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Creating a proxy site


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its not just for me. I plan on making a new domain name every time my school blocks it. So not only me but all my friends AT SCHOOL can use the sites. I'm going to change the name like every week/month depends on how fast the sites are taken down/blocked. I don't think tor will help in this situation

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its not just for me. I plan on making a new domain name every time my school blocks it. So not only me but all my friends AT SCHOOL can use the sites. I'm going to change the name like every week/month depends on how fast the sites are taken down/blocked. I don't think tor will help in this situation

There are methods other than blocking by domain... like blocking the IP that domain resolves to, blocking the page/site based on the content of the pages, blocking by file extention, etc...

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I used "http://whitefyre.com/poxy/" (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=110693&package_id=119742) with xampp and put the file in a password protected folder(or create a .htaccess file for security) and now only people with access to it by password can use the proxy. It's also cool to use xampp if you want to learn mysql and php without having to install linux or spend money to setup a website/domain, etc.

Be sure to access it using https and not http so you get the benefit of SSL.

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How do you learn how to use that stuff digip?

Plenty of places to start. Books, google, etc.

Try http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp or just http://www.w3schools.com/ for things in general. Also check out the php website. Read, read,and then read some more. Also, ask lots of questions when you get stumped and hopefully someone here can help. Just don't ask before trying to search for the answer first ;)

Don't forget the search box too: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?action=search

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  • 1 month later...
its not just for me. I plan on making a new domain name every time my school blocks it. So not only me but all my friends AT SCHOOL can use the sites. I'm going to change the name like every week/month depends on how fast the sites are taken down/blocked. I don't think tor will help in this situation

wildcard subdomains are your friend.

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why do skewls even bother with blocks when students can easily get round them?

Why put a lock on the door to your house if I can just break a window?

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Here's a great project known as the Circumventor by PeaceFire. org.  They are great because they have a mailing list that if you sign-up on, it will send you an email every time a new Proxy comes out.  They normally release a new site every week, but lately they've been releasing them at an even higher frequency.

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