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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. We are to assume that this only stands if they have the necessary right to access the hotspot in the first place, right? ;) Copying files from a computer that you do not own or have rights to access /is/ illegal though...
  2. Holy shit, you could drown a rhino with that much paste!
  3. Is this allowed on the forum?!
  4. If you do go to shady sites and don't appear to catch anything, I would also advise running Rootkit Revealer (SysInternals.com) or something similar just in case... I'm not sure of the current distrobution/infection rate of rootkits, but you never know what those sites might have, especially if it is in the form of a rootkit or powered/concealed by one...
  5. Yeah camera flash units would provide the necessary current, but if I was ever to use it, like you say it could potentially kill which I would rather not have happen - just a little something to kick someone in line should I require it, if you see what I mean... Not sure what a slaver glove is, but from what I found on Google about it, perhaps similar, yeah... Yeah we used to use the spark unit from electronic cigarette lighters and as you say, it isn't the most powerful shock but it does make you jump a bit... perhaps several wired in series?
  6. Hmm... <random> I thought of making a pair of stun gloves a while back... like a taser, but with the prongs on the index finger and thumb of a pair of thick black leather gloves... </random>
  7. You have to admit though that there's easy and there's downright patronising... I mean I don't object to 'a quick recap' or a skim over the basics of using a computer if I'm on a course with less experienced users, but 'can anyone tell me what this is called? *holds up a mouse*' gets repetitive before they even /say/ it...
  8. I thought I'd post up a few images/links to info on really old computers I've owned and really wish I hadn't trashed/thrown out/sold all those years back... ZX Spectrum (http://www.old-computers.com/MUSEUM/computer.asp?c=223) ZX Spectrum 128 (http://www.old-computers.com/museum/computer.asp?c=35) Acorn A3000 (Stock config.) (http://www.old-computers.com/museum/comput...?st=1&c=697) Amiga 500+ (w/Impact Series II 500MB Side-Mount HDD Unit) (http://www.old-computers.com/MUSEUM/comput...p?c=65&st=1) (Impact Series II HDD... that's what an Amiga HDD unit looked like!) Amiga 600HD (http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~ssdm/computer...miga_600hd.html) Amiga 1200 (http://www.old-computers.com/museum/computer.asp?c=628) Portables: Toshiba T3100/20 (http://www.old-computers.com/MUSEUM/doc.asp?c=917) (One hell of a laptop...) Amstrad PPC512 (http://home.hetnet.nl/~peter.verhaar/amstrad_ppc512.html) (Full-size keyboard!) Not-so Portables: Apricot (http://www.old-computers.com/museum/comput...?st=1&c=499) IBM PS/2 8530 (w/Tape Storage Unit in the second drive bay) (http://members.tripod.com/mastodonpc/personal/8530-021.html) Apologies for the long post, tried to keep it brief, it just /looks/ big :) Photobucket seems to have mangled my pics! Anyhow, now it's your turn :)
  9. ok, that was a really bad photo...
  10. I'm so glad... /me finally stops feeling unwell...
  11. When you say crust, I'm hoping you mean money rather than a reasonably unhealthy dose of 'someone's been here before me'... /me runs to the toilet to be horrendously ill...
  12. I don't have any, I'm too much of a realist lol
  13. I think that was 5ynt4x3rr0r or however he spelt it lol
  14. All of 'em! Just who's the 'best'... though I think the thread was based on how hot you guys are... ;)
  15. Urgh... Unfortunately I often have to deal with these people and I rather wish I didn't... they never learn either, no matter how many times youtry to teach them... it's sad, but true... *goes and cries in the corner*
  16. Well I agree with both angles there, but to use an analogy: A house gets robbed, they steal the old VRC that is never used and was meant to be thrown out and maybe a vase or two... ok, so not a big deal... they get told they should lock their door, perhaps with a lock and a couple of bolts... great... But this person ignores the advice... they get robbed again, only this time the thief steals their 2 12-guages and a box of shells they had kept in the kitchen in case of emergency... now this person goes and shoots a bunch of people... totally different situation... Now you might say this sounds like an extreme example, but it's a fair analogy and people should learn to think this way, not just to say "oh well, it was only a VCR and a vase, I'll live..."
  17. nah, I'm totally safe with all OSs ;)
  18. hey don't diss 3.1! I still use it!
  19. haha or you could DoS them... maybe...
  20. Well up until now, it's been almost recoverable... by the second page, all his thread are belong to us...
  21. Umm... I'm thinking we kinda hi-jacked this thread lol
  22. Yeah TomB - you promise sarcasm and then you disappear! Come back with my sarcasm!!
  23. Yeah sarcasm aside, comcipher is right... asking that question is a little like asking if you can break into someone's house if you know their address hence our comments... A little research will tell you all you need to know though.
  24. zomg i wanna haxx0r sum pplz tomb tell me how teh pplz haxx0red my myspace i gotta haxx0r tehm back n i wanna haxx0r theyr msn and aol passwordz Yes, sarcastic please TomB.
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