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I was shot at today!!


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Well maybe its not that dramatic. Today I discovered the sport of paintball! If you have never played it you are missing out! I got back around an hour ago and I have to tell you guys that this sport can rival my love for coding! If you get the chance you guys should find the nearest paintball field and go spend a day playing with some friends.

Now for all of you guys that posted in the tread about whether or not we are all fat, this is a fun, kinda expensive, way to get in shape. Not to mention you get to shoot people without getting in trouble.

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I used to play a lot of Laserquest when I was still in school. Great fun, a bit of excersize and funky tech to play with to boot.

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I play paintball. I stopped for awhile, after my manly parts got welts :shock: I started up agian about a week ago right now I mainly use the sight and my sniper barrel 14' ? I think is my basic and my sniper is even longer 8) so I ussauly use it for revenge right now. I brought it too school and my friends are out of school so when I got off the bus they pelted my bus and I shot back at them good times.... good times... I had ARC the next day though (In school suspension.

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in my school if you pull out any paintball equipment even a hopper you will get like 4 300 pound men jumping on you and they will start talking columbine to your parents.

I have been shot in the manly parts as well... In one day i got hit there, and in the mouth part of the mask. Boy does that paint taste bad!

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ahhh Paint ball, the greatest sport (if you can call it a sport) on the planet whats more fun that pelting your friends with paint coming out of the barrel at a few hundred mph :twisted: :twisted:

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My friends and I wear real thick clothes and helmets then go out and shoot 9mm at each other. I mean, seriously, what's the harm? It's just a 9mm

Pfft, paintballs for pussies.

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Good for you! Paintball is truly one of the best sports out there. I've played quite a bit nationally (PSP and NPPL events) as well as many local tourneys in the Midwest region. Always great to hear about new players who fall in love with the sport.

Harrison - Thick clothes? Come on, wear tye-dye shirts and shorts - that's the best way to play.

Employee - You shot at your school bus and brought your marker(gun) to school? I hope you didn't get into any more trouble for that than you already did but please for the sake of players everywhere - whenever someone does that it gets on the news and a public outcry for making the sport illegal occurs. Please don't do that again, it ruins the sport for everyone else.

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I used to play airsoft, but had to quit when I went to university. Because having an M4A1 assault rifle in uni-halls is a Bad Thing apparently.

Lol. I didn't even have an airsoft gun until I went to uni. I had to buy one because if you didn't have one, you were the target of everyone that did have one. Our RA didn't much appreciate it though, since he had to pick up all the BB's pretty much everynight. So he got the campus police to do regular sweeps of our wing. Anyone with a gun out got a small fine and their gun taken away.

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