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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. There's a few other names who weren't sure whether they could make it but still may be able to, VaKo and Dids being two of them. Dids won't know until he's heard back from job interviews and VaKo... I dunno, he's hiding out somewhere I think.
  2. That would be 1337 by Math Club Productions.
  3. So... you're not trying to break in, you're just trying to plant something that would make breaking in easier in future? I think that's pretty much the same deal as far as I'm concerned.
  4. I'd recommend just buying a new laptop. You can get some very cheap models now which should beat out that old Celeron without a problem.
  5. My thoughts exactly. Alright, I'll bite: bullshit. Use whatever you damn well need to use, stocking up on security based programs that mean nothing and are useless to you is not going to help, it's just going to waste space, bandwidth and time. Install whatever you use in day to day life and stop seeking the title of "hacker", you're going the wrong way about it.
  6. You should just be able to solder the XBOX controller ports in place of a hub's USB ports, or just solder USB plugs to the back of the XBOX ports, either way.
  7. MCE is Pro with some limitations. I don't believe MCE can join domains, much like Home.
  8. Interesting video, thanks for the link, enjoyed it.
  9. I really have no say on this matter but I can't say I approve of the use of the Hak.5 logo as an icon for such a tool. It kind of suggests that Hak5 and/or its community endorse the tool.
  10. I can't tell you how to change the size of the app because it's likely that you just can't. What you can do, however, is use a modified graphics driver for the eee (I believe there are Windows and Linux methods) that allows the use of higher resolutions and scales the high resolution down to fit on the screen. It won't look spectacular, it'll appear slightly distorted or stretched because it's not the native resolution of the LCD but it'll do the job. The other option is to use a driver that supports desktop scrolling so you can use a higher resolution but just pan around the screen as necessary. http://forum.eeeuser.com/ has more information.
  11. Actually, I voted 1 fan, I completely forgot about the really big, obvious front-mounted 120mm fan glowing blue at me from the front of my case. The other is at the rear, also a blue LED fan, but a slightly smaller 80mm. I do have space in the side panel for an extra fan but the current setup seems to be working just great.
  12. Had I noticed the reference to grade changing I would've locked this earlier. Not big, not clever, and if you're trolling then you're really not very good at it.
  13. You. Don't. Know. Shit. If you wanna do shit, get the fuck out there and learn a real language. I'm saying this as a Visual Basic coder, and if I'm sitting here with the balls to tell you it's time to code for real then that's saying something. Only language that recognises colour? Whatever your dealer's selling you, I'd demand a refund.
  14. It "haz" codpieces? That's a new idea.
  15. If dban'ing a pile of drives is too much effort for even a few hundred bucks, you really must ride the short bus, right?
  16. Can Ubuntu Studio read from an NTFS partition? Yes. How do you install with the dual boot? Install XP as normal in its own partition (50GB or so, if you want space left for Ubuntu), then install Ubuntu on another partition (the remaining 30GB or whatever), Ubuntu should add XP to its boot menu as part of the installation process.
  17. i cna rite gud coad ni cwicbasci in hte mykrozfot doss cz is muhc allsum (Cookie for the decoder.)
  18. "Fnyar, fnyar, I'm a *snort* computer nerd... but itsh sho cool!" does not, oddly enough.
  19. Oh it is, is it? Duly noted. As you were.
  20. What does this button do? *clicky*
  21. moonlit

    XBL Hacks?

    No. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no and no. Fucking no.
  22. You got owned. Sing it with me... FDISK, format, reinstall, do-dah, do-dah...
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