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Safari on Windows?


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If you have seen pictures of it done. They are not real. I talked to someone at school who was convinced they saw a picture of it, they showed to to me and it was obviously fake or one of those modified IE browsers for people who make Windows look like a Mac.

Edit: Just found this http://news.com.com/Apple+takes+Safari+to+..._3-6190159.html

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Its such a shame, Apple seems to make really nice products on paper, and the same with OSX. But something about the company, its products and the fanbois who insist on telling me about them really pisses me off. Its like the entire gnome-is-to-simple argument x 10.

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Its such a shame, Apple seems to make really nice products on paper, and the same with OSX. But something about the company, its products and the fanbois who insist on telling me about them really pisses me off. Its like the entire gnome-is-to-simple argument x 10.

lol :lol: :lol:

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They are banking an awful lot on this iPhone thing aren't they. If there committed to the Safari on windows project then they're probally hoping they can trade off the sales of macs from web dev's for increased iPhone development. I wonder how long before we see iLife on Windows?

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I tried it out because, well, why not? If it's better than what I've got I'll use it. However going into the whole thing after watching the keynote at WWDC I've got to say, wtf is Jobs thinking? They showed a pie chart of the market share something like 78% IE, 15% Firefox, %5 Safari, and %2 Other. Then they show how hopefully in the future when they kick ass it'll be 78% IE, the rest for Safari. Uhhh, that's not how you make friends Steve. As a big fan of the Firefox you've made me slightly uncomfortable. But I'll try your browser on windows, like others have said, wouldn't hurt for web development.


So, turns out Safari has no clue what how to use the back button on my mouse. Great, how about Backspace, that works in every other browser? Safari, hello, backspace to go back. What, you want me to *click* back? Gah, talk about killing productivity. Maybe it'll accept ALT+Left but at that point, meh, yuck.

Ok, so really long page. Think I'll hold down middle click (scroll wheel) and drag down. Works in _every other browser_. Oh, but poor little short bus Safari must be too good for the most basic mouse gestures built into windows since God knows when.


*cricket* *cricket*


Ooo, antialiased text. Kudos. Not sure if I don't get this is FF because I turned ClearType off in windows but it is kinda nice. And renders pretty fast.

Lets see. Maximize IE on monitor one, check. Maximize Firefox on monitor two, check. Maximize Safari on monitor three... wait, where'd it go? Gotta kill the app and restart it. <3 Beta. Ok, great, now it's on monitor three but the menus on the toolbar are appearing on monitor two.

I've seen enough.

Best part about Safari 3 Beta on Windows? It uninstalls quickly.

Someone lemme know when it gets off the short bus. Until then I'll be on FF with all my happy extensions and keyboard shortcuts.

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I think Aardwolf summed up my thoughts on it...

TomB does have a point, it's beta, and just like any other beta program it's gonna have teething problems but because of my experiences with iTunes in the past (which, after a million updates, does now work great) I simply don't trust Apple software on Windows to improve... at all... not even slightly.

Apple seems to port its apps, slap on the trademark prettiness, then hope no-one notices it's a pile of dog doo.

I don't dislike Apple or their products, I use iTunes daily, and I'll even get by with Safari if I'm using OSX... it just doesn't work on Windows (yet?), especially alongside browsers with much more functionality. It's not even in the same league as IE7, FF2, Opera 9 in my opinion but I will wait and see, I won't write it off just yet.

Prove me wrong Apple, make Safari kick every other browser's ass.

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I know its beta, but coming from Apple, I never expected to hear them release something like their flagship browser as a "beta".

Either way, Apple has failed to impress me on most things other than its pretty GUI and AppleTV(hack that is).

PC -"Hello, I'm a PC."

MAC - "Hello, I'm a MAC, and I want you to switch to me. Here, try my Uber browser. It's the fastest most secure browser in the world. We even have 3rd party graphs and pie charts to prove it."

PC - "Ok, sure. Lets. open Safari...barf....."

MAC - "Hello? PC? Are you ok? Uh oh...um, I'm gonna go watch some Apple TV. Have a nice day :)"

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Haha, it seems so much to me that Apple bein all 'better' than windows, really just wants to be windows, First bootcamp, now Safari.

I gave it a try, and it seems to be... average... i understand its beta, and has flaws, but that aside, it is still just a browser to me, there is nothink on it that jumps out and says, 'Hello im a mac, and i pwn windows'.

So FF, and IE it is for me :)

FF coz it works, light, and easly moded

IE coz its every were i go.

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