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Everything posted by shonen

  1. LOL well my state is always without bloody power *shakes fist* god damn annoying heat wave. Awww I wanted picture's you sure take the fun out of fundamentalist swathe =P Speaking of pictures why hasn't the OP delivered? Don't mind me I enjoy taking the piss.
  2. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Just a quick update I ended up having a crack at using Winsock Packet Editor Pro (inspired by H@l0_f00's great idea previously). The idea was to see if I could capture packets that executed commands from the teacher viewer and inject them into the student without using the Teacher viewing software console. The result NO good, I ended up doing a search on google and I stumbled across a thread stating that they corrected this sort of thing since the previous versions. apparently some smarty pants had the same idea and had some java app that did the same thing (but actually worked). Well..... That is unless I cocked something up, but I am going to take another look some to later. Also I found a nice reg edit that allows you to scan all the channels (1-255) from your Teacher viewer without the need to constantly install and uninstall. I have it floating around on USB somewhere but CBF going to get it. I shall post it a little later. Lastly I tried a program (forget the name of it processor something or rather) but its basically a better version of task manager that kill's running processors, tried on LAN school with no luck. Thank you so much for pointing that out and making me look like a complete tool, much appreciated *not to self read postings more thoroughly* XD I got that some treatment last year, thankfully teaching this time around is much better. I bloody laughed at the conveniently placed backdoor. Tisk Tisk! Say what were you studying at tafe if you dont mind me asking. Landesk and ABcontrol sound a lot like lan school, Geez you would think these developers would have better security measures. Bwahahhaha Netsend like messages, that's gold.
  3. ZOMGZ They are attacking our Technolust! I wont stand for this, send in the attack kittens. blasphemy I sentence you to skull two bottle's of scotch.... Oi don't give me that look, make like a nike add and JUST DO IT! =P
  4. LMFAO Who would honestly use that? By christ you would look like a total TWAT! lol WOMEN! Needz more PINK! XD /insert shovanistic male pig comments below.
  5. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Believe it or not, I suspect most will choose the later, I personally have no interest in myspaz, msn and other type accounts. The reason I asked is for two reason's 1: I have 6 computers in my lab/4 in the main house and I was thinking about using the software on my one LAN (especially seeing as I have a couple of younger brothers). 2: This week in class we are building a client server network, once its done our teacher is allowing us to break it and mess with eachother. Once done we have to try and secure it. But yeah Dingle is right and that comment does fall in the Haxor me skoolzn type. Not my smartest post in here and sorry to debunk it into shitty-ness.
  6. Flash photography damages google earth servers or is it just camera shy. XD
  7. What you are saying makes perfect sense. I am not much of a coder and personally don't enjoy it but I suspect that's largely due to the fact I suck balls at it. I just started doing VBS as part of my networking course for automation and it all goes w00sh over my head. XD *I tip my hat to you* For having the patience to go to the effort of re-inventing the wheel, in the long run it will certainly pay off for ya.
  8. Work?? Oi don't use such dirty four letter words. XD lol No need to test it, I constantly swap between wifi and ethernet on my laptop all the time. Get yourself Back track and a supported wifi card and do some REAL testing XD No problems glad I could be of help mate.
  9. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    One thing I will give to our Tafe's IT Department is they at least had the foresight to setup a bios password, however nothing was stopping me from cracking the case open while a teacher went out for a lengthy coffee break and remove the battery. lol I feel ya, I am an avid forum junky and try to keep things to a minimum myself. I figured as much every Aussie who is into comp security usually stops by Ausphreak once in there lives. I use to post on the forum and hang in the IRC channel about a year and a half ago, Not so proactive now but I still keep in touch with some of there members. From what I hear they aint so proactive now days, that greypages they setup was totally kick ass. Thanks for the heads up mate, if I get some time and my download speeds aint being a sod I may take a look at it sometime tomorrow. I am curious to see the difference between Vision and Lan School. LOL That would have blown a few peoples minds, I did this in class to recover a password for a VM machine of windows, IT department forgot the Administrator password, useless bastards. Funny thing was I didn't feel like working that day (hang over) and I wanted 5 minutes before lunch time before I announced I found the password. XD I tried the exact same thing for a Admin pass on a local machine to no avail, I suspect I need better rainbow tables than the default stuff supplied with Ophcrack. Lastly seeing as some of the posters in here use LAN school and its almost back to school time I am interested to hear how other people went trying azza and I's work around.
  10. everything is always politics. poli = a french word meaning many tics = Those annoying blood sucking creatures. nuff said.
  11. lol your post is a little confusing to read but its more than likely just me and a lack of sleep. Anyways if you are asking if your wireless AP has encryption and you try to connect to it via ethernet cable will it by pass the need for a WEP/WPA key, your answer is YES it does. The encryption only comes into play with wireless clients. Sorry if I miss read your post, I thought it was a how to setup a network type question.... my bad.
  12. Most home wireless access points are a Router/dsl modem and wireless access point all in one, so you may not have to connect the access point into the router or modem per say. More details required post model numbers please. But to answer your question yes you can have a completely wireless LAN network, sharing folders and internet connection. Generally speaking Router connected via ethernet to access point. then your laptop associates to the wireless AP and the router does its thing. The only part you may cock up and run into problems is assigning IP numbers and the possibility of having your AP and Router set to defaults and both are utilizing DHCP. If you want to have IP addressing assigned for you, Disable DHCP in the router and leave it on the access point. If you are anal like me and like to know the IP of your computer just give each device and comp one manually in windows or if your AP permits reserve a IP address via MAC address . Protip set IP addresses to router and access Point yourself, you will need to have these at a unchangeable address for future networking needs. Rule of thumb First 2 numbers for networking device's rest for computers. EXAMPLE: Router, AP, laptop and so on for other comps. subnet mask, Default gate way and DNS set to where ever your internet comes from (if its a router/modem it will be As for encryption WEP = was easily penetrated (can be cracked in 10 minutes) use WPA or preferably WPA2. Also don't forget to change the default AP and router login's. Hope this helps
  13. LMFAO You are spot on with your pre 90's IBM analogy. As much as I appreciate the power of a CLI I am constantly forgetting commands and a have a very extensive quick reference cheat sheet and that's just for the nix stuff. Meh its gonna be fun doing it all over again for cisco commands. Thankfully you can load a GUI into most of there equipment now days W00T. Damn don't ya just hate when you get confused or the school miss advertise course's. I originally thought mine was just cert 4 (was planning to do cert 4 at one place and then go to a Tafe closer) to my area. Turns out it is a accelerated course and covers cert 4, dip in networking and advanced dip in network security. So yeah if I change I get no credit for anything. Yeah a dude in my class passed his CCNA last year, smart ass got 98% he decided to do it all in the one go due to cost. Still its a lil risky and you wouldn't wanna fail. I think that same guy is up to the 2nd part of CCNP. Sucks that you don't get a discount on the MCSE all that stuff gets expensive, on the upside you will be slightly ahead of the game with both MCSE and CCNA. I know a few people who just read books with no proper teaching and failed. When I read that I was totally like =0 Dude you so have to post pictures, I demand eye candy!
  14. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    That is down right crazy DiggleBerries, it would be nice to save time booting a virtual machine. I will definetly check it out and hopefully I can get it all working. Thank you very muchly. WOW I like where you are heading with this concept H@l0_f00, it would be pretty funky to get that working not to mention very educational. Unfortunitly I have no idea how you would tackel it. In any case its a brillant idea. By the way dose Vision utilize a password for a teacher to connect to the student machines or is it like LAN school? Lan School findings I took another look at the software today both on my home lan and via a google. Port Blocker: I first had a crack at Sparda's port listener/blocker suggestion (I used the program he kidly provided). Lan School runs on TCP port 796, now if I am in the teacher viewer watching the students desktop, the minute I block port 796 the teacher loses the displayed desktop connection and goes back to the computer name list when you first launch the program and the port listener turns its self off (WTF?). Then all the teacher has to do is click on the computer name and its back to viewing your desktop as normal. Also on the odd occasion the teacher view has crashed completely. I also did some reading after checking this out on the official Lan school page and they claim that even if you block a port with firewall LAN school still runs as per usually. Aparently this was a bug in older versions where students with a little to much desktop access would just install and block it in a firewall. I guess this another one of those things I will add to the confirm list. Password required? I had a really good look for an option to enable password both on the install process and in the options when install and I can confirm 100% that you can't set one (which works out well for students such as myself). I took the liberty of double checking Lan Schools official website and found the following: Linkage: http://www.lanschool.com/lanschool/technical-advantages "f you suspect a student is using a unauthorized teacher console, you can quickly identify them with the security monitoring tool. It captures all LanSchool activity to a log file. There is also a "secure" version of LanSchool that requires teachers to enter a password to open the console." I suspect that the secure version with passworded connectivity would cost a little more and if your school has already purchased the unsecure version's license at $800 per class room, they will be in no hurry to do it all over again. Not to mention the time and effort required for the implamentation of the new software. Key Logger in LAN school As I mentioned in the first post it comes with a inbuilt key logger. When Azza and I original got the teacher view working it was the first thing we checked out but unfortunitly it doesn't log jack all. I tried to test the logger on my own LAN today to see if it was some setting or something to do with the schools network. Unfortunitly I got the same thing and so did Azza when he tested it on his lan. My best guess is maybe this feature is a part of the secure version. Anyways it go me thinking, seeing as with LAN teacher you can upload files to the remote computer and execute programs from a path name I was wondering if anyone could suggest a deccent keylogger that has no install process (I was planning on googling it mysely but I decided to do this posting first). What if two Teachers are viewing? This was one thing I was slightly concerned about, as it turns out both teachers are oblivous to eachothers presance. Kick ass!
  15. Moonlit that just screams out AWESOME in all its many forms. Great post and I will have a crack at this sometime this week.
  16. Awesome I will book mark em for when my net is back at full speed. my mother is currently reading some book about the chap but I can't recall what its called, I shall ask in the morning.
  17. I moderate a Anime forum with a large Aussie contingency at one point we started to get a few American guests. The minute these poor people posted they instantly got brought into the whole WAR debate and it spiraled into one giant cluster fuck of insults. The thing I couldn't comprehend is ever American guest we had didn't agree with his policies or like him in the slightest and yet they still copped a fair amount of flak for it. People often forget that a Government is suppose to represent the people but more often than not this is never the case. I can tell you guys right now that the minute Obama was elected a great sigh of relief was breathed from the global community. I can't help but feel some what sorry for Obama due to the fact he inherited one massive mess and the expectations of not just his fellow country men but also of the world. With that said he sure as hell hit the ground running. I would hate to be a stand up comedian in these financially turbulent times, with bush gone writing witty material would be a right royal bitch.
  18. lol but it aint his rig it belongs to his educational institution. XD Nice! I am yet to have a good fiddle with the cisco gear as of yet and even then it will be some virtual environment crap like packet tracer. Don't get me wrong its a good tool and all but virtual stuff just doesn't flick my switch. A few months ago myself and 5 other students turned our crappy mid 90's hardware lab room into a fully functional network with new work stations, Routers switches, wireless and a servers. twaz bloody awesome and I got to have my first real go at cisco equipment but I had to work out how to reset the password (damn IT department hand me downs). But yeah that level on hands on stuff was great and i learned more in that week than the 1st year of my course. Our Teacher decided to setup a small LAN so students can do stuff outside of our usually norm of a virtual environment (he hates the idea of Virtual too). God we need more teachers like this dude. Hey when you finish your course are you cisco certified or is yours kind of like mine where you learn some MCSE Cisco and CEH stuff but don't obtain the official certification?
  19. lol getting rid of bush is another one of the most AWESOME things you American's did and was about bloody time. Meh stuff bush I am a Brazilian kind of guy myself.
  20. Yeap they are trying the same thing in Australia. From a poor student prospective I am all for having large sums of money chucked my way. But will it help the economy.... I think not, I am a geek and will spend that money on tech shit, said tech shit is made in Asia hence the bulk of the money goes over sea's only a small portion goes to the retail sectors. In our last package Australia consumes lashed out and purchased LCD or Plasma TV's with there hand out. So its not purely the I am a geek factor. From my limited understanding in economics investing in vital infrastructure (schools hospitals etc) is the way to go, it keeps money within a country employee's people within that country while the projects are being developed and has a flow on effect with teaching nursing staff and what have you. I think its most awesome that the American's are taking a cleaner greener approach (about bloody time), global warming arguments a side at the end of the day we all want clean air. LMFAO thats ironic seeing as I am a smoker =P
  21. Great Idea for a topic, I personally have always wanted to get into the wardriving scene but the lack of a vehicle and funds for equipment prohibits me.
  22. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    I couldn't agree more its stupidity like this that makes the rest of us average n00bs look bad. If there is one thing I love about the hak5 episode's and its community is it doesn't just arm you with technical know how but it also has strong emphases on the ethical side of things and having the correct mind set. Just because you can doesn't always mean you should. I don't get why anyone would wanna do damage to your schools network the saying you don't shit where you sleep springs to mind. Out of curiosity seeing as you are a fellow Aussie and all do you or have you knocked around the Ausphreak community at all? Your CCNA teacher sounds exactly the same as mine, he only use's it for lending a hand or in the event he gets bored, he likes to take the piss the funny bastard. Actually my lack of student ID and my desktop in his viewer aroused suspicion when he was messing with the class, I just told him I unplugged my cable so you can't bother me which he responded with fuck your no fun. XD Yeah I was curious to know if the software works outside of the domain myself, that was one of the things I was planning on testing sometime next week if one of the guys bring in a laptop and the IT department haven't fixed it (which I highly doubt).
  23. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Thanks for that Vako I never knew the gui version could map out topologies, I have only ever had exposure to the CLI Linux stuff. Last time I tried to scan the schools network I am pretty sure the IDS kicked in and slammed the door in my face due to the large number of Syn's being sent. I shall be chucking that on my to check out list. I though so to, the only thing I neglected to post was the link to download the LAN School software and the crack, reason being I neglected to send myself the link for the rapid share download during class (I was having a hard enough time hiding what I was doing from my teacher) and posting warez on here would surely equivalent to a breach of policy /instant flame. But yeah if you only wanted to disable the app so teachers cant hijack your desktop Sparda's suggestion was far better than my own. If you wanted to be an annoying twat (not that I encourage it) all ya need is to know how to use VMware which is a piece of piss and doesn't require a guide IMHO. Agreed you shouldn't be able to tap in just because you have access to the software, as I mentioned I am pretty sure it doesn't have an option to support passwords and even if it did I guess it would mean a little more over head's for our schools IT department. I was going to confirm it today and have a better look at it but its 45 degrees here and I am suffering a bad case of CBF syndrome (I shall do it tomorrow). By the way when you say AD do you mean active directory? (that went a little over my head). lol Yeah our Administrators like to be pretty tight on the level of desktop access we have (we can't right click either). On the funny side they do all this stuff and I have still found the odd oversight. We have a computer in the library with a specific purpose for changing your student login password. Its basically a Web browser only minus the Bar at the top for entering url's, back forward buttons etc. The same class mate who helped with the above and myself discovered that you could change any students password who previously changed there's. All you had to do was use a short cut for the back button on a web browser (alt and back arrow). Once that was done you had the students user ID, special word and a blank screen to input your new password. Granted they are only crappy limited user accounts but we could use that to access that student's email. The class mate I was working with in the above and I were discussing that we could create a batch file, to ping its loop back address to buy us time to leave a comp with the stolen student login, then get it to run a a crap load of net send commands (yes the admins didn't even disable that). In the end I talked my mate out of it because it is rather skiddy and whats the point of being an asshole who ruins someones day. We knew we could do it that was enough. please do h@lo_foo I would be most interested as to who you tackled this project and how it all went.
  24. Agreed a sniffer wont do stuff all without a man in the middle, the only exception would be if you are situated on a hub seeing as packets are sent on all ports unlike switches, only the computer with the corresponding MAC address to the header information in the packet accepts it all others simply drop it. These days it's rare for anyone to use a hub, I have only ever came across them in some internet cafe's seeing as they dislike paying money for infrastructure. I am not to familiarized with ethercap (only read a bit here and there) but if you where after something with a purdy gui and a lot of documentation and video tutorials it may pay to check out Cain & Abel (windows). I know windows makes one feel slightly less 1337 to the nix apps but meh you are only interested in poisoning the ARP table. if your interested http://www.irongeek.com have some really good tutorials and youtube also has a nice collection.
  25. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    lmfao Trust one of your guys to come up with a quick fix and here I was thinking that my method was really simple. /facepalm =P Thanks a lot for the advice and the linkage Sparda your a gun and yeah I was planning on checking out what port and stuff it utilizes in my home lab running a sniffer. Thanks Vako I am glad it gets your thumbs up. It seems our admins are pretty good and I am yet to be blocked from downloading stuff (some days I do go through a fair amount). Yeah they do restrict sites and unfortunately hak5 is one of em. A while ago I had a VPN setup so all was good but at the minute my network is a little chaotic and in need of repairs (band aid solutions for the moment). By the way this maybe a silly question but how would one go about working out the network topology? My best guess is with nmap or something?
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