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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Very well said, you didn't flame or insult anyone but you said what a lot of people are thinking (but without the blind rage). Nice post.
  2. You could, or even easier, use your laptop's onboard ethernet.
  3. Organisation will be solidified a little more as the meeting gets a little closer but anyone can chip in with thoughts, ideas and suggestions. As VaKo said, the last meetup was 18+ and I'd suggest the same applies this time too, it saves a lot of trouble with age limits on accommodation and drinking establishments. You don't necessarily have to be a Hak5 fan but if you're not of a slightly technical persuasion then it might not be the best meetup to attend. Anyone is welcome though, much as last time, and we look forward to meeting a few more members of the community.
  4. Last time we had a core of people who stuck around for a few days and a couple of extras who came for just part of it, it was pretty laid back, if you couldn't make it for the whole meetup you could come along for just a day or a few hours. Considering if we do end up in Belgium or the Netherlands though, some of us will be traveling a fair distance so it's likely to be somewhere between a few days and a week I'd imagine. That'll be decided a little closer to the time though, so keep an ear out for further discussion.
  5. Depends on the watch. If it's a more advanced watch then it'll have some firmware in there somewhere, be it for a TV remote, personal organiser, calculator, whatever. These watches are (in theory at least) moddable. I wouldn't like to say how easy they are to mod but I'd wager fairly difficult. Plain old "I tell the time and nothing more" watches are highly unlikely to be moddable because they are, to the best of my knowledge, just a set of counters and an LCD.
  6. You remember last time you said you didn't wanna be with a bunch of drunks on a bar crawl...?
  7. Fuck it, the next person to fanboy out gets a ban. I'm not going to warn you again.
  8. Stop. Shitting. On. Vista. I cannot possibly say it any clearer. This goes for all of you. Quit fucking fanboying. I don't wanna hear "Vista is (the) shit", "(Don't) Use Ubuntu!" or "Mac sucks/rocks!" Don't you ever get fucking bored? If you don't like something, don't use it, doesn't mean someone else has the same opinion as you. I'm using Vista right now and I'm actually really enjoying it - now sure, it has its downsides, but so does everything else. It's fast enough, rock solid and fairly nice to look at as a nice extra. Note that I haven't needlessly bashed any variation of Linux, any Apple product, anything from Microsoft or anything with a BSD label on it. -_-
  9. Yes, let's all laugh at the interesting observation, hmm? While we're doing that, let's bash a user with a legitimate question by suggesting the OS he'd like to use is inferior. Yes, let's do those things. C'mon people, get a clue, stop using all your energy to shit on each other and put it to constructive use for once.
  10. I'm thinking one of the mainland venues DarkSenay suggested could be cool, was looking up flights from the UK to the Netherlands and it's pretty affordable on the cheaper airlines, like £30-40 or so, couple that with a hostel for a few nights or so and I don't think it'd be horrendously expensive.
  11. lol, he saw it soon after I'd posted it... I know that because he made a copy in the tips section :P
  12. Y'know, you or someone else (I guess on this occasion those would be one and the same) could set up a USA meet ;) As to the OP though, I'm up for it, I'll sit and wait for the ideas to roll in for a bit, I'm not very good at discussion without inspiration, so shoot. :) Actually, that's not really true. Last weekend some friends and I spontaneously decided to go to France and we got by just fine even though none of us could speak any more than about 3 words of French.
  13. That would, as they say, be telling. There's a pile o' guides on the net, but make sure the VM type is Windows NT and Darwin's boot flags say: -legacy "Graphics Mode"="XxYxz@R" Where X is your horizontal screenres, Y is the vertical, Z is bit depth and R is refresh. It's hardly worth the effort, but those little hints should help.
  14. Or, if you have USB wifi (and ONLY USB, will not work with PCCard/ExpressCard/PCI) you could give control of the adapter to the VM (providing you're using VMWare). This requires drivers in the guest OS though, just like a real machine.
  15. Appreciate the clarification, no worries, thanks. Quite a useful device, though, very discrete (though as you say, unfortunately potentially destructive).
  16. It's English slang for "Are you trying to make a fool of me, mate?". I'm not nearly as irritated as my reply makes me seem but I did have to try to find the humour. I'm sure it was done with nothing but good taste in mind, but it could easily be taken as a hint that my application was redundant and largely useless (and while that might be the case, at least I made an effort). I doubt that's what you meant though, if I'd thought you had posted it to suggest that, I'd have just deleted this thread.
  17. My initial reaction to this thread is thus: Are you taking the piss, mush?
  18. As it happens, I just created a tool to do some of those things, as seen here: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,8873.0.html Besides that though, you could disable your USB ports altogether (either in Windows or your BIOS) or set policies to disable access to certain things.
  19. "Ahh, bollocks, the jammy tosser's buggered it now..." "Aye, t'dozy pillock..." You off down chippy? Aye, fish supper, never miss it once. Back to watch t'box and then off down t'pub. Y'comin'?
  20. I prefer bastard, blagard, vagabond and other words that only come to mind as and when. Bloody blagards. "Ahh, bollocks, the jammy tosser's buggered it now..." "Aye, t'dozy pillock..."
  21. That'll be the "Watercolor" theme and it's been recreated in a whole pile of skin formats, WindowsBlinds as you say, and providing you have a patched uxtheme.dll, for regular ol' XP on its own too. See here for one example: http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=32604
  22. What, like this? Dual ethernet with onboard microSD storage for this gumstix motherboard with integrated bluetooth.
  23. After the recent popularity of the USB based attacks I decided it might be nice to have something from the other team, as it were, so I threw together some basic protection against them. I'll not release the source yet, it's an absolute mess, but I will release the binaries for anyone who'd like to test it... It's available at http://tinyurl.com/6gu7jz and contains a readme to explain what the application does and how to use it. It's nothing special, admittedly, and I'd really rather not get into an arms race with it but I thought it'd be something to keep me occupied and might be useful to someone, so there it is. I may or may not continue development on it depending on whether many find it useful. Anyway, it requires .net framework 2.0 and to the best of my knowledge it should work on Windows XP and Vista, both x86 and x64. Enjoy.
  24. But what if it was an office machine where it boots via ethernet by default? You then end up with the problem of not being able to disable it without breaking your entire setup.
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