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Install Tools


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And if that doesn't work, it has been described in this forum that you can always install the tools manually. Its best to attempt to figure out why something is failing as you will then understand how the device and code works to better use it in the future. Please go back to the first page and attempt some of the talked about practices that worked for others... or you can wait for the updates.

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Did you connect to the device and checked for hidden files? 

As @Cpt.Pickles said: If you want to understand the Bunny, well try to input some some echo "whatever" and store those outputs to a debug file in /tmp to understand, where it fails... 

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@Matthew987, no need to shout!?

Did you read this thread completely? If so, would you be so kind and explain step by step what you have done? Otherwise it will be nearly impossible to get an idea why the bunny behaves like this...

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Thanks for replying! I have read the thread and it didn't help. All I have done so far is copy the contents of the "bashbunny-payloads-master.zip" to the bunny (drag and drop), to add more payloads to the library. I then put the contents of the tools_installer file into switch 1 and booted from switch 1. Darren mentioned in the first page that's all you had to do. 

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I'm still having the same problem as the OP.....

I've moved the tool to install folder to switch 2, and ran it with the switch in the correct position, but I never got any light but green. For what it's worth, here's what it looks like when I serial in...

...not seeing any hidden files, but also not seeing the folders I need to be seeing apparently. I'd be happy to try to install the necessary files manually, if anyone can describe how that's done ?

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2 hours ago, RazorOrion said:

Dammit, I wasn't able to post my snip....


Go into the mnt folder and you should see the pentest folder there. Change directory to the pentest folder and run rm -rf there, then make sure you have the lastest version of the payload from Github, copy the folder tools_to_install and the files install.sh and payload.txt to a switch folder and try again.

I just spent a while trying to get it work and this is what finally got me over the line.

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To run manually, just copy and paste the code in install.sh.. before you do this mount the drive (described earlier). This should show what the issue is. if you get a red light from your if statements, run the code that is inside of the if to see why its not working as intended. IE if the if is

if [ blah ] ;then 
	LED red
	LED green

run blah and see what the output is. My guess is that you will see missing files in the first if statement, My output shows as such when running the find command: 
if you moved all things to the switch it should list your switches file path

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My bunny went into recovery mode.. feels very "easter"

anyway, im running kali.  I noticed that my bunny doesn't have a pentest folder... so i created one.  I cloned the repo to get the installer tools, and as the readme said, copied the installer_tools folder to the pentest folder.  with the payload on switch 1 i ejected the bunny and moved it to switch 1, and plugged it in.  i got flashing purple, and then solid purple.. but it never moved from solid purple to blinking amber or solid red or white.  after 2 minutes i unplugged it and now i am in recovery mode.  i will try again.. but any ideas?


this just in, recovered but now when i try to screen in, i get an empty terminal.. nothing




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20 minutes ago, Onus said:

My bunny went into recovery mode.. feels very "easter"

anyway, im running kali.  I noticed that my bunny doesn't have a pentest folder... so i created one.  I cloned the repo to get the installer tools, and as the readme said, copied the installer_tools folder to the pentest folder.  with the payload on switch 1 i ejected the bunny and moved it to switch 1, and plugged it in.  i got flashing purple, and then solid purple.. but it never moved from solid purple to blinking amber or solid red or white.  after 2 minutes i unplugged it and now i am in recovery mode.  i will try again.. but any ideas?


this just in, recovered but now when i try to screen in, i get an empty terminal.. nothing




Hi it might be worth taking a look at my other post


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7 minutes ago, peterkozmd said:

Still no luck. funny since Darren made it sound so easy. And before anyone comments yes i copied it over, yes i checked it,etc etc

  1. Don't copy, but move it
  2. What did you check? Hidden files?

I adapted the Install.sh and did a Pull Request on it to solve the issues mentioned in this thread. Maybe you want to give it a try...


Be sure that you removed the /pentest folder in advance.

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30 minutes ago, peterkozmd said:

Moved it and still solid red. Also not sure why moving vs copying makes a difference.

It makes a differences due to line 3 in the install.sh

21 minutes ago, peterkozmd said:

Okay i moved over the file, edited the install.sh file with your version. Switched to switch 2 and now it seems stuck with the amber color for the last few mins.

Have you removed the /pentest folder in advance?

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It getting really complicated not knowing what you did and when...

If BashBunny stucks in amber color this means that it somewhere in the commands

mkdir -p /pentest
mv $TOOLSDIR/* /pentest/


  1. be sure to remove /pentest once again,
  2. move the files from library,
  3. insert my changes in install.sh,
  4. give it another try

If it fails again:

  1. Tell us the color of the LED where it stucks
  2. check if /pentest exists again
  3. check if there is something inside of pentest
  4. Tell us what you found...
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I had these same issues. Windows 10. Fixed by

1. Removing /pentest

2. Downloading the bash-bunny-master-payloads

3. Replacing my current payloads file with bash-bunny-master-payloads

4. Copying the contents of the installer_tools folder and then deleting the installer_tools folder completely

5. Pasting the contents of the installer_tools folder into switch 1

6. Safely Ejecting USB

I believe that I can confirm that the existence of multiple installer_tools locations is related to this error.

Side note, if you are trying to get QuickCreds to work after this, it failed for me on the first attempt, and then has worked every other attempt after that.



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On 3/9/2017 at 0:52 PM, Kirtley7 said:

I put mount -o sync /dev/nandf /root/udisk  on line 3 of the install.sh file. This solved the problem for me. 

did you replace  TOOLSDIR=$(find /root/udisk/payloads/ -name tools_to_install) with mount -o sync /dev/nandf /root/udisk or did you just add it after it?

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I was having the same problems installing the tools while using OSX. (Red light would remain solid, nothing would happen)

After retyping install.sh, everything worked perfectly. 

As far as I can tell, there must have been hidden formatting that would prevent the install. 

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I just got my Bash bunny today and started digging in. I was getting the dreaded red light with the latest install tools off the github page. Turns out you also need the latest bunny_helpers.sh in your library folder as well to pick up the SWITCH_POSITION variable. Once I got it moved over, the installer worked perfectly. It took much longer than it should have to sort that out. It was fun digging into the guts and starting to figure out how my BB works though!

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