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World's worst hacker


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(really liked the IP part). Makes me wonder if he was just acting stupid or he really belived in what he was saying.

Silver you would be surpriced how many people there really is out there that call them self hackers and have no idea what the loopback address is.

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gotta love those script kiddies :D

where would we be without them? i mean searously... he formatted his own computer :p and for our entertainment!

im thinking of making the biggest script kiddie tool (basically one that finds random ip address' convinces people that they are the person they want to attack, and really screw up the script kiddies computer) but it would take time and effort

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I'm pretty sure I am not all that great of a hacker in any sense of the word but damn. this guy dug himself into a hole that could rival a mine shaft. Every time I read this I realize more and more about the misconceptions that people have about what hacking is supposed to be and how it is accomplished, again in any sense of the word.

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Very true, As Moonlit said it is sad. It would be an interesting fact if we knew the age of the user at the time they wrote it.

Maybe we can.

*Runs to the nearest 5 year old and grabs his super leet hacking tool*

There it's loading up.




OMFG!!!!!11!!!!!1!1 Viruses!!

*Grabs a laptop*

Well that didn't work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thats really old(I remeber reading it over a year ago), but it's still funny after all that time :D (really liked the IP part). Makes me wonder if he was just acting stupid or he really belived in what he was saying.

I dont get it, i went through 7 hard drives because i hacked people who told me their IP was, they must have had really good firewals that directed my attack back at me

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I dont get it, i went through 7 hard drives because i hacked people who told me their IP was, they must have had really good firewals that directed my attack back at me

Please tell me you're kidding. is the default ip address for re-routing traffic back to the local host, back to you. Everything you send to the ip is send right back or should I say looped back.


An urban myth involving is often circulated among the more technical computer related forums on the web. The story often involves a protagonist often referred to as “The World’s Worst Computer Hackerâ€. The story generally involves the Hacker hacking himself when tricked into using as the IP address to hack into.

In the same vein, is often used as an IP address given to inexperienced computer users to trick them - much like rookies were sent to fetch left handed monkey wrenches in the days before computers.

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