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Man tumble dries baby


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...wow. I remember i used to hide in the dryer when i played hide and go seek with my siblings...they never found me. Of course i never completly closed the door, because that would just be freaky. For some reason I think some people treat babies like dolls, or pets, rather than actual human beings.

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Ya. Its also a shame that people do this especially since babies are fragile to begin with. I would think it would be completely opposite. Treat babies fragile, and throw us around.

Are you suggesting that i throw YOU in a dryer

...if you insist, it doesn't really bother me

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Ya. Its also a shame that people do this especially since babies are fragile to begin with. I would think it would be completely opposite. Treat babies fragile, and throw us around.

Technically the bones in a human baby are more supple, and resistant to breaking than the bones in a full grown adult, which is why babies can constantly fall over without damaging themselves.

Not that this has anything to do with some dumb asshole sticking a baby in a tumble dryer... He should know that they're only for cats.

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Just out of interest, does anyone know if all models have to have a lever on the inside, or similar, to facilitate the opening of the door in case someone's stuck inside? Obviously this wouldn't help a baby, but would help someone old enough to know about its function.

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Given the size of most tumble driers I doubt it. I'm 6'2" so without some major work with a hacksaw, theres no way i'd fit in one.

Now there's a candidate for a new half-assed hack-'Man-sized tumble drier.'

I was thinking more along the lines of someone younger, a small child perhaps. Although I guess the best answer is just to keep the washing machine in a locked room, and on a high shelf, that makes the chance of it being used as a den minimal.

I can't help but sense something surreal about the above paragraph.

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Just out of interest, does anyone know if all models have to have a lever on the inside, or similar, to facilitate the opening of the door in case someone's stuck inside? Obviously this wouldn't help a baby, but would help someone old enough to know about its function.

if you're a grown adult and you find yourself in a tumble dryer, and in immediate danger, do you really think that you would be intelligent enough of a human being to be able to operate a lever. Seriously, who, except for a baby who can't help it, would find themselves in a dryer. :P

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if you're a grown adult and you find yourself in a tumble dryer, and in immediate danger, do you really think that you would be intelligent enough of a human being to be able to operate a lever. Seriously, who, except for a baby who can't help it, would find themselves in a dryer.

You say that, but I bet in a few days we'll see the news headline 'Vako in tumble dryer shock.' :p.

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Wasn't this something kids used to do at those washing places (don't know the word. Throw in a nickel and the thing tumbles your laundry for a minute)? Where the manager of the place would have to replace the motor of the driers because they'd be worn out. Turned out some kids put themselves in there for a nice, cheap friday-night buzz or whatever.

I think there was a CSI episode about a kid dying whilst doing this too.

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