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Hi, well i have NEVER used Linux in my life, and i thought its about time to so i have been looking around and i was wondering what you all think of Fedora Core 6 its going to be used for Wardriving and just getting me used to Linux in general. Also i was wondering can you use any programming language in Linux like C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Python or Java .. (Im pretty sure you can use most of them but i would like to just be on the safe side before i have to re-format back to windows).


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i think Fedora is pretty popular, so it's an ok choice. Everyone seems to like ubuntu these days, but that's cos ubuntu is a cult bent on taking over linux and then eventually every piece of technology available to man

Also i was wondering can you use any programming language in Linux like C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Python or Java ..

as far as programming, all of the above are available on linux. C# is available if you develop for mono, mono is an implementation of much of the .NET technology for windows.

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First try some Live CDs and play with Linux a little bit to get a feel of it, Knoppix is a good live CD and Mepis is also good.

But for a installable version of Linux you cant beat Fedora Core 6....

I love my FC6! its great, it doesn't come with a war driving scanner out of the box unlike some other distros, don't worry you can get one easily.

I would say Fedora is great for a first time Linux OS and there is a great amount of users and help out if you run into any problems.

sigh up for a login @ http://www.fedoraforum.org/ the guys there are great for help. ( you can feel free to PM me here too)

Don't worry about programing, you can program almost anything in Linux, but you will miss Visual Studios or at least I did....:(

but don't let that turn you away, I love my Linux! it runs any video file or audio file it can also Emulate almost anything TI-80 calculator to a Playstation. plus the download speeds on files are so much faster than on my XP or Vista.

I highly recommend Linux.

Welcome to world of Linux!

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i think Fedora is pretty popular, so it's an ok choice. Everyone seems to like ubuntu these days, but that's cos ubuntu is a cult bent on taking over linux and then eventually every piece of technology available to man

The people at Ubuntu may have some dark evil motive (they must be part of the evil server net), but as for the time been my two favourite free operating systems are FreeBSD and Ubuntu (not so much Kubuntu, it runs so slowly). I love Ubuntu because it's so easy to set up (I wish they had a distribution for older hardware, Ubuntu needs at least 256MB of RAM and 1GHz processor, other wise it just runs too damn slow) and is fairly stable.

As for where performance on the computer is paramount it would be FreeBSD every time. Gentoo just makes you jump through far too many hoops to make it worth installing and the same applies for OpenBSD (all be it they do it for the funding).

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My first distro was Debian a couple years ago. Wow that was a lot of work. If you are committed to learning Linux, I recommend a distro like Archlinux. It has a lot of good support through IRC, forums, but firstly the Wiki, including a lot of guides. It is essentially like Gentoo compiled for i686. By looking through install guides and howtos, you will learn more about Linux and will be more apt to debug problems you get. If you don't think you can handle command line or just want something to get Linux up and mostly running though, pick something easier like an Ubuntu flavor. I prefer Kubuntu because I like KDE (which is more Windows-like than Gnome).

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Hi, well i have NEVER used Linux in my life, and i thought its about time to so i have been looking around and i was wondering what you all think of Fedora Core 6 its going to be used for Wardriving and just getting me used to Linux in general. Also i was wondering can you use any programming language in Linux like C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Python or Java .. (Im pretty sure you can use most of them but i would like to just be on the safe side before i have to re-format back to windows).


I would suggest starting with ubuntu. It is debian based, and has a superior package management system to fedora in my opinion. In fact I loathe RPM,s.

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wot are the minimum requirements ?

ive still got this ancient box upstairs ... (currently running ubuntu)

(it even used to run winxp just fine tho ...)

  • amd athlon xp 2500 or 2800 (dont kno for sure...)

128 or 256 mb ram

onboard nvidea geforce 2

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Kickt the Windows Os of all our family computers en laptops and some of us are running now Freespire and the others in my famliy both the Linspire out of the box Os and running that now.

We tried Unbuntu, Fedora and about 12 others known distro's but finally our choice went for Lin/Freespire.

Our reason for this choice is that even our youngest (4 en 7 years old) liked it and can work with it just like they where used to work with windows.

And the older kids and my wife and I do like the really ease to use setup and the fact that all our hardware is working with out any problems and directly under Free or Linspire.

But (yes there is always a but) the online support (form) sucks big time.

My family is so lucky that we know some good people that are working with debian linux every day and becouse Free/linspire is debian based its easy for them to help us.



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You could try Gentoo. There is a good documentation avaialable on the website and you have a good forum to help you out.

The only problem for you would be the compile time. Would you be ready to wait for packages to be compiled ?

If not, Debian, fedora could be some good choices.

Yu talked about visual basic before. I don't think you can run it under linux but you can try vmware to virtualize a windows machine under your linux. It could be slow especially if you need a windoxs XP or more but if it's just for VB, it could be ok.

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