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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Quad-band is fairly irrelevant for this particular thing, but EDGE is much better than GPRS, shouldn't be too bad using Pandora on it. Good luck.
  2. I've heard it's weight but I don't know how reliable that was...
  3. Contact the manufacturer.
  4. We're not here to tell you what to do/what not to do, we just prefer things that tend to be a little more productive and less unbelievably immature...
  5. moonlit

    Rip MultiTool

    </thread> </soapbox> Well, I've given an answer that would get the file but I personally think that if you want this petty, pathetic, pointless, annoying, immature BS kind of batch file that the OP is trying to get you might at least try to write it yourself or even FIND it yourself. I can understand not re-inventing the wheel, but if you're gonna waste your time trying to get people to give you tools to screw over classmates or screw a 'friend's' computer you should do it yourself, I'm not gonna be the one to give you a free pass to being an annoying little fuckwit and I doubt other people here will either. </soapbox> <thread>
  6. Yup, I've got a Sony MiniDisc recorder, it's knackered, completely and utterly useless... however, I have a Sony amplifier from the mid 80s and it still works perfectly today. Even after I ran lights off it.
  7. GPRS is really too slow for streaming MP3, it'd take ages to get one song, hardly worth it... not to mention unless you have an unlimited data plan it'd cost a fortune...
  8. :D Edit: Oh, and uber_tom had a point, it's possible nothing will show up unless you format it. So... well... try formatting, it's better than accidentally erasing all your data... :p
  9. If you can tell me how I could get it moving. Now I *know* there are tutorials about this on Google.
  10. Yup, believe it or not, the iPod (despite it's price tag) is totally disposable. It's not designed to be repared, it's not designed to last longer than the weakest component (often the battery) and hey, if it only lasts a year who cares about scratches when you're 11 months away from buying a new one?
  11. I should have something very unpleasant to say about you and people like you, but for the sake of this community I won't. Welcome to the forums, by the way.
  12. moonlit

    Rip MultiTool

    Heh, yeah, know, it's funny, he could've just told us what the batch file that he wants to steal does and chances are we could tell him, no theft involved...
  13. Yeah, VLC's great for that, it can stream out almost anything you feed it, including capture devices.
  14. moonlit

    Rip MultiTool

    Check out the switchblade stuff, there's batch stuff for both checking for a flash drive and script for stealing files, add them together and you've got what you want.
  15. To the best of my knowledge the hardware in an U3 drive is different from that in a regular flash drive, you can't physically make a non-U3 device to an U3 device without significant modifications to the hardware inside.
  16. *sigh* Unless the drive has the necessary hardware to support U3 technology it won't work. Apparently some Memorex drives aren't marked as U3 but in fact are, there's a thread about it somewhere here.
  17. moonlit

    Rip MultiTool

    *sigh* Some part of me wants to help, it's my nature. Steal the flash drive, copy, place it somewhere it's likely he could've left it. The less obvious way is to prepare an app/batch that steals batch files from USB drives. This batch file would in theory keep checking for the presence of a flash drive and when it's plugged in it would copy anything called *.bat from the drive.
  18. I spy with my little eye something beginning with "pointless post". Oh, it's this thread. My bad.
  19. Oh, and one last thing, you'll probably have to go in to Display Properties and right click the 2nd monitor, choose "Attached" and check "Extend my desktop on to this monitor" or however they phrase it.
  20. moonlit

    Rip MultiTool

    arch... enemy...? right, ok.
  21. nVidia are good but ATi cards work just as well for multi-monitor setups. Pretty much any graphics card these days will do it providing it's a full height card/has two monitor outputs (you can get DVI->VGA adapters so don't worry about the connection being different). Software to do it comes free with both nV and ATi cards. So, to do this you need: - 2 monitors that will accept either DVI or VGA input (a TV works as well if the card has TV-out but you won't get a very high resolution and it's hard to read text, best for gaming and movies) - A graphics card with 2 monitor ports (most cards). You can also do it with 2 seperate graphics cards but it's often easier with 1 card/2 outputs. - Drivers and software (provided with the cards, really easy to set up as long as you're using Windows) - A DVI -> VGA adapter if one of your outputs is DVI and your other monitor is not. 2 of these are required if the card has BOTH DVI sockets and no VGA. It's all fairly usual, install the card like you would normally (or if you already have one installed that's even better), install the drivers (again, if your current card already does this you're sorted) and plug in your monitors.
  22. Not sure, though I wonder what possible issues the SATA HDD could cause, depending on the distro... I suspect that most live CDs are lacking the appropriate drivers... I could be wrong though.
  23. But they're so [90s|geocities|overdone|frontpage express|pointless|better than flash animations]! ;) (Delete all appropriate ;))
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