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Dropbox - New File Sync Service


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Although I think using the cloud for virtualization and storage could be a blessing, I also worry about the ramifications of this trend. For example, if police ever have a reason to suspect you of doing any kind of hacking, the first place they can check is your Dropbox... and you'll never even know they're snooping in your files. They can always use the excuse that what you're doing might be related to "terrorism" somehow.

Also, if I were to use a service such as Dropbox, I'd like it to be secure. I wonder about the security of this service because if you sign up, you basically agree with their claim that "Dropbox is very concerned with safeguarding your information. We employ reasonable measures designed to protect your information from unauthorized access." So because you could read that on their website, you can't sue them when someone hacks them and steals your identity.

Furthermore, you void any and all rights to actually check whether that security is really reasonable. According to the Dropbox legal mumbojumbo, you are not allowed to reverse compile their software, make changes to their software, or to use any other software to access the service. I believe that this may actually be an illegal restriction, but I'm not a lawyer.

But I'm going to have to go with Richard Stallings and the Free Software Foundation's stand on this type of service and recommend that we should not trust our data in such a way. On the other hand, there's probably big money in this business, so I'd suggest some hackers to start up a similar service of your own. Perhaps offer storage space, free for 2 GB or $5/month for 10 GB.

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I've been using this for awhile.

Primarily for school documents like u said.

There are public folders you can allow others to see.

It's easy to upload a pic or something you want to show somebody quickly.

Everything has a link to it in order to view it.

I do like the idea of having ur documents auto sync'd to each computer u own, but 2gb isnt enough for most of my folders.

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too bad xdrive is being shut down. it was a similar service that offered 5gigs instead o 2

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Dropbox is pro!

You can access your files from work/home desktop and laptop. Saves pulling a USB thumbdrive in and out all the time.

I think they'll eventually offer more storage space for paying customers.

Hmm, it makes me think, what if you could setup your own server, and just use it for your /home directory? That would be kinda sick. NAS doesn't quite cut it. I'm talking about making your own secure Cloud.

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Dropbox is pro!

You can access your files from work/home desktop and laptop. Saves pulling a USB thumbdrive in and out all the time.

I think they'll eventually offer more storage space for paying customers.

Hmm, it makes me think, what if you could setup your own server, and just use it for your /home directory? That would be kinda sick. NAS doesn't quite cut it. I'm talking about making your own secure Cloud.

You mean sorta like a VPN?

Ive been using Dropbox for a while now, and like you's, I use it instead of a Flash Drive (expecially now that flash drives are banned by the admins as they all contain viruses which make you sterile).

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Although I think using the cloud for virtualization and storage could be a blessing, I also worry about the ramifications of this trend. For example, if police ever have a reason to suspect you of doing any kind of hacking, the first place they can check is your Dropbox... and you'll never even know they're snooping in your files. They can always use the excuse that what you're doing might be related to "terrorism" somehow.

Also, if I were to use a service such as Dropbox, I'd like it to be secure. I wonder about the security of this service because if you sign up, you basically agree with their claim that "Dropbox is very concerned with safeguarding your information. We employ reasonable measures designed to protect your information from unauthorized access." So because you could read that on their website, you can't sue them when someone hacks them and steals your identity.

Furthermore, you void any and all rights to actually check whether that security is really reasonable. According to the Dropbox legal mumbojumbo, you are not allowed to reverse compile their software, make changes to their software, or to use any other software to access the service. I believe that this may actually be an illegal restriction, but I'm not a lawyer.

But I'm going to have to go with Richard Stallings and the Free Software Foundation's stand on this type of service and recommend that we should not trust our data in such a way. On the other hand, there's probably big money in this business, so I'd suggest some hackers to start up a similar service of your own. Perhaps offer storage space, free for 2 GB or $5/month for 10 GB.

How / What tools would you suggest to go about doing this!? Im very interested in this concept of doc syncing, also totaly agree with your comment about not trusting files on it and only using it for non-sensitive materials.

I just set up all my browsers on all my machines to sync my favourites (changed regkey in registry under user shell folders to be stored in the dropbox folder) and it works a treat now all my favourites are with me!

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How / What tools would you suggest to go about doing this!? Im very interested in this concept of doc syncing, also totaly agree with your comment about not trusting files on it and only using it for non-sensitive materials.

I just set up all my browsers on all my machines to sync my favourites (changed regkey in registry under user shell folders to be stored in the dropbox folder) and it works a treat now all my favourites are with me!

That is worth a tutorial... Foxmarks is annoying and is blocked at college

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here you go guys as promised. Guide for syncing your favourites with drop box.

dropbox fav guide

This guide assumes you have basic knowledge of windows registry and also of drop box (check out the video on http://www.getdropbox.com/ for all info you need)

remember even if you can't use the app from drop box you can still get to yourfavs on the dropbox website by loging in!

let me know what you think of the guide. :-)

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I've been working on something like this for a University Project I'm doing. We have to set up our own business and we're making an Internet Services company, one of the things it offers is secure online file storage. With even a measly 10TB Server charging a pitiful £1 per Gb per month with 128bit encryption you make on average a 1,200% profit margin after taking into account set up fees, running costs, maintenance fees and insurance; making £110,000 p/a net. It's easy to set up and dirt cheap to run.

After looking into the business side of things, I can see why they are so popular to set up now.

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