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Unfair Censorship

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if you look through the forums post, you will find many talking about diy pineapples, porting code on to rasberry pi's and converting reaver pro's to pineapples etct etc.

But if I write a simple post on the same subject or as I did yesterday update the original post Blue for Pineapple, which I have now just looked for to put the link here for you. It also has been deleted.

The team at hak5 seem hell bent on keeping this quiet, but how are they going to censor the whole internet, which has many links and archives on the same subject.

Its a pity they are not as passionate at thier after sales support, I still have had not heard anything back

on the faulty nano the sold me, not even confirmation they have it back and are looking into it.

Is this because they just want the money and F*&%K the customers we send em any old crap til we get it right and ignore the compliants like they dont exist.

No doubt this post will be deleted as you cant know about things like this, if it does I might just post it

on facebook and the like i dont know, I am just one very angry customer at the moment.



ha, talk about double standards just found this link http://www.hak5shop.com/

Edited by kerravon
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Kerravon -

As I have explained to you in PM, these forums are here to support our product -- the WiFi Pineapple. At the time that the original Blue for Pineapple released, the Mark IV was a small volunteer supported endeavor using off-the-shelf equipment, and it was frequently cloned. Had we not sunk everything into the WiFi Pineapple at that time, that would have been the end of the project as we know it.

Instead we went all in - and since then the WiFi Pineapple has grown into a project that supports the Hak5 team. It has enabled us to produce innovative custom hardware and provide the community with continued software updates for that hardware. It's enabled us to grow our shows, with HakTip, ThreatWire, Metasploit Minute and TekThing joining the ranks of Hak5. All of which provide the community with free education.

So in short, I'm not "hell bent on keeping this quiet" -- I'm just not keen on spending resources on hosting a forum to support counterfeit devices that diminish the brand we've worked tirelessly to build. You don't need to agree with me, but you should respect my policy to support Hak5 and the half dozen people I employ who rely on this brand.

Regarding your NANO support, I'm looking at the email thread with you from March 15 where I responded to your request with helpful advice and asked for clarification on a few things. I'm still waiting for a response from you to support@hak5.org.

And no, Hak5 is not a "F*&%K the customers" sort of company. We stand behind our product and will do whatever it takes to make it right. We didn't get to where we are today without being customer focused. It's the same reason why we have 6 generations of the WiFi Pineapple at the same affordable price point - because unlike many in the InfoSec community we aren't into gouging.

Lastly, I offer my deepest apologies that this situation has led to such an unhappy customer experience. Like I said, we stand behind our product and will do what it takes to make it right. If you please reply to the email dated March 15 I will happily continue to provide technical support and an exchange if one is needed.

Best regards,


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thanks for the response, but why are just my post being censored, there are loads of posts old and new regarding porting pineapple firmware to various routers on this forum. This is what i dont understand, it isnt something new i've come up with.

sebkinne even released the mk4 code for the web interface to opensource.

Its not really a case for me any way flooding the market with clones, the routers in question are not as powerful as the pineapple MK4

in any case. they would have limited functionality and people woulld then be encouraged to buy the latest edition.

But this is getting no where, the point is dont just erase my posts if this is your position remove all relating to the same thing or it just looks like vicimisation of an individual.

this is what sparked my anger and why i blew my stack a bit, as for the nano this was sent back to you as it became unresponsive

altogether and caused me another problem which I have mentioned in my pm to you.

I spend most of my time teaching the underprivelaged computer maintenance and component level repair of electronic devices for free, and I specialize in people with learning difficulties ie ADHD Hi Level Autism etc.

Hence my passion to keep the MK4 alive in some form, as i have said many times it is an excellent educational tool.



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Hi Darren,

Sorry for flooding this thread but I think would be better to share this now. Seems that the customers service actually is not very fast. I do not receive e-mails for days. I've ordered lots of equipment and still waiting for the tracking# to start moving 2nd day. Today I've send few emails and none was answered. There is no phone support either.

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QSDx25 -

While we are a very small team of 4, we strive for excellence. Most correspondence are returned within 1-2 business days. My support que is empty at the moment, so if for any reason you haven't heard back please email support@hak5.org and I'll see it right away. We unfortunately do not have the bandwidth to offer phone support. Depending on carrier, the tracking # may not update the first day. Sara is staying late answering emails now so you should have received a response if not shortly.

Kerravon -

The intention was not to single you out. The posts you are referencing must be from a different era as I haven't seen them. To clarify, the web interface was released as non-commercial creative commons on github. I acknowledge your good intentions and applaud you for your altruistic teaching efforts. That's a noble cause. Please reference our PMs regarding your NANO exchange. I'm happy to know it was just a return without RMA mistake. Sara should be contacting you shortly with details on the replacement.

Best regards,


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I just wanna jump in and say that I'm very pleased with the how nice the NANO is I mean I come from the days of owning a MK4 and I will say I really love how the NANO has many new features and it seems to work from my view better then the past hardware they had.

I really am in with with the WebUI the NANO has it makes navigating around the pineapple easy PineAP is really a nice step up feature and Recon is pretty cool the only thing I don't like is most of the infusions maybe my mind is just closed or maybe it's because I feel overwhelmed that I just dunno how to use them in a way that I'd find useful.

However my mind could changed possibly fast if I take the time to play with the modules and get a better understanding of how to use them.

I'm a slow learner myself so takes me longer to wanna focus and say today I wanna play with my NANO and figure out how this module I downloaded works.

Being in the security field new stuff is released every day and I just don't have all the time in the world to learn everything between me running my site and looking into videos to do and personal life drama I just never have the time to sit down and look at the modules to learn them which I guess isn't fair to the makers but would be nice if module makers would make a little guide on how the features work an example is the deauth module I'm confused on the speed part im not sure if the lower the number in the speed equals the number of packets its sent like how you can do aireplay-ng -0 5 ect and 5 would be 5 deauth packets im confused on that part so eh.

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ZaraByte -

Most of the time, modules are only GUI for the command line binaries. As an example, Deauth use mkd3 and you can have a look at MAN pages or on the net what parameters are. And don't forget, modules are dev by independent guys - like me - for free, and during spare time. We don't always have the time to do a full manual on how to use modules :wink:

That's said, donations for modules developpers are always welcomed to support them and encourage them continue doing modules !

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Sorry to hear of the troubles for some folks. I haven't had issues, but with a small company I can imagine things can get hectic. I do have to back Hak5 on not allowing some posts if they don't want them. this is a forum for their products. Not a forum to get around buying their products. Although it looks like they have supported some of that too. But why not post in a forum that would welcome that kind of stuff. You can find info for alternatives to Hak5's tools all over.

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...I do have to back Hak5 on not allowing some posts if they don't want them. this is a forum for their products. Not a forum to get around buying their products. Although it looks like they have supported some of that too....

Exactly, people should realise that the WiFi Pineapples Hak5 sell put food on the table for the crew.

Besides, there is no true clone of the Mark V and onwards.

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always interest me when people make comments without understanding the sitiation in hand. I am not interested in flooding the market with clones especially ones that would end up being cut down versions f the real thing.

Myself and Darren are discussing things on an even level and I aim to keep it that way, so I am not going to bite what your selling

Some of the admins on this site, whom I wont mention by name have such clones and have written tutorials on the web, you can easily find on google and xiopann. If these are the admins deleting my posts than isn't that hypocritical!!!

the main subject was updating an existing post with new information and it was deleted, when there are many posts on this forum
with similar content and some that go far enough telling people how to build a clone. My update was deleted and the others remain.

That's the start, middle and end of the issue.

Some of the admins on this site, whom I wont mention by name have such clones and have written tutorials on the web

My misfortune in being sold a faulty nano is no one else's buisness now but mine and hak5 who I am now in conversation with.

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Some of the admins on this site, whom I wont mention by name have such clones and have written tutorials on the web, you can easily find on google and xiopann. If these are the admins deleting my posts than isn't that hypocritical!!!


Some of the admins on this site, whom I wont mention by name have such clones and have written tutorials on the web


It's not my place to address other things mentioned in this thread or other parts of the above quoted post, but the admins on this forum have not / do not make posts on how to create clones of the WiFi Pineapple.

I assume you are speaking of an admin on the xiopann forum, who chose a very similar picture as one of our admins. This may be a coincidence, it may also be that this admin is just copying ours.. But it's definitely not our admins.

As to getting the MK4 back to life, Darren and I are working on the best solution for this issue.

Best Regards,


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I fully understand this and appreciate it, this post does seem to be going over the top now.

I admit i never thought of the copy cat theory, but I wasnt think straight at the time as there were other issues at hand

which darren has gotten onto the case for me.

I would like to point out here and now for all to see I do not support counterfiet pineapples in any shape of form, I was interested in using the penturalabs document as a training resource for a special needs group that I teach various IT skills to.

As these kids are visual and tactile learners, this was also the reason for having an alternate source for the infusions as it

is down at the moment.


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In regards to the admins and xiopan site, I can only assume you are referring to me because of the account name and avatar possible similarities.

I assure you that it is/was not me back in 2012 when that account was created, or in 2013 from the last post I could find on that account. I have been a member here since 2009 (before that too but can't remember that account, I digress) and am always consistent with my handle. Not to mention I couldn't even phonetically pronounce xiopan. I also work very closely with the team to help better the product line and experience overall. That includes programming, testing, training, etc. The Hak5 crew are my friends family.

It appears you have some resentment and are making allegations without merit. That would not be the first person, or the last, to try and copy my online presence via handle or otherwise.

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I fully understand this and appreciate it, this post does seem to be going over the top now.

I admit i never thought of the copy cat theory, but I wasnt think straight at the time as there were other issues at hand

which darren has gotten onto the case for me.

I would like to point out here and now for all to see I do not support counterfiet pineapples in any shape of form, I was interested in using the penturalabs document as a training resource for a special needs group that I teach various IT skills to.

As these kids are visual and tactile learners, this was also the reason for having an alternate source for the infusions as it

is down at the moment.




We'll get those MK4 infusions up and running again in the very near future.

Best Regards,


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