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Everything posted by Foxtrot

  1. I think the nano doesn't have a USB option because its designed to rely on the SD card, the nano being small form-factor and all, I think the primary use case for the USB port would be your phone or a USB radio.
  2. Are you able to wget "https://www.wifipineapple.com/nano/bulletin" on the nano? That would rule out if its a problem with the UI or with the network itself.
  3. You could try mounting it as /usb, then soft-linking it to /sd. Not sure if it would work though. Maybe "ln -s /sd /usb" would work.
  4. What output do you get from "cat /sys/class/leds/pineapple\:blue\:system/brightness"? What is the output of "/etc/config/wireless"? Be sure to delete any passwords if they are in the file.
  5. You are. In the Recovery mode you set your Pineapple facing interface to, and navigate the recovery interface running on the pineapple, at
  6. Theres something in the works that will allow you to select CSS templates based on common pages and router pages. ;)
  7. I don't see anything wrong in that dmesg output.
  8. This isn't a problem, per se. Currently I would recommend using tabs to manage multiple pages you access a lot.
  9. Ok, sorry I missed that part, I skipped through some of the 20 useless minutes you spent flashing a device (that had nothing to do with the NANO)... I still fail to see how you can blame Hak5 for "selling devices the work half the time" when it is nothing to do with them. And say the App does not work, as you did in the video. If you had waited and watched mine instead of complaining, then you would of seen this. The app works.
  10. The problem you are experiencing is not Hak5s fault, the pineapples fault, or (surprisingly) your fault. If you would of Googled "Nexus 7 Android 6.0 Tethering", you would of quickly realised that the feature has been removed from Marshmallow on the Nexus 7. To clarify, it's not at all the Pineapple that causes this problem as were so quick to claim, and an ounce of research would have told you this yourself.
  11. sigh.. This is how Ubuntu (and a lot of other distros) do interfaces now. For more information, read here. That link also tells you how to get the old name schemes back. It is NOT an issue with the nano.
  12. Never used nethunter, but using a shell on the 6 isn't too bad. Can be annoying with larger commands.
  13. Just upgraded to 6.0.1 on a Nexus 6, Connector app works flawlessly (as it did on 5.0.1). Here is an MP4 I made while testing a screen recording app, works quickly and effortlessly. Are you sure you have it plugged in correctly with the correct cable, Zarabyte?
  14. OP, please allow me to venture off-topic and dissect and annotate this post. That's probably because you didn't use Linux to its fullest. I also think its completely preposterous to claim that a locked up and dumbed-down OS can be better than a free, open and more capable OS. You think that's going to be your only issue? I use OSX and trust me, yer in for a treat. The WiFi Pineapple connector app works well for me and the majority of others, for some reason I can't help but think PEBCAK. Back to the actual topic: The way Apple like to implement common features such as ICS makes things like this a massive pain in the arse. Unfortunately people insist on using operating systems with broken features, and the only real advice I can give someone looking to use reliable and easy ICS is to use linux (or even windows). EDIT: I'm not Anti-OSX, because I run it on both my desktop and laptop, However the cold hard truth is that on Linux, ICS just works.
  15. It's not an issue, its one of Apples "features". The ICS network is locked to 192.168.2.x. Still think OSX is the superior operating system? smh.
  16. God damn Foxtrot where is RandomRoll releasequickpls
  17. You had success running wp6.sh on Windows? Interesting. . . 1) You can factory reset the NANO with the reset button on the underside of the device, holding it for 8 seconds is about right (I think) 2) To manually flash firmware you do not chmod +x it and try and execute it... you do "sysupgrade -n /tmp/upgrade.bin"
  18. What type of encryption is this network? Specifically. (ie: ccmp+psk2)
  19. Also, the reporting doesn't seem to clear the PineAP logs... I don't know if this is a known issue for other people so I thought of discussing it here before posting anything on the bugs tracking page, Next step for me was to try a factory reset to see if it helps... Nice meme theme for your browser. Try clearing cache before factory resetting.
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