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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Ok, I was prepared to give syntax the benefit of the doubt but I think that just about says it all really... anyone agree?!
  2. Damn right... I mean, if you do genuinely like the taste of a certain beer, great! I don't wanna say that everyone who claims to like chemical lagers is lying, I can just see how some of them say [brand x] is best 'cos it gets you wasted or leary the quickest/best... Me, since I've cooled off after my younger drinking fits, I now prefer the odd glass of a great (my favourite varies by occasion) English ale... Spitfire works almost any time, Greene King's IPA is also generally good and there are some interesting ales by the Badger Brewery down here in the south... now ask me to choose between a free night on Carling and 2 glasses of an ale of choice and I'll choose the ale every time - guarenteed. Newcastle Brown is also nice, but that seems a little more mainstream these days... that's not a problem, more an observation but still, on the most part if you mention an ale or a stout to anyone younger that about 35 (sorry to generalise but it's what I've found) they either quickly change the subject through lack of knowledge or rubbish [brand y] because you can't get it at their drinking venue of choice/it's not a big lager - and let's face it, Murphy's or Guinness or Spitfire or Tanglefoot won't mix well with rehashed pop/rap music, will it? ;) Note: I have nothing against that music, it just doesn't really fit with the occasion if you're drinking that kind of drink...
  3. Yeah I think that's part of the problem... kids (sorry to generalise - most kids) don't know that a beer is ok or that a glass of wine or whatever can be good - to them, it's to get smashed and I think they need to be shown that a drink can be to relax, to socialise, to enjoy... (as I believe I would've responded well to, but overdoing it taught me lessons) I notice you mention about bar staff being told not to ID, it slows them down VaKo - again, it comes down to money and I think your propesed solution would deal with that... what's the point in making a few extra pennies if you're gonna get fined a lot more? If people in general realised that it's possible to sit with friends and a beer or two and not get hammered, we'd all be living in a better place..
  4. Yeah I agree with the over 25 thing... I couldn't outright say that kids underage won't drink but at least if they do they could do it at home... What the hell's that "If you look over 21, you'll get IDd' thing? they never enforce it! I know 2 friends who've become bouncers and one of them's also been a barman and the stuff you see when you know someone working there (not sure why but you see more when that's the case) just boggles the mind... I can quite belive what you said about that woman and the kids VaKo, and if bouncers were to keep everyone out unless they have ID or are clearly old enough then no-one would ever see that kind of thing... it's partly the pub/club's fault though, they don't enforce the laws because it means more money for them - hell, some of the places I've known, the owners have explicitly instructed the bouncers to let this person in, that person in or whatever when they are /clearly/ underage...
  5. oh tell me about it... I admit I did go out underage, but me and the group I was with always kept ourselves to ourselves and tried not to overdo it... but now I'm legal (though rarely go out) I do see it from that side... and about the talking to a fem thing - that sucks ass... jailbait pisses me off, 'cos they want it but they know damn well if you got caught and done for it they wouldn't get any crap - if you get arrested, that's not her problem
  6. heh I'm 19 but I had a heart attack when I read the title of the thread, clicked in and saw an age poll!!
  7. meh... I've heard they played with the syntax something stupid... s'pose I should move to .net sometime... /me grimaces and grits his teeth
  8. I don't think there's a way to get your computer hooked to your TV without a TV-out card of some kind... the rf modulator would only help if you had composite (or SVideo) out from your computer... IIRC, there was something I saw once on hacking a DVI-out from a video card to output a digital Tv signal, but that requires a vid card with a digital output, modding skills and excellent Linux knowledge and maybe a little electronics theory knowledge (and a digital TV receiver). but other than that, I recommend getting a cheap graphics card with a TV-out... that should make things much easier and you should get a satisfactory picture on the TV... I personally suggest an NVidia card, since ATI cards sometimes have issues with quite a lot of TVs... good luck! Edit: Noticed you say the TV doesn't have S-Video... if you have SCART, you can use a SCART > S-Video/Composite adaptor or if you're comfortable with electronics you could attempt to use the RF modulator from the DVD player (assuming it was ripped from the inside). The RF modulator requires a signal of whatever kind, and assuming it's composite (it might not be, I don't know much about the internals of DVD players) then you could use the TV-out from a video card and send it through the modulator and use the antenna in on your TV...
  9. ah cool... I'm only using VB6.0 so no RSS for me :( have to code it manually I s'pose...
  10. I do so despise those dreams that with them, they bring emotion... and lots of it... in fact, you could give a heart to every piece of machinery in the UK with what's in some of my dreams! Damnit!
  11. I wrote a long reply to this but my browser screwed it up and I lost it, so I'll keep it brief: dream in colour: yes, hard to imagine not doing so pain in dreams: occasionally, though not often control over dreams: very rare but has happened recurring dreams: anyone have these? I used to a lot when I was young
  12. heh it's really not so hard if you just stay alert... everywhere holds oportunity! local dumps are good sometimes, but careful - they aren't allowed to sell electrical goods and if you're under 16 (?) you must be accompanied by an adult... w00t!
  13. heheh I got it a few years back but it's pretty generic lol
  14. << Dorset, South Coast of England (but wishes he was elsewhere) @VaKo: lol at fake ID comment!
  15. oh yeah, so true! also, if it isn't sleek and black it's out too... if it's in an angular beige box, you'll get it dirt cheap these days even if it's top-notch h/w inside... people have no idea!
  16. ah yeah, that was just my demo text, but whatever he wrote I'm sure he meant well... :)
  17. <off topic="ASCIIart"> I'm a little late with this, but in case anyone else wants to try ASCII art on forums, instead of 'space' try using Alt+255 and stick it in a code box ;) * * * * **** *** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** ** * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * **** *** Â *** * However, since it's not using a fixed width font, it's a litle wonky... ...and my ASCII art skills are a little rusty ;) Edit: seems to also work with 'space' as long as it's in a code box :) </off topic>
  18. Just a few pics from my setup :) My setup when I'm (occasionally musical)... My setup when I'm not... Left: Inside, Cold Cathode on, right: inside, lights all off Inside, no side on, cold cathode on Inside
  19. OMG! Noooooo! You... you... just destroyed my entire life plan! heheh Yeah C+A+Del is great though :D
  20. hey kYd - do you have the source still? would you mind if I took a look? I'm interested in how you implemented the RSS reading part!
  21. I picked up my last PC (1GHz Athlon w/128MB RAM + other randomness) from the trash - just so happened that in my drowsy state one morning on the way to college I got the bus to college but got the wrong one (the one that goes in the opposite direction) and right near the bus stop on the way back home (to get the right bus) I found the system just laying there outside with the HDD disconnected and gfx card (32MB TNT2) unseated with the screw missing! That system did me well until I finally upgraded! I've found loads of kit out and about... also cheap gear from car boot sales/flea (sp?) markets is generally still good - and even if the equipment's old it generally still does it's job well enough.
  22. I think the situation has been explained now, by all involved and I think now's a great time to take VaKo's advice and ease up on the coke coffee creamer (hehe love that one) but I do understand how things do get out of hand and as such don't personally like to point fingers... With that said, I do think someone may have reacted a little strongly, causing others to react to the possibly slightly harsh resonses made by said person... still, that program does seem to exist, we've learnt not to runt hings as root and we've learnt that Windows and Linux are different... so we've learnt something from the experience! ;) I also agree though, that if a program does that, it's NOT FIT TO USE... if it can trash your partitions then do NOT touch it with someone else's box, let alone yours!
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