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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. moonlit

    Car PC

    yeah drag and drop is great, but it only works to it's full potential if you have a larger screen to play with - preferably touch-screen... could work though...
  2. I gotta say, I do despise the way schools and colleges handle people like us... instead of giving us a chance or maybe just once imagining that we'd poked around in more of a white-hat manner they just ban you or even expell you... I have had enough experience of school IT diciplinary action to know how harsh they are and more often than not, they don't even give you the chance to explain why or how you came to be doing whatever you'd done... ho-hum, it's an Admin's job to be harsh/suspicious I s'pose, so...
  3. moonlit

    Car PC

    That's not far wrong :) I never quite finished it but is was going to be a total solution, so it would've played videos and whatnot too... I might start up devving it again when I get more time :) Edit: Sparda, gotta love that digital clock sig ;) the amount of times I've actually /thought/ that... /me must get out more...
  4. Thanks :D I'll be posting further progress when I get more done - might even do some more tonight if I feel like it... and yeah, the start menu banner is my favourite part so far :)
  5. moonlit

    Car PC

    Sadly the code went in a HDD format but it's really not that hard to do :) I might knock something together to show you the rough idea of what I did when I get a spare minute, I'll PM you or email you about it sometime soon... if I do get round to doing anything with it, the code is yours to do whatever with - providing my code isn't distributed online without credit to me anything code-wise that I post is free for whatever you wanna do with it :)
  6. moonlit

    Car PC

    I was thinking of doing something like this for a friend - I don't have a car yet, otherwise I'd go for it and he got bored and abandoned the project... We came across similar problems - power and display being the main two... for power we were going to use an inverter and for the display we were either going to go headless (a royal pain when you're trying to navigate tracks) or use a small LCD... Ideas I had for this one may come in somewhere for someone else so I'll mention a couple here: For the screens, we didn't want to pay loadsa money, so I though about installing the guts of old pocket TVs in the front windscreen visors and possibly in the headrests powered by the ATX PSU and taking video from a TV-Out on the PC's graphics card via an RF modulator and for a more usable screen use a PSOne screen either from the Composite Out on the graphics card or perhaps the VGA hack I'd seen somewhere on the net... We also considered Text-To-Speech instead of a screen but eventually that proved kinda tedious... Control was going to be handled by a serial trackpad placed beneath the larger PSOne screen within reach of the driver and front passenger and a keyboard somewhere handy just in case it was needed... For the OS, I was going to use Windows 98SE - reasonable compatibility, very easy to program for and very very fast on reasonably new hardware... The GUI for the whole thing was going to be a custom front end (set as Windows shell) written in VB6.0 and this worked/looked great, and being custom I could make it look readable on such small screens... I even added the car logo for the car he was driving at the time :D Shame it never happened, but I'll be picking up the pieces when I get me a car :)
  7. Just a little something I'm working on, it looks a little basic since I only started it today but thought I'd post a few pics and let you guys give opinions... All it is really is a few resource-edited bits of Windows thrown together to give my eyes a rest when using XP Pro on my laptop... Produced on my desktop, tested on my laptop and the shots were taken in VMWare... :) Wherever the Windows logo has a scrolling line beneath it (logging in for instance) the Hak.5 version also does the same.
  8. nah XP is without a shadow of a doubt more resource-hungry than 2k... I have tried 2k and XP Pro on many machines and 2k is always many times more usable - definitely faster... (looks better too, IMHO... but Whistler when it was still in 'I used to be Windows 2k' stage looked ok)
  9. I bloody did it! It works! It's alive! It boots! I have Longhorn 3817 on the laptop with the above spec! As for the networking, it kinda works... I'm dual-booting LH w/Win98 atm, so I at least have some networking - LH's Zero Config Wireless do-dah seems to only run sometimes... not sure why, could be related to a RAM shortage...
  10. Driven crazy by my laptop not co-operating, I finally flipped... I'm forcing an install of Longhorn Build 3718 on the poor thing. I think the specs should hold up: Intel Pentium II @ 233MHz 32MB RAM 2MB Graphics Memory 24x CDROM Drive Perfect... I'll report back with the destruction soon :D *walks away muttering 'minimum spec, my a....'*
  11. Frappr says there are few Asian viewers! If you're from Asia, give us a shout!
  12. They are both set to Infrastructure mode with RaLink's networking software (which is the same for all RT2500 chipset cards - have tried many versions/sub-versions and retarded/rebranded versions).. This software can run the card(s) as software controlled APs which the other card(s)/machine(s) should connect to just like any other AP... and that's how the desktop's USB stick is configured... Not that I'm sure of its significance, but I had noticed that the USB stick (acting as AP) can be worked as an AP but the PCMCIA one doesn't have that option (same driver versions, same chipset, different method of connection)... I'd love to get it going in 2000 but I'm going to partition/install Win98/2k dual-boot tonight and install the drivers on both - that way, I can still use wireless on that lappy, just not in 2k - but hopefully if I find a solution I can apply it to the 2k install :) Oh, and cheers for that CD Techno ;) Edit: Choosing to install Whistler Beta Build 2257 instead of 2k - it's still heavily based on the 2000 core but it's a little tweaked and slightly unusual ;)
  13. a) Bugger... can't remember what the test was about... b) Sweet... hopefully I can get my WLAN card going enough to play :) c) Cool, look forward to it :)
  14. Cheers all (esp. Techno) - As Technologique said, XP is certainly not gonna install on this lappy - even to the point I tried installing Whistler betas to get at least some XP functionality but it made little difference since it's based on the 2k core... The drivers are apparently 2k specific and seem to install fine - even the supplied networking app detects and can control the card but it just can't seem to find the access points - it's like it only detects them momentarily so it can't fix on one long enough to connect to it... I have only tried this and a modem card as far as PCMCIA devices go, I could try my USB dongle in it but the disadvantage I'd have there is that since my desktop machine doesn't have PCMCIA, I'd have nothing to try and connect to... Also haven't tried any other net devices (except USB ADSL modem some time back on a prev. install - that seemd ok)... I haven't tried any service packs yet 'cos it's a pain in the ass trying to feed this lappy files w/out a network connection but it's certainly an idea... Cheers again all, MOONLIT Edit: Downloading Service Pack 4... Really should be at college, but...
  15. I quite like it myself, it's quite clean and easy to navigate but the only thing I'm not so sure about is the flash bit at the top - it's nice, I like it but it's a little distracting seeing as it takes so long to finish the animation. Altogether though, very nice!
  16. Ow. My brain's hurting... I have a networking problem that I'm hoping y'all might be able to help me with and it goes a little something like this: I bought a USB WLAN stick for my PC and a PCMCIA (PCCard) WLAN card for my laptop. I connected everything, installed the relevant/supplied drivers/set the PC's stick to run as an Access Point (SoftAP mode) and all worked great - reasonable speeds, stable connection and just perfect everything. Until... The laptop had Win98 installed. I thought that this was a little outdated, even to me being a classic-Windows freak and I wanted to install some apps that worked only on Win2k and above... great, I thought... I'll just install 2k, reinstall the drivers and we'll be in business - but no, no can do; Installed 2k (Pro), went ok... usual install stuff, you know how it goes and when it came to the WLAN drivers, all seemed fine - but I couldn't find my AP (my PC acting as AP)... Win98 + drivers from CD worked fine... same CD installed 2k drivers won't do it... now, being the stubborn person I am, I don't want to go back to 98 for a million reasons but I do need my WiFi... I tried NetStumbler on it - card is detected and supported fine, drivers seem to be ok - NetStumbler can see my AP for a second or so every so often but it can't see it for longer. I know this can be just the way NS works but the supplied app for wireless network connection (came on driver CD) needs the connection to be present for longer than 1 second - so it can't see it at all... the PC still seems to be ok acting as AP but since neither side gives me any errors except for 2k telling me that the network cable is unplugged (duh it's wifi...) The card is a Cable & Wireless 54G Wireless LAN (very descriptive, huh? - Model Number: USBA10CW3) and the PCMCIA one is also Cable & Wireless 54G Wireless LAN (they seem to like naming their products like this - Model Number: NC10CW3) Both are 802.11b/g compatible and seem to be based on the RaLink RT2500 chipset (which it seems does have problems of its own...) Any help would be much appreciated! Cheers, MOONLIT Edit: apologies for the long post! Edit 2: Oh, and the very first time I installed this lot with 2k on the lappy, I was able to connect to the AP for about 10 seconds... then it dropped the connection and I haven't got it back again since.
  17. Thanks Darren... I believe in giving everyone a chance but he did cross the mark on many occasions and I personally agree with your decision... Darren = Making Hak.5 a better place.
  18. Also should work from a CD easily... just set it as the boot floppy image in your favourite burning soft! You boot it from CD for machines that don't have a floppy drive!
  19. kids as I wrote there could either be anyone who is under the drinking age of your country/state or kids as in those too immature to know that you can drink without passing out and choking on vomit... ...they're almost interchagable - there's overlap but there are a lot of people in the latter camp who are old enough to be aware of the consequences... (no offence intended to anyone whatsoever, and I'm certainly not trying to be a killjoy!)
  20. that reply was a little out of context from this angle... :roll:
  21. perhaps an undelete program? I might question though why you want to do it... if it's legit, fair enough but if it's not your account then you might want to check with him before you go grabbing deleted stuff... Edit: Edited for spelling.
  22. Oh, and if you were referring to Mary-Kate and Ashley, their surname is 'Olsen', so it would be the Olsen twins...
  23. uhh... I know the definition of joking already thanks, though you might wish to read that yourself... you always say you're joking, no matter what the content of your message was - you obviously say it to dig(g) yourself out of the holes you constantly dump yourself in... either STFU, talk some sense just once in a while or just get the f* out... plain and simple... and no, I wasn't joking...
  24. ok, I know my 'who's the hottest?' thread was pretty random, but at least it was vaguely withing the bounds of Hak.5-ness... but geez... I... damnit... and it's 'Angelina Jolie'
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