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Everything posted by nate

  1. Sry for raising an old topic, but here goes... My name is Nate, aka Kronix, MeTheBarbarian and a few others Favourite game: Geometry Wars Favourite OS: Don't really have one...I just use what I got Favourite console: Xbox Nationality: American Accent: None Sex: Male Age:18 Race: Puerto Rican/French Canandian Height: 5"8' Status: Oh so alone... Build: Muscular Favourite band: I don't have a favorite band, but now I really like Muse Favourite book: The Zombe Survival Guide by Max Brooks Favourite author: I don't have one Favourite movie: I don't have one, I like so many movies Favourite director: Tim burton Favourite TV Show: The Office Favourite actor: I don't have one...I could rant on how I hate actors, but thats for another time Favourite actress: Natalie Portman Favourite Pinup: Jessica Alba Other hobbies: Football, Paintball, Videogames, Programming Car: 93 Ford Ranger Occupation: Slave to the local Borders/ Student getting a degree in programming
  2. in my school if you pull out any paintball equipment even a hopper you will get like 4 300 pound men jumping on you and they will start talking columbine to your parents. I have been shot in the manly parts as well... In one day i got hit there, and in the mouth part of the mask. Boy does that paint taste bad!
  3. Heres an article on why there aren't any indie videogames. http://www.slate.com/id/2142453/ you guys agree? I personally wish there were more indie videogames, but I guess thats why the "mod scene" is so large.
  4. nate


    Wii? whoever thought this was a good name needs to be hit. I'm sorry but the just makes me want to take a wee on the wii. They should have stuck with "the revolution" Other than the name it looks like an awesome console. With the whole downloading of classic nintendo games. Have you guys heared of the game Huxley? Its kinda like World of Warcraft in that it has quests, but its a shooter like Halo and PC and 360 players can play togeather. And the best part is 100 vs. 100 gun fights! :D Can't wait! *Edit* Didn't want to double post soo...this may have made me not want a PS3 after all. http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/to...topic_id=397258
  5. Well maybe its not that dramatic. Today I discovered the sport of paintball! If you have never played it you are missing out! I got back around an hour ago and I have to tell you guys that this sport can rival my love for coding! If you get the chance you guys should find the nearest paintball field and go spend a day playing with some friends. Now for all of you guys that posted in the tread about whether or not we are all fat, this is a fun, kinda expensive, way to get in shape. Not to mention you get to shoot people without getting in trouble.
  6. I am getting my own place soon (yay for movin out! :D ) and I am taking 2 computers with me. I would like to set up my old computer as a server to make me more productive, but I have a few questions about servers. 1. How do I set up my old computer as a server in the first place? I need a very cheap and easy way to do this. 2. What can I do with my server after it is all set up? Like can I have it downloading torrents and such while I am using my laptop? 3. What do you have your servers doing? 4.Will haveing my laptop connected to my server slow my laptop down? If I think up any more questions I'll ask. Thanks for your help.
  7. HA! Love it! Thanks for finding this! I pretty much gave up on AIM since it has such a stupid interface. I'd have like 134625626 windows open at once, and all of em would be flashing orange. It would annoy me beyond end. DLing miniaim right now. :D
  8. nate

    New PC

    I am experiencing the same problem, as I have $2-3k (US) to spend on a gaming LAPTOP. I know that gaming laptops are taboo for some people, but its a requirement for my school. I lack the know how to make a laptop and I don't want to spend too much on a graphics card that is going to be out of date in a year or so. So I need some help. I need to run win pro, but I am more than willing to get a Mac. (If boot camp doesn't slow down windows any) I don't care if it looks like crap on the outside, but it needs to run well with some of the newest games on the market. So far I've looked at Alienware, Falcon Northwest, Voodoo, Dell, HP, Sony and alot more. And Alienware is more bang for the buck. Thanks for the help. O yea, is it worth the extra $400 for Dual 256MB NVidia® GeForce™ Go 7900 GS - SLI Enabled (copied from Alienware)
  9. I couldn't have said it better. I have alot of gear heads (car guys) as friends but all of their computers have gone to hell. And I told them about Firefox and virus scanners. They didn't even have virus scanners and they are asking my why their computer is dead while downloading some shady stuff. Which leads to... Again I totally agree. If i ran the world I would have these people shot...or maybe just educated...one of the two. haha I like this analogy, and I feel that this really embodies the problem. We should put that where the public can read it. :D Now for my opinion, other than killing all of the idiots that refuse to learn or focablely educating them i think that there needs to be a solution. But I feel that our side of the argument will not become policy as it is not profitable and we all know those who have the power are just money grubbing suits. If someone was to make thier own ISP that had requirements to use it...kinda made for computer people for computer people that person would make alot of $. And it would solve our problem and this arguement would become obsolite.
  10. Agreed, since I'm kinda one of those n00bs. Thanks for the great links, I plan on spending many hours today just looking through these sites.
  11. try http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp
  12. technolust: 1.when you can't walk by a computer store without stopping in for a minute or two. 2. the fealing you get when you go on vacation and forget your computer. 3. what you feel when you touch things that run off of electricity. 4. when you can make the "Geek Squad" look bad. I got some more, just ask.
  13. nate

    I'm new...

    For all of you all that are in the states, try the Goodwill. I don't know if there are Goodwills or Goodwill-ish places outside of the US, they always tend to have like 7 old computers for dirt cheap.
  14. nate

    I'm new...

    nope...but i bet that nate from digital hi 5 is a sexy beast...like myself :D
  15. nate

    I'm new...

    I have found that if you find friends (obviously older than you) that work in an office building or in some kind of tech job, then they can give you old computers that the office has replaced. Another question: How do I set up a server? Or better yet, where can I go on the net that can show me about networking?
  16. nate

    I'm new...

    Hi guys, I am also new. I have been lurking around this forum for a while and until this post I wasn't even going to register. But I must say that you guys have helped alot! I am going to all the sites you all suggested right now and I have come up with some serious noob questions. Please excuse the noob-ness of these questions. Thanks. 1. I know HTML, CSS, Visual Basic, and very little C++ (which I am working on) and I was wondering is there any web sites that I can go to to further my knowledge of C++ and other languages like php. I say web sites because money is short so buying a book is kinda out of the question (its buying a book or buying lunch) 2. What is php? I know it sounds stupid, but I don't know what this language is used for. 3. What languages would you guys suggest that woud be good for me to learn as an aspireing haker, modder, and video game programmer? 4. (Someones gonna kill me for this one) What is a "script kiddie"? (be gentile please :? ) 5. Is there a equivalent program to Photoshop that doesn't cost 3 arms and a leg? 6. This question got me kicked by some gamers. Is there such thing as a "gaming laptop"? I need a laptop and if I was able to spend an absorbant amount of money on a gaming laptop what would it be? I've looked at Alienware, Voodoo and a few others. 7. I know what encryption is, but is it hackable? And if so would it take a super computer to hack it? 8. Is "hackable" a word? :D 9. How do you guys feel about phrases like "LOL", "OMG", "LMAO" and others? And if I type one of those (being a gamer, we tend to type these alot) would I get flamed? 10. This isn't really a question as much as a plea. Please don't yell noob, noobsaur etc. at me as I have seen in some other posts. And I find people that yell things like that at people tend to have some kind of confidence problems. Alright, thanks for your time reading my somewhat winded post. Any and all answers are welcomed thankfully.
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