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  1. And... When we will see the new tool for avoid hsts?
  2. My question should be so noob that's because anyone anwser me.
  3. Hi all, i'll be quick: can i use Pineapple Juice 6800 for charging my mobile directly in the usb hub? It's a Xperia Z1, 5V DC 1500mA.
  4. Yes, success of dnsspoof it's very limited, hope Mitm proxy get release soon.
  5. There is a bug with the new version 2.2.0, when i open the GUI i can't scroll down for activate Auto-refresh 1 sec Off/On I have Win 8.1 and Google Chrome recently installed both.
  6. Ok, so all i need to do is activate into my router port forward 22 and 2222... I do this and now i can activate my ssh perfectly and connect to my pineapple anywhere! Thank you two, my problem was to understand your explanation in english. Thank you guys.
  7. I was trying to make that but i can't make it work... Anyone knows why?
  8. Hello guys, First of all sorry for bad english. This is another noob question, i'm trying to make a ssh connection but not in a local net rather internet. I'm trying to ssh to my pineapple using this configuration: Host: root@MyPublicIp Port: 2222 Listen Port: 22 Then i generate my public key.... Public Key - Generate At the end i go to my android and set: root@MyPublicIP:22 and click in Quick Connection but then y get: CONNECTION REFUSED... This is the app i use: [Juice SSH] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sonelli.juicessh&hl=es Hope you can help me!
  9. Nope, now is working fine and before too. I say this for help a make a best infusion, i like so much your infusion so that is my report... Sorry for give any proof of that but now is working fine after a factory reset :D Edit: and i don't change anything in my html and php code, i thought was that. Regards.
  10. Yeah, i know but yesterday making that tests running evilportal and portalauth together my EvilPortal was working bad, even after a reboot so i thougth there is conflict between these two because when i make a login into the portal my captive portal doesn't redirect to the internet, reloads itself again and it's neccesary to make a second login and it is very annoying. Now i don't know if can get both infusions together... Maybe was only my problem...
  11. I thought Portal Auth can be tested with my own captive portal running via evilportal. After run portalauth my captive portal doesn't work properly. I will make a factory reset onto my pineapple and summit here...
  12. When i make a test with my own captive portal this is what i get: Chrome, Win 8, Pineapple 2.2.0.
  13. I think for this you need to use dnspoof.
  14. Relax guys... Be patience. The point of a captive portal is to make a web that requires credentials to submit there and save into pineapple (credentials like 'enter your name' or 'email and password' it depends on you). When someone grab their credentials into your web you let that person surf normally on internet. I think i'm not forgetting nothing. Sorry for my bad english.
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