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Everything posted by shonen

  1. Thats pretty cool however I could see someone accidentally stepping on it and going ass over head. The hak house must be the new reality TV show, only minus the slutty-ness and mind numbingly boring factor.
  2. Thanks for that, I have seen a couple of those before and I may just watch em again.
  3. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Ah cool, do you mind sharing a lil as to how you killed the processes with vision? When I initially tested Lanschool against sparda's port listener/blocker I captured a session in wire shark and I don't recall seeing any UDP traffic in there. Hopefully I will knock over my assignment before the weekend so I can have another fiddle.
  4. It antecedently fall out of my pocket while I was getting a lighter and a smoke. Next thing I know USB speed hump. XD
  5. Thanks for the explanation Trajik, what you are saying makes perfect sense. I am a lil rusty myself seeing as I only covered some of the basic TCP/IP fundamentals in mid December.
  6. Yeap wireless adaptor/wireless network card which ever way you wanna look at it. EEP inventory control, still it would be better than doing ethics. My god did that shit piss me right off. Its common sense for crying out loud. Mr Makay from south park could have summed the 6 month module up in one sentence HACKING IS BAD MMM KAY!
  7. lol Well thank FUCK I didn't crack on to you, that could have went down really bad for me. XD
  8. ZOMG BT4 Do want, good timing to seeing as I accidentally r00ted my live usb. lmfao God damn you Bakb0ne your fucking insect had me trying to squish it on my screen. Your sig is the new rick rolled. well played. Yet another sucker!
  9. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    That was exactly the first thing I did and it provides a shitload of TCP packets very quickly (yes I know you can stop it so you can view it) The hard part is making heads or tails out of the collected data. I will have to do some more reading and have a fiddle. The main problem is time (god damn assignments).
  10. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    H@l00 you explained it perfectly fine the first time around (I should have been clearer in what I was trying to do with your idea). I was just seeing if it was at all possible to inject a packet from a certain command from the teacher viewer before I took a look at doing what you suggested. I did this because I figured it would be easier spotting the packet for that command before I sorted through all the shit trying to work out which one is displaying the students desktop. The other reason was I read that someone tried the same sort of tactic (injecting commands without teacher viewer) in the older version's and since then they claim to have corrected it. So jah just messing about learning WPE pro and via trail and error (to be honest I only have a rough idea what I am doing). Interesting, now you have caught my attention.... MMMM maybe I can have a word with my teacher and see if he will permit me in doing so. Thanks for that mate. Registry Channel mod Firstly neither azza or myself created the below, we stumbled across it while browsing the interwebs (I don't wanna be stealing someone else's thunder). Anyways just copy and paste the quoted text into note pad and save as whatever file name with the .reg file extension. Then double click it and add to your VMware registry to be able to view all channels without having to install/uninstall to change.
  11. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Well I am just glad that some good is to come of this and that theirs a system Admin in a school that is proactive in ensuring privacy for the end user. As much as I respect and appreciate the hard work our school’s ISS department do, I was a little pissed at the way they brushed us off when we first mentioned it (we were diplomatic and polite from the get go). Thankfully my network security teacher was a former ISS department employee, so I decided to speak to him the following day, I also mentioned that I released it hoping he would relay the information again and the matter will be taken a little more seriously. Subsequently Azza and I had a good chat with our teacher and a different guy from ISS, they were talking about locking VMware somehow (lol they would say too much in front of us, not that I blame them). I also pointed out that a kind person by the name of Dingle suggested a USB key so you will have to do something about that one as well. It’s been a couple of days since then and I am not sure how they are tackling the problem but at least they are finally looking into it. To be honest with you I was considering emailing the developer about the issue but figured they would most likely be aware of it and I only study the basics of networking security (more firewalls, topologies and the bare basics to MCSE) hence I am not exactly qualified. Feel free to take what Azza and I have found on here and follow it up with the Developer, if anybody will be taken seriously and have the knowledge/experience to make suggestions to improve the software surely its a Systems Admin from a school using it. Thank you kindly for the praise and the suggestions, I will most certainly take it all on board and if there is a next time I shall follow your recommendations. A message to fellow students If you are thinking about Pwning the school I have a better suggestion, how about you take the information provided here claim it as your own work (I personally do not care) and do as Manuel suggested, surely that will give you a bigger ego boost than shutting down a class room or messing with people for no apparent reason. P.S: special thanks to Dingle and H@l00 for the suggestions and Vako for being a understanding moderator.
  12. Yeah I figured that was the reason you asked. I thought I would just play along with your joke for shits and giggles. XD
  13. lol take your desktop with you. Yeah I have a my desk bolted down in the back of my yellow mini van with a two meter antenna on the roof with custom registration plates that read skiddy (needs more power extension cords) =P Hence the I need a laptop in my previous post. XD Well I do have a asus eee 701 but that fisher price toy don't count.
  14. lol@Swathe, My data recovery tool was my Digi-Cam however after seeing the photo's the morning after I don't need any incriminating evidence or a reminder. There is a good reason for alcoholic memory lapse's
  15. LOL A Aussie hat trick, let the invasion begin XD Correction the internet is relaxing due to it having a Block User option, real life needs this feature as well as a CTRL Z for them drunken nights out.
  16. This is an interesting topic, I to am interested seeing as I am studying networking. Please correct me if I am wrong (I am still a n00b with this) but I was under the impressing that for stuff like this you would use the 3 legend firewall design. So you would be adding a new NIC to your hardware firewall (creating a orange zone DMZ for your VM that resides on a different Network portion of your addressing scheme). By the way whats going on with your addressing? class A with 24 bits for the network portion and 8 for hosts like class C? Subnetting or does that make it classless??? You have lost me. XD
  17. Your network NEEDS MORE NAS'S =P I kid I kid.
  18. lfmao Scorpion is hotter anyway. That's gold! GAYALITY!!!!
  19. Yeah I have only come across a small hand full of ad-hoc networks most of which I found while visiting friends. My hardware for wifi isn't to shabby netgear wpn311, 500mw signal amp and 16 dbi omni antenna. I wanna invest in a 20+ something directional for funzies but need more money (I think a new laptop comes first). Actually I was scanning networks the other day and I came across a very weak signal of a ad-hoc computer with no security with the SSID of Free Internetz. Was thinking noob with sniffer tools or some shit. It looks suspicious to me seeing as I am cynical of the human race and suspect the worst from most people. =P
  20. Boy did I laugh at digip image posting, that my friend is gold and a great find. Thanks for the morning dose of of lulz
  21. Can we get a photo of that one to? =P In all seriousness cheers for the effort and I assumed you where a sys admin. XD IT people the new crowd affect by Alzheimer disease
  22. Yeap Vector is right on the money as always, there is a small chance you may brick it but DD-WRT has tools for un bricking some models. Anyways to save you unnecessary headaches and searching consult your Access Point model here: http://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv3/dd-wrt/hardware.html My apologize to the OP for high jacking his topic but I have a quick question that doesn't deserve its own topic. I was wondering if the WEP cracking works on AD HOC computer to computer networks. I would test it but I am bored with the whole WEP bullshit thing and just wanted to know. LOL@Vector Fux0r I love the sound of that, I am stealing it for future use. XD
  23. Favourite game: Final fantasy 7/10, Persona 3/4, Suikoden and Vandal Hearts Favourite OS: Xp Pro/Ubuntu Favourite console: ps2 Nationality: Australia (I am big down under... sorry I so had to say it) XD Accent: Bogan Aussie talk. Sex: Male Age:27 Race: Aussie (well half Irish and Scottish back ground) Height: 5'10" Status: In a relationship with chinse/jap girl (yellow FEVER) WTF is hak 5 the new myspace? Build: skinny Favourite band: Blood hound gang, Ale storm, Motley Crew, Guns n rose's, Disturbed and a bit of japanese shit. Favourite book: I the book is any good it will come out on dvd. Favourite author: n/a Favourite movie: Matrix, Hackers, War Games, Take down, A sense of freedom, Terminator and a whole bunch of anime. Favourite director: I don't pay to much attention to who directs a movie. Favourite TV Show: Robot Chicken, Heroes, Terminator Sarah connor, IT crowd and Fat pizza. Favourite actor: Don't have one, I don't believe in watching movies just because some actor is in it. plot and content all the way Favourite actress: see above Favourite Pinup: see above Favourite Comedian: Russel Peters, Kevin bloody wilson and eric banner when he was playing chooper reed. Other hobbies: Movies, Drawing, Cricket, games, drinking shagging (the standard bloke stuff). Car: I don't have one as yet, no need. Occupation: I was managing a Video (dvd) store but quit as of last year to study full time.
  24. AHHHhh so that's what you where asking, good thing Vector took over where I left off. Before you start flashing firmware be sure to check it out on the DD-WRT site for compatibility last thing you need is a $50+ paper weight. Client mode is most awesome I have a TP LINK configured in that manner and have it jacked into my hardware firewall then spat back out on a switch. Great thing with client mode is you can use all encryption methods. As far as I am aware using the Wireless distribution System (WDS) in point to point, multi point bridge and repeating only supports the use of WEP, please correct me if I am wrong. =) Hapster thanks for the suggestion and yeah a few people have told me to start learning perl. MMMM maybe when I get some of these bullshit assignments out the way with.
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