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    Computer security, pentesting electronic design, programming, embedded systems and a whole bunch of other stuff

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  1. if it is under warranty it is your statutory right to have it repaired, under the goods and services act it is not fit for purpose. I can possibly repair it but this would void any warranty.
  2. to diagnose and possibly repair upgrade faulty componets in the device.
  3. That depends on whats wrong with it but usually its parts and labour, but once I Know whats wrong with it, you would be contacted with price and parts list in case you wish to purchase parts then it would just be labour about 5/10 GBP
  4. I have offered many times, too look at these for people, all you have to do is send it to me with the problem its having and I will test it, and where possible repair it using higher grad components. The trouble for most of you guys I am UK based. Could even set up and ebay page to make things run smoother.
  5. Actually quite good, Ive mapped the area in which I live wich is as big as a small town. When I can get some money together I want to put a HackRF One in and play with the aircraft tracking. As I live just by birmingham airport in the UK.
  6. Just completed my solar powered nano, that I use for geo-location etc. https://ibb.co/imi9LQ https://ibb.co/js9G0Q https://ibb.co/maYyEk https://ibb.co/c2jG0Q https://ibb.co/g8tn75 https://ibb.co/eMnrZk https://ibb.co/byw1Zk https://ibb.co/j7Nm0Q https://ibb.co/b6xVS5 https://ibb.co/hEA60Q
  7. How do I increase the size of my attachment space or free up my existing attachment space.
  8. Hey darren, Any chance of putting your 600k script on github so we can look at it? cheers
  9. yes, but they do have some interesting tools on there website, I myself would be interseted in using such for malware analysis. I have just managed to get hold of the wannacry ransome and would love to use their for examinig this piece of malware. But if thier not interested its thier loss.
  10. what os are you using, if linux you have downloaded wp5.sh?
  11. you did check 1 your routers IP and then the IP of your network card in kali?
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