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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. This is a public discussion forum and it runs on our terms just as the aforementioned store runs on its owner's terms. Harassing users is not acceptable regardless of a thread's content and if people suspect that all is not well with a given service or store, hashing it out and asking for opinions is certainly a good idea. I have seen no reason to close this thread and so I will not do so. This is a complete non-issue. If you wish to buy from this guy's store then that's your decision and the same applies if you don't. As for the apparent owner of said store, this is a private matter and a public forum is not the correct place to deal with it. That said, I'd rather not hear that anyone on this forum is being hassled because they suspected something was amiss. Note though that if people perceive your messages as an attack on a potential customer then it's not going to look good for you and if (let me emphasise: *IF*) you're selling things that aren't what they seem then the backlash you may or may not encounter is yours to deal with and yours alone. Don't take it out on savvy customers. If these products are indeed iClones (of all their various models, some better than others) then when described correctly I wouldn't strike them off the list entirely, they're alright phones if you take into account that they're certainly not iPhones and the only likeness is in the case and the home screen. As has been said already, buyer beware, and whenever possible, buy from trusted or reputable sources.
  2. It's perfectly reasonable to have concerns about websites selling what seems like a very, very good deal and even more reasonable to ask others for a second opinion. I don't know whether you're legit personally and to be quite honest I don't care. That said, there is no reason to 1) get funny when someone wants to know whether you're safe to order from, you could've done a lot more to inspire confidence and 2) start PMing random users on this forum. In fact, why the hell are you even here? You chase up every potentially negative reference to you that appears on Google? CEOs do that now? Duly noted. Thanks, Henry Tudor
  3. I would. Probably. Oh yeah, happy birthday owine.
  4. You actually win nothing because a) someone already won it and B) you posted in the wrong place. Welcome, though.
  5. Could be legit. Not everyone knows how to go about hiring a penetration tester.
  6. You'd need a controller to interface them with the PC. It'd probably be easiest with a parallel port, though you could use serial/USB (the latter being the most difficult and expensive). Idea's pretty simple, as suggested above, perhaps 8 LEDs or something (4 green, 2 yellow, 2 red?, 6 blue, 2 red?) connected to the appropriate port with some simple software to perform the (very) simple maths required to show % on 8 LEDs.
  7. WinPE 2.0 > BartPE. Free, supports USB booting out of the box, not as sketchy as BartPE. It's also legit and made by Microsoft themselves.
  8. As far as I'm aware, no, there is no mod for TV out right now. It's likely that the signals are both digital and proprietary all the way from the graphics processor to the LCD, which means that you probably won't be able to get anything useful from anywhere in the chain. The only way to get video from a PSP to my knowledge is the 3rd party camera hoods, though that would only work with a fully working PSP as it works by pointing a camera at the screen and sending the signal out to the TV.
  9. Oh boy, another one. Just what I always wanted. Collect your medical implements at the table in the corner and don't make too much mess.
  10. Excuse the double post and bump, but *cough* http://gizmodo.com/5061086/giz-explains-il...smartphone-oses *cough*. *cough*.
  11. Hi. Also, smaller sig please, we all love Angelina Jolie too, but not when she's taking up half the page.
  12. moonlit

    Whats Next?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXT Oh wait...
  13. I was unable to find anything which would run Maemo, but I did find a Blackberry emulator, see first post.
  14. I also have an 8600GT, performs well enough for what I want. It has hardware video acceleration and plays games satisfactorily.
  15. That Celeron's probably not gonna help you as far as gaming grunt goes, but at least you have a PCIe slot. This means you can use pretty much any currently available graphics card (rather than if you'd had a machine with AGP, which would've meant you would have to stick to old cards). Try http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814121255 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814121251.
  16. It's actually quite simple, all you need is Resource Hacker and an image editing tool. The graphics for Windows banners and stuff are stored within the EXEs and DLLs that make up the bits you see, a few of them are: Windows\System32\SHELL32.DLL << About Windows... boxes Windows\System32\MSGINA.DLL << Logon stuff Windows\System32\NTOSKRNL.EXE << Bootscreen Windows\EXPLORER.EXE << Start menu graphics Basically all you need to do is find the appropriate graphics in these files, extract them with Resource Hacker and edit/replace them with your own. Keep in mind that the image format and size MUST remain the same and that in many cases you only have 16 or 256 colours to play with, so get your dither on and optimise as appropriate. Note: These files are very important. If you fuck them up, you might end up killing Windows. If you're going to try this then do it in a VM or on a spare machine you don't care about. Also, you can't edit these files while you're using them, so you'll need to make backups, edit the backups, then slide them in when Windows isn't looking (turn off WFP/use Safe Mode).
  17. I've never made a GDM theme but I did take a crack at Hak5ifiying Windows: I intended to theme the whole of Windows (including details like the images in the Taskbar properties window and similar) but unfortunately I lost the files and since abandoned the project. I did find the files again, but the project remained dead. If you want the files, I think Leapo has a copy of them, I no longer do.
  18. This is the second needless confrontation I've seen you in lately, crashanddie, and if I see you in another one I'm going to suspend your account.
  19. The wifi card in the 701 is indeed a miniPCIe card and in all but the very early models it occupies the only miniPCIe slot which has a connector soldered to it, the second slot has no connector.
  20. You'd like a shotgun to shoot yourself with? Sure, here's some shells to help you in your task too. Once upon a time we discouraged school "hacking". Oh well.
  21. You'd probably use an FTP server for that unless you wanted the files to be available via a browser.
  22. If you haven't already, partition and format the drive. This is an essential task to perform before anything can use it, it's blank. Generally you think of a blank drive as being one which contains no files but even then it has partitions laid out on it ready and waiting to hold data and without this it just looks like nothing to Windows (or MacOS or Linux or...)
  23. moonlit

    Disk Encryption

    This is much easier with Firewire because it has direct memory access, it can suck out a dump of the RAM without the OS even knowing.
  24. Try Virtual Desktop Manager, a free Microsoft PowerToy.
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