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myspace,aim at work


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Hey hows it goin?? well im here because my girlfriend has sent me on a mission.  she has ben bugging me about how to get on to her myspace from her work and im stumped i know a bit about computers but i know im not to the leve of most people on this page.  weve tryed proxy search engines but everything i try is blocked on her comp but for some reason she still gets facebook.  so im clueless and if anyone knows and instant messangers we could use while shes at work that dont get blocked that would be amazing thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey hows it goin?? well im here because my girlfriend has sent me on a mission.  she has ben bugging me about how to get on to her myspace from her work and im stumped i know a bit about computers but i know im not to the leve of most people on this page.  weve tryed proxy search engines but everything i try is blocked on her comp but for some reason she still gets facebook.  so im clueless and if anyone knows and instant messangers we could use while shes at work that dont get blocked that would be amazing thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

Well... I would normally not answer but because this is for work and not school like so many other topics.

Set up your own proxy or use a private proxy service like blackicepro.com. If they are blocking the port aim is using thats going to be a problem. If they just prevent it from being installed try Pidgin.

Hopefully this helps! P.S do it at break time :D

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1) Jesus christ, enough replies already.

1a) You seem awfully desperate, especially considering it's for your girlfriend.

2) If her uncle owns the company he has the last word and can ask the IT guy to unblock it.

3) wtf... myspace at work? Is she a 16 year old on work experience?

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I wouldn't teach her how to do it man. Myspace and instant messaging can be very distracting from work. And I'm not saying she will get into trouble, but I am saying that what if people start seeing her on myspace and instant messenger, they are going to want to get on to. Then they are going to start bitching, and it's going to start a fucking riot.

tell her to stick to her work and play at home.

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There are ways around it, but I just don't beleive she is "allowed" by her uncle. If shere were, she would have her uncle set her up with permissions on the network. She risks exposing the local network to potential security risks because of things like AIM and MySpace(Virii, spyware, etc). If it is her pc or laptop, tell her to plug it into a phone line and use dial up to something, like AOL.

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she cant get to the pidgin web page its blocked so how would i got about seting up my own proxy? i heard about something called anonym.os on hack 5 ep. 10 would that work?

What about - http://terraim.sourceforge.net/

k1u  registration for black ice pro is closed can u send an invite?

I will talk to my friend blackice, pm me with what you want your username and password to be.

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well her uncle dose have the final say in this but she dosent want to ask him because she dosnt want it to seem likes shes worried about it. if she gets the system all spywared up o well ive told her that there are risks and she has to be willing to take risks so we are past all of that. i just need to know how to do it thats why i came here looking for people who want to help people that come across chalenges in the computing world. so put aside all the risks they dont matter i just need the solution to the problem. hows is it done?  i thank k1u for his support he has ben the only one kind enouf to asist me threw out this process. thank you k1u

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well her uncle dose have the final say in this but she dosent want to ask him because she dosnt want it to seem likes shes worried about it. if she gets the system all spywared up o well ive told her that there are risks and she has to be willing to take risks so we are past all of that. i just need to know how to do it thats why i came here looking for people who want to help people that come across chalenges in the computing world. so put aside all the risks they dont matter i just need the solution to the problem. hows is it done?  i thank k1u for his support he has ben the only one kind enouf to asist me threw out this process. thank you k1u
and he has the lowest 'pointless karma' I wonder if that means anything?
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well her uncle dose have the final say in this but she dosent want to ask him because she dosnt want it to seem likes shes worried about it. if she gets the system all spywared up o well ive told her that there are risks and she has to be willing to take risks so we are past all of that. i just need to know how to do it thats why i came here looking for people who want to help people that come across chalenges in the computing world. so put aside all the risks they dont matter i just need the solution to the problem. hows is it done?  i thank k1u for his support he has ben the only one kind enouf to asist me threw out this process. thank you k1u

and he has the lowest 'pointless karma' I wonder if that means anything?

No clue? Weird... :D

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If your girlfriend gets fired and can't get a job because her last boss says she wasted too much time on the Internet and not doing actual work, don't come crying here. insted file a unfair dismissal lawsuit which you will inevitably lose.

I think she will probably do it on her break time man.

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If your girlfriend gets fired and can't get a job because her last boss says she wasted too much time on the Internet and not doing actual work, don't come crying here. insted file a unfair dismissal lawsuit which you will inevitably lose.

I think she will probably do it on her break time man.

Myspace is as much as a dieseas as WoW is, only it effects the 'cool' people as well.

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If your girlfriend gets fired and can't get a job because her last boss says she wasted too much time on the Internet and not doing actual work, don't come crying here. insted file a unfair dismissal lawsuit which you will inevitably lose.

I think she will probably do it on her break time man.

Myspace is as much as a dieseas as WoW is, only it effects the 'cool' people as well.

Ok that right there is a common misconception or stereotype. WoW players despite how they are portrayed have lives, I personally am not a WoW player but I know that the stereotypes on them are false.

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