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Mk4 Firmware Discussion


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Welcome to the official MK4 firmware discussion thread.

Please leave any comments, questions, suggestions or bugs in this thread.

For the firmware release thread please go here.

If you are reporting errors or need help, please always give your firmware version.

Best Regards,


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Xtronic, The firmware compels you!

Guys, awesome feature updates list! I was hoping there would be a ui method to changing the scripts for the hardware buttons.

Damn having to work, I'll have to wait until this evening to get the new one uploaded. I'm definitely interested to see how the backpack mode will work with the Mark III down the road.

Sebkinne, do you want us to post any issues with the upgraded firmware here?

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The update was smooth but now i am having a problem ssh to the pineapple. Everytime i try it gives me this

ssh root@





Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!

It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.

The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is


Please contact your system administrator.

Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.

Offending key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:1

RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.

Host key verification failed.

BTW: I am using BT5 R2 Gnome 32 bit.

Can someone give me some help fixing this. Thanks!

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The update was smooth but now i am having a problem ssh to the pineapple. Everytime i try it gives me this

ssh root@





Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!

It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.

The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is


Please contact your system administrator.

Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.

Offending key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:1

RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.

Host key verification failed.

BTW: I am using BT5 R2 Gnome 32 bit.

Can someone give me some help fixing this. Thanks!

The reason you are getting that message is because the pineapples remote key has changed.

To fix this just remove the key from the /root/.ssh/known_hosts file.

Then when you ssh into the pineapple you will need to accept the new key.



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omg; OtA updates, emailed reports, reaver, programmable buttons!

What a project. My Wife says my nerd is showing.

Having said that, I will be waiting for a few to upgrade before I flash.

ehh, my GF tells me I'm a nerd all the time. But she knew that coming in lol

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Hi Seb,

Thanks for the new firmware !

I just flashed my new MK4 but I have an issue with the "Generate Detailed Report" feature. It goes apparently to the function, but nothing is generated. Through SSH, I tried to launch manually the command "karmaclients.sh" but I receive:

karmaclients.sh: line 4: syntac error: unexpected "("


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Hi Whistle Master,

Could you please post your karmaclients.sh?

Seeing as it works for me and it works for many others, would you simply re-update?

If you could still post it that would be great - to see what the error may be.



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Hi Whistle Master,

Could you please post your karmaclients.sh?

Seeing as it works for me and it works for many others, would you simply re-update?

If you could still post it that would be great - to see what the error may be.



Seb, this is my karmaclients.sh:

iw dev wlan0 station dump > stadump #dump all stations connected

function GetHosts() {
local i=1
sta_list=$(cat stadump | grep -e "Station" | cut -f 2 -d" ") #list all station bssid
sta_count=$(cat stadump | grep -e "Station" | cut -f 2 -d" " | wc -w) #count how many stations

	while [ "${i}" -le "${sta_count}" ] # for as many times as there are stations
	sta[${i}]=$(echo ${sta_list} | awk -v num=$i '{print $num}') #set sta as i in sta_list
	sta_ip[${i}]=$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep "${sta[${i}]}" | awk '{print $3}') # grap the IP corresponding with the bssid in the DHCP lease file
	sta_ssid[${i}]=$(cat /tmp/karma.log | grep "${sta[${i}]}" | grep SSID | tail -1 | awk '{print $8}') # grab the Karma'd SSID corresponding to the bssid in the karma log
	sta_hostname[${i}]=$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep "${sta[${i}]}" | awk '{print $4}') # grap the hostname corresponding with the bssid in the DHCP lease file
	sta_linenum[${i}]=$(grep -n -E "${sta[${i}]}" stadump | cut -f1 -d: ) # find out what line number the station was listed in, used later when we modify the file
	let "i += 1"

function Format() {
local i=1
local divider=" "

	while [ "${i}" -le "${sta_count}" ] # do this for as many times as there are stations
	line=$(grep -e "${sta[${i}]}" stadump) # grab the line with the station bssid
	sed -i '/'"${sta[${i}]}"'/ s/.*/'"${line}\n        ip address:     \<b\>${sta_ip[${i}]}\<\/b\>\n        host name:      \<b\>${sta_hostname[${i}]}\<\/b\>\n        Karma SSID:     \<b\>${sta_ssid[${i}]}\<\/b\>"'/g' stadump
	#sed -i '/'"${sta[${i}]}"'/ i'"${divider}"'' ${DIR}/${FILE}
	let "i += 1"

cat stadump

And a screenshot of the error I get.

Thanks !

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Whistle Master: Seb will be able to confirm weather or not this is correct, but from your screen shot, you don't have karma turned on and therefor your there is nothing for the report to add when it generates.

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Whistle Master: Seb will be able to confirm weather or not this is correct, but from your screen shot, you don't have karma turned on and therefor your there is nothing for the report to add when it generates.

I just turned on the MK4 for the screenshot because it was off but I had the problem when Karma and DNS Spoof were started.

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While working through that ssh prob, (linux re-rookie and ssh noob here) I think you have a few typos in the help section of the SSH page. And I gotta say, I couldn't make heads or tails of the instructions.

And just a thought: on the config page, I'd move the WPS button script to the bottom. I think I'd adjust that the least.

And a Q. For upgrading (which went flawlessly) it says not to do it with low memory, but whats 'low'? Thats like asking how long is a piece of string?

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I am looking into it - The odd characters in the log are a bug though. Not that it breaks anything but it is a bit annoying.

Have you tried to update again? Is the error gone?



I tried to update again and the report generation is fine now but I still get the weird characters at the beginning.

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Sorry if the SSH help section doesn't make complete sense. I plan to do a video tutorial soon. Basically what I'm trying to say is that before you can have autossh keep a reverse tunnel persistent you'll need to do a ssh key pair exchange, and to do so you'll need to first ssh into the pineapple itself and from there ssh over to your remote host so that there's an entry in known_hosts.

So in short, to setup autossh you'll first need to ssh from laptop -> pineapple -> remotehost. Once you've made the first connection (via password auth) the public key of your remote host will be in the pineapple's known_hosts file and your pineapple's public key should be placed in the remotehost's authorized_keys file. After that initial setup just enable ssh on boot & keepalive and the pineapple will maintain a persistent connection.

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