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Mumbai police to look out for unsecured Wi-Fi connections


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MUMBAI: City policemen will be soon seen roaming in the streets with laptops in their hands in search of unsecured Wi-Fi connections.

In an initiative taken by the Mumbai police, in the backdrop of terror mails sent before blasts and terror attacks, policemen will be sent to various locations in the city in search of unsecured Wi-Fi connections.

"If a particular place's Wi-Fi is not password protected or secured then the policemen at the spot has the authority to issue notice to the owner of the Wi-Fi connection directing him to secure the connection," DCP Sanjay Mohite said.

The notice will be issued by the police under section 149 of the Criminal Procedure Code which is to prevent the commission of a cognizable offence.

The step was taken at a conference today where around 80 police personnel were present to learn about Wi-Fi connections and cyber crime


Terror mails were sent through unsecured Wi-Fi connections prior to the Delhi and Ahmedabad blasts.

While the mail sent before the Ahmedabad blasts was traced to the residence of US national Kenneth Heywood in Navi Mumbai, the mail sent prior to the Delhi blast was traced to a residence in suburban Chembur.

The Wi-Fi connections in both the cases were unsecured, which was used to send the terror mails.

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I've found that people get touchy when you point out that you can crack WEP,

"but the Netgear software we downloaded on our Mainframe said it was secured" -Freinds Parent's


They meant, when we installed the software, on our home computer it was secure.

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In my area, I have been able to crack the wep as well as the WPA keys of the networks.

The neighbors I am friends with, I alerted them to this and got them to change their passwords to something more secure.

if people are forced to enable security, they will pick a easy password that can be cracked

(PS for those out there who use simple passwords, hamburger is not a secure password )

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"If a particular place's Wi-Fi is not password protected or secured then the policemen at the spot has the authority to issue notice to the owner of the Wi-Fi connection directing him to secure the connection," DCP Sanjay Mohite said. He later added, " That is of course after the officer has raped the unsecured connection's bandwidth for pr0n and torrentz and posted the issued notice "j00 been Pwnt" to their desktop...."

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About 6 months ago I was mucking around with wireless networks in my neighborhood. More often than not people like to use the area code and their home phone number or their mobile phone number for their "secure" password.

I must say it makes for interesting prank calls once you have used net send, exploited a network attached printer with a few page of ALL YOUR BASE BELONGS TO US. XD

Or in the event they don't use the phone number as their WEP key a lot of people have the computer name set to something like J-smith or some shit or there location is in the SSID which can easily be found browsing the online phone book.

I did the above as a demo to one of my neighbors who I am on friendly terms with, I then secured his Access Point and was given a bottle of Jim beam black label and advised I can borrow his bandwidth if need be. XD

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