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can anyone help hack my school?

i want a admin account at school

IP: <removed, please don't post ip addresses you don't own asking for them to be hacked -admin>

any more info needed??

PM me or post here if you can help


EDIT:sorry guys!! and sorry admin about the IP

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Okay, to save time I think i'll try somthing new...

the following are the required responces for this type of post...(in no sane order)

1 ) If you can't get the account you want yourself, you're not responable to have it.

2 ) What do you need an admin account for anyway?

3 ) Google is your friend!(I'm to lasy to color code it sorry...)

4 ) :evil: OMG OMG OMG!!!1! you can't ask that here OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!one :evil:

5 ) ...where's the mod this totaly needs some locking

6 ) random flaming!

7 ) You really should read the sickys first!!

8 ) Dude I'm the |33t haxz0r. but i'm not going to help you becasue I'm just too |33t to even talk to you... nevermind that's what I'm doing right now.

9 ) more random flaming!

10 ) other

am i missing somthing?

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I think this must have been the most obvious post asking for someone else to hack something for someone.

I'll do it, I need your external IP and your administrator password. Otherwise when I get admin at your school I can't give you the details.

Posting it in here should be fine, no need to PM me.

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I think this must have been the most obvious post asking for someone else to hack something for someone.

I'll do it, I need your external IP and your administrator password. Otherwise when I get admin at your school I can't give you the details.

Posting it in here should be fine, no need to PM me.

LOL I was SOO close to saying about the same thing.

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Just did a whois on the IP, your a kiwi?

I sincerely doubt anyone here will help you to "hack" your school. Legalities aside, what can you possibly hope to achieve from this? Getting some girls phone number? Changing grades? (Little use apart from possibly for internals with the NCEA system we have here in NZ) The little bit of fun you will get out of these things is not really worth it in the end. You have but do a bit of googling to find story upon story of people who screwed with computers in school and payed for it. There are several school admins as members here on Hak.5 if you want the stories from the other side.

I speak from personal experiance when I say System Administrators for schools, particularly in NZ are not usually the most hacker friendly people. I know overseas you may run into some dam good school admins every now and then, but here they are typically arrogant wankers with a 10 year old certificate from Novell. I had the pleasure of dealing with one back when I was at school, 3 days stood down and 6 months banned from computers in school, this ban was actually permanent as he refused to reinstate my account even when asked to by senior staff. In my case I had access to whatever I wanted, I never caused any damage but it was the *potential* to cause damage that got me in trouble. Well this potential coupled with the computer illiteracy of the senior staff responsible for the disciplinary action and the admin's hurt ego. Although this punishment didn't cause any major problems for me, it would have if I was doing any computer based subjects, or if I had of been suspended instead and it went on my record - Would have affected me enrolling for computer related degree at uni.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, you mess with computers in school, especially in a place like NZ where most of your schools staff are stuck in the "good ol' days" then you'll pay for it. Regardless of how minor an action you take it will be blown out of proportion anyway.

EDIT: Doing a bit of research I see your from Hamilton and want to do a computer related degree at Waikato Uni when you leave school. My advice is to leave your desire for hacking at home until you get to uni and then put it to a contructive use.

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Dude, you need serious help. Just think you come to a forum ask a stupid question and get flamed. Now next time your going to ask a "smart" question which I seriously doubt you know what that is or have any in that brain cell of yours that you call a brain and you'll still get flamed all because of this post of yours. And like you were told before... READ THE STICKYS and GOOGLE is your BEST FRIEND!

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sure thing!! I'll help for a nominal* fee.

Here's what you need to do:

1) FedEx me one of the schools computers that is on the system.

2) I will then wait while VaKo doesnt sleep.

3) About 60 hours later, I will interperet the songs VaKo's "chorus lines of purple wombats singing showtunes" sing via Skype.

4) I shall then tell you the admin user/password

*you should under no circumstances select the next line with your mouse)*

5. (rootkit style) I will contact your system admin and tell him/her what a noob you are for attempting to fuck with their system. *I told you not to*

P.S. Dont expect the the computer you shipped to me back, as I dont have a FedEx account. :lol:

*nominal fee in this case means not asking dumbshit questions here

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I could help you, I'm always bumping into exploits but I'm not going to help you... No one is. You don't come onto a forum and ask how to hack a computer. You have lost any chance of gaining respect on this forum and the best thing for you to do now, is to walk away and never post on here again.

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WOW I was spot on..

Okay, to save time I think i'll try somthing new...

the following are the required responces for this type of post...(in no sane order)

1 ) If you can't get the account you want yourself, you're not responable to have it.

2 ) What do you need an admin account for anyway?

3 ) Google is your friend!(I'm to lasy to color code it sorry...)

Dude, you need serious help. Just think you come to a forum ask a stupid question and get flamed. Now next time your going to ask a "smart" question which I seriously doubt you know what that is or have any in that brain cell of yours that you call a brain and you'll still get flamed all because of this post of yours. And like you were told before... READ THE STICKYS and GOOGLE is your BEST FRIEND!

4 ) :evil: OMG OMG OMG!!!1! you can't ask that here OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!one :evil:

5 ) ...where's the mod this totaly needs some locking

6 ) random flaming!

Knowledge is Power

and you don't deserve either

7 ) You really should read the sickys first!!

(this one counts for 2)

Dude, you need serious help. Just think you come to a forum ask a stupid question and get flamed. Now next time your going to ask a "smart" question which I seriously doubt you know what that is or have any in that brain cell of yours that you call a brain and you'll still get flamed all because of this post of yours. And like you were told before... READ THE STICKYS and GOOGLE is your BEST FRIEND!

8 ) Dude I'm the |33t haxz0r. but i'm not going to help you becasue I'm just too |33t to even talk to you... nevermind that's what I'm doing right now.

I could help you, I'm always bumping into exploits but I'm not going to help you... No one is. You don't come onto a forum and ask how to hack a computer. You have lost any chance of gaining respect on this forum and the best thing for you to do now, is to walk away and never post on here again.

9 ) more random flaming!

(make it 3)

Dude, you need serious help. Just think you come to a forum ask a stupid question and get flamed. Now next time your going to ask a "smart" question which I seriously doubt you know what that is or have any in that brain cell of yours that you call a brain and you'll still get flamed all because of this post of yours. And like you were told before... READ THE STICKYS and GOOGLE is your BEST FRIEND!

10 ) other

sure thing!! I'll help for a nominal* fee.

Here's what you need to do:

1) FedEx me one of the schools computers that is on the system.

2) I will then wait while VaKo doesnt sleep.


am i missing somthing?

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sorry for asking guys.


1) we arnt alowed to post asking help to hack things? you have to do it disecretly rite?

2) im at a boys school so no girls (im not too sure about that one though)

3) i never even thought of changing grades. i was just going to shut down some of the computers in our class (half the people in my class are total retards) and piss people off

4) no one wants to help a noob hacker...im sure everyone was noob at one stage.

5) no one likes my signature...well just so you know. im not going to change it.

6) hacking school is bad

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1) we arnt alowed to post asking help to hack things? you have to do it disecretly rite?

The problem isn't that you want to hack things, its that your looking for short cuts. We hack things because we're interested in learning about how they work, or making devices/code do things they shouldn't do.

3) i never even thought of changing grades. i was just going to shut down some of the computers in our class (half the people in my class are total retards) and piss people off

Thats really dumb, and if you manage to do it, you'll be banned from your schools computers, possibly suspended, and if your really unlucky, be charged for a crime. Plus, every hacker from here to the matrix will laugh at you.

Our problem with your question is this:

Your looking for short cuts, a big red button to pwn your school and look cool in front of your peers. But your not going to find one, it takes a lot of effort, time and reading to get any good with computers. Honestly, its going to take you 1, maybe 2 years of playing with computers to learn enough to do what you want to. Learn about networking, operating systems, vulnrabilitys, expoilts and generally how computers work.

So grow up, learn some shit and don't opt for the easy route.

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The problem isn't that you want to hack things, its that your looking for short cuts. We hack things because we're interested in learning about how they work, or making devices/code do things they shouldn't do.

umm yea i do code stuff...even stuff im not ment to!

sure im not a leet programmer yet but i have made some stuff such as...since at school we cant run .exe files (or .bat) i just made a little visual basic program to run the things i want it to :) but that was before i discovered that i could just change the name to something it allowed, such as iexplore.exe or mspaint.exe :D.

also right now im making a client for pandora.

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For the record I'm not a hacker, I crack and I exploit, I know a little code but nothing usefull.

OtterFox you sound like a liar, I'll believe that you're a coder when you post some of your work. You say that you wrote a program to run other programs in VB but you wouldn't be able to run your program. Also programs are not blocked because of their names, they are blocked because of their location.

5) no one likes my signature...well just so you know. im not going to change it.

Don't be an asshole about it, if we really didn't want you to have that signature we could probably get a mod to change it.

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Also programs are not blocked because of their names, they are blocked because of their location.

Yes they are, Active Directory will be quite happy to do this.

OtterFox, hacking a school is one of the worst things you can do, School Admins are sometimes the worst as they often have very little funds and therefore protect what they have heavily. Also you can forget about higher education if you get into problems. You can also ruin hundreds of other peopls futures by deleting certain things. All of this Hacking is not about.

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Long story short:

A hacker is someone who does it for the simple love of hacking, where as a cracker does it for mallicious or criminal intent. The terms white hat, gray hat, and blackhat are all part of this.



So, that guy who half-inched your credit card details with his laptop isn't a hacker, he's a cracker. But outside the computer world, the term hacker is synoumus with cracker.

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