up and somewhat active, just not as many post's as their use to be, but that's more than likely due to my awesome-ness not swinging by dishing out verbal shellackings to n00bs. *sighs* OH the good ol days.
  17. Aww I missed out on the glory days of the Commodore 64, I remember having a game or so at a friends house when I was young. I also remember that weird Amistrad thing that ran on cassette tapes and the Amiga 500. My first comp was a shitty intel MMX with stuff all ram/hdd space and a craptastic 36.6k dial up modem *YEAH BABY* Well I could see how writing your own app's would be kind of cool but the amount of time required to be able to grasp a lot of it would seriously do my head in. Hell I have enough trouble coming to grips with VBS scripting (I get about as far as echo). =P I use to be right into Java and html when I was 14, I only got into it because I came across this haXor messing with the old beseen html driven chat pages changing font type/size and inserting on mouse over functions into the url part of his handle among other things. But its been so long since I have messed around with that shit that I cant remember any of it. Damn dude h3%5r3w you have got a fair amount of shit under your belt. I was thinking about doing multimedia early on but it seems every tom dick and harry can do it now days and as far as job's go you hit the nail right on the head. I have to agree on networking not being very common (especially when you get into the nitty gritty) and for the most part its interesting and enables you to do some pretty cool stuff at home.
  18. shonen


    Dude my stomach is hurting LMFAO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUT1QTMRVZs...t=1&index=2 Dr0p any relation/friend of yours? Oh shit now I let the cat out of the bag. XD
  19. Yeah your right and on the upside this shit will take a year of my university Bachelor. Only thing is when I last had a quick look at course's I didn't notice anything that was purely networking related. I personally wanna avoid the physic's and math shit involved with comp science and have no real patients for the programing side of things with information systems.
  20. Actually I was using freeforums for my Anime friends a while back, personally I find those constant adverts fucking annoying and they did some weird shit with the Forum layout with one of the newer versions. Still for free you can't exactly complain about adds. We did find a web hosting in Aus that gave 500mb for $5 a month which I would be happy to pay for not having add's placed all over the BBS. lol Yeah tell me about it, my speeds blow. If I had (could afford) a fast ISP I would be running something like Apache and getting my VPN shit on.
  21. Hey peoples I was just after some input from you wise folk. I was tossing around an idea in class today to register for a domain name and web hosting so we could have our own private class forum on the interwebz. I haven't exactly done my research on it but I was curious as to roughly what size hosting would be sufficient for a forum with only a handful of members (I was thinking maybe 500mb). Personally I don't wanna spend much seeing as we are all chipping in a few bucks. Also any suggestions as to what type of forum board to upload would be greatly appreciated.
  22. shonen


    Yes we do and a really hot one =P ask for her phone number and dr0p will supply booze XD
  23. I laughed pretty damn hard at that! So hard in fact I got that weird look from people thinking wtf is so funny ya twit. Vector WINZ, FLAWLESS VICTORY...... FATALITY.
  24. Yeah you are right about that, sub netting is something you have to do regularly. I personally don't use the sub net calculators at all, sure they are handy but in a test environment they are a no go. The only thing I will use is my scientific calculator due to lazzy-ness and not wanting to screw up an exam from a miss calculation on my part. If you can memories the sub netting table I posted in the link you can quickly write it up and have a lot of information right in front of you for when doing exams and its good to double check somethings against. hows this I got into class today and 2 of the guys recently dropped out after 8 months in, when I inquired as to why I was told they are sick of the shit teaching and the bullshit subjects we have to do (Project management, ethics etc). I can't exactly blame em I am starting to become overly feed up myself however I will stick the shit out. Fuck its really disappointing though, I could have learned more posting in forums and reading cisco and MCSE shit.
  25. I would like to nominate Sparda for the best comment of the day award! LOL
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