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About Broti

  • Birthday 10/30/1986

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    8 Bit, IT-Security, Music, Coding, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography

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  1. I use the included 128MB card. Size would only matter if you use one of the custom firmwares. But it all depends on your planned usage.
  2. Not exactly a bank, but still interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL9q2lOZ1Fw
  3. Sometimes I can understand why we still use pen and paper instead of insecure voting machines :D
  4. The encoder (online & offline) has an option to compile the payload for a specific keyboard layout.
  5. You mean the "Disc Label" of the ISO? There's no need for that, if you're writing the file to USB.
  6. I read an article about this project on Hackaday this morning. Always fun to see those DIY projects emerge ?
  7. I have a similar setup here - just vice versa: German OS, UK keyboard. And the Ducky works fine. Is there a certain part that won't work or the whole script? Maybe post it here so we can check it
  8. What exactly do you mean? Are the installed Operating systems in English? Was genau meinst du? Sind die Betriebssysteme auf englisch?
  9. And there's always the possibility the cryptor itself gets flagged by AV
  10. What about a Port Scanner? It's fairly easy to code.
  11. Aren't library PCs state property?
  12. I never had problems with given spoken consent since I personally knew the "client" or a person I know knew and introduced me, but yes it only counts in written form. Especially in business
  13. Did you try to contact them directly? https://hakshop.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  14. Like a school network? I think I can answer that best with a movie quote: "Don't tempt me, Frodo." Stay local (as @GarrukApex said too). If you have the possibility (free space, equipment and/or financial resources) to set up a second isolated LAN at home just for pentesting/hacking. Perhaps the cheapest way is using virtual machines.
  15. Broti

    Blizzard games

    Amen, brother
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