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a few questions about "my" chromebook


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My high school has given me a chromebook the first one ive had (normally we have been given Ipads macbooks and dell laptops) and i have a few issues with it that i would like to try to get some answers for im not going to lie and say its for an assignment or something its just too much restriction for me to tolerate and im going to "fix it" 

1. everything is blocked this is an obvious problem however my normal methods are not working (proxys vpn .ect) there are other things that i am not used to being blocked blocked so i have no idea as how to unblock them or if it is even possible chrome store firefox browser and almost any download and youtube (i have a different problem with youtube i will explain later) 

2 usb bios setup is blocked somehow one of my first ideas was just to get the admin password and leave it all blocked so i tried a password cracker (ophcrack or something like that) i however cannot get into bios setup to boot from usb 

3 ALL the settings are blocked i dont really care about this one but it would help a bit to make the computer more usable it was hell just to change the brightness and screen picture 

4 shopos security blocked everything i try to use not just games fonts for word and a pdf for class it seriously even gets in the teachers way sometimes 

5 my youtube account is set to restricted mode MY youtube account MY PERSONAL ACCOUNT that cant be legal can it controlling settings in my personal account

i have found a few exceptions to the download blocks my friend has resident evil 4 and i have a ton of doom mods and ZDoom which i honestly just have cause i can my main hopes are to 1 get the admin password if possible this would be the best way as i could let others have use of it and it would not have any lasting effects on the computer 2 just free use of the internet and downloads if i can have that i will be happy  

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It's not yours to mess with. Don't.


As someone who is usually the person who gives them out to the schools, you don't know better. Don't mess with it.

You want to "do something" get your own one, as if you try to break this you WILL fall afoul of the agreement you have with the school.


This is not your gaming machine. This is not your machine. Do not break it.

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well the whole point is not to break it as that would get me in trouble i also dont really want to game on it its a lenovo chromebook so i would not be doing much as far as gaming i simply want access to youtube for music and my normal activity's on the internet like reddit as well as use of tor and perhaps is i get my hands on the admin password i could distribute it to others who have problems with the schools computers 

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If people have problems with the schools computers, contact your ICT Co-Ordinator or System Administrator.

These are school machines that you are using. I can understand your frustration, but these are for school work, not "nomral net activity". You want to watch your own youtube, use something else.

I know this sounds harsh, but trust me, you risk more by trying to bypass the schools settings than you do by just using something you actually own.

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thats the thing we CANT use something else anything that enters the school grounds just somehow get the same restrictions as the chromebooks i personally dont have a laptop running anything worth using (a (2008?) compaq running win 7) but some of my friends have tried to use software from home and the second it enters the school it stops working (most likely a mix of the anti-virus they force us to install on our laptops and the wifi restrictions) the system admin by the way is basically unreachable as by the time he gets to you you will either have found your own solution or just dont care anymore this is a problem for the teachers to as if they need a website unblocked it takes weeks one time it even took 3 months to be processed they also basically ignore the students they have a pre-written note that is a response to 90% of the entries basically stating your problem is not important or incompleteable so this is really most kids only option alot of them know that me and others have set out to "fix" the broken system or at least put a digital band-aid on it and are kind of counting on us so really any help would be useful all my normal methods have failed me and most of the people i am in communications with have not gotten much farther we are not trying to completely break the system or control the school internet we are just trying to get a little freedom the only way we really can 

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Use your own stuff at home, use the school one at school, and don't try and mess with tech that you do NOT own or control. You will just make your sysadmin pissed off with you.


I can appreciate that you think you know better (and it's quite possible you do based on some of the situations I've run into when I take over schools), but there are ways to go about it that don't attempt to break what's already there.

You approach, you give information, you give alternatives, you show you can be trusted.

Right now all I see is "I want to do this, and I don't care if it breaks the whole setup". So from my point of view you'd be marked as someone who should not be let have their own way on a school network or device. And so I tell you, one last time.

Don't mess with tech or networks that are not your own without EXPRESS permission. You will regret it.

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32 minutes ago, Rkiver said:

You will just make your sysadmin pissed off with you.

And not just him. If it gets reported to the dean, you could suffer the consequences.

So listen to the guys here and don't temper with school property. :smile:

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Something tells me, he doesn't understand plain English(or rules in general, theirs or ours).

1, not yours.

2, we don't care.

3, nothing you say, will change this.

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Should probably let him know that YouTube 'Restricted Access' is managed by the network administrator and it doesn't matter who you're logged into YouTube as it still goes from Google, then to your network's router that manages all the restrictions and then to you (through WiFi).

Chromebooks are a pain, and I hate 'em, but it is not your Chromebook and therefore you shouldn't be messing with it. Can't do certain things you need to? Talk to the IT guys, they're usually pretty out of it and since they aren't students or teachers they see everything as theoretical and don't fully understand education situations and their needs.

Bottom line:

Don't mess with the Chromebook. It's not yours to 'free'.

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45 minutes ago, Dave-ee Jones said:

Talk to the IT guys, they're usually pretty out of it and since they aren't students or teachers they see everything as theoretical and don't fully understand education situations and their needs.



I disagree completely as the "IT guy", or to give me the actual title used in Ireland, ICT Co-ordinator,  who runs the systems of many schools. I pride myself on knowing what the school needs, and making sure they have that. Be that restricted net, or open, programs, devices etc.

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I apologise. I'm speaking from experience, having been a student and now part of the IT that school IT guys call when there's something higher up the food chain, and I understand not all school IT guys are like that, I was just making a joke based on general knowledge of IT guys :)

Basically what I'm saying is don't take it personally; I know you're not a part of that group because of the fact your quite active on these forums.

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