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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. If you were actually like you just said you were then you wouldn't have created a thread about this or even had this problem. I'm sorry but your the type of person that gives men a bad name.
  2. I'm sure you could use your imagination if you had any. Either than or might i suggest the 'Search' function or 'Google'. You might have heard of them before, they come in use quite often.
  3. I'm sorry but I think you should get a life and stop being such a bastard. Stop treating girls as trophy's and objects. You might have some luck then but I doubt you'll be able to do anything about being such a pig.
  4. Because computer monitors don't have video processors in them, this makes them very poor at sorting out the picture and making it look good. If you watch video on a computer (using a computer monitor) it doesn't look bad because the computer is sorting out the picture and then sending it to the monitor. But you are talking about feeding it with external source which is also very unlikely to have a video processor as they expect the monitor to do it. You can get some computer monitors that have TV tuners in them, so if you are desperate for that idea then I would go with that, they often have a lot more inputs so you can plug in a cable/digital tuner. Also if the TV has component in then it might have a video processor so wouldn't be so bad.
  5. Computer monitors don't make long term good tv screens. You'll need something like what metatron at least to make the image look good if you don't have a PC.
  6. You can check out www.powerlabs.org for more fun like that.
  7. I've used ProFTPd in the past and was happen with it. But I mainly choose that because it was supported by another piece of software that I wanted to use. I've heard good thinkgs about vsFTP, i'll have to have a look at it sometime as well. But at the moment i'm in the process of selling out.
  8. Didn't like Solaris, it has a very big footprint and I try to keep server images very small and light.
  9. You can check out the Thecus Nano N1050 ( That allows you to plug in another USB mass storage device and then it can copy the contents over to the hard drive inside it. Useful if your on the run without a laptop and need to back up your digital photos etc. Even more fun if you only have 30 seconds to grab your mates USB stick and clone it. However the only people that I would count as having anything interesting on their memory sticks are the people that know how to protect themselves from this kind of thing. Yes children, lets make Mr. NSA agent who is reading this cry by mentioing the 'Encryption' word.
  10. It'll end in a setalment. You've just got to look at the recent Apple vs. Creative case on the patented interface. Creative could have legally requested that all iPods that use the technology and stopped production and no longer sold. But they went with money and a let in clause in the iPods.
  11. Nice. Are you getting rid of nearly everything and then making a fresh start in the US?
  12. Thats a good idea Sparda and a lot cheaper. Why did that not pass my mind.
  13. I don't want my Music in crappy WMA format with horrible quality. I think i'll stick to CDs thank you and ripping them into FLAC.
  14. If never liked software imaging solutions. If I have a large number of computers that I need to get running all with the same software (OS and APPs) then use a hard drive cloner. Then all that is required is a small script that will change hostname and a number of other things to make the system individual.
  15. I'd certainly like to go an see that, just for the style that they have done it in. Probably depends though whether I can drag the gf along whether I go and see it.
  16. Dangerous creatures these Stingrays. A Shame it is though, always worth a watch if nothing else was on.
  17. To put it simply the motherboard is what makes or breaks the system. Its also the thing your least likely to want to change. If you have a bad one with few features then you may find your computer slow and buggy without many options. If you have a good one with lots of features then you will always have room to upgrade and your pc will hopefully run without problems.
  18. Just go and buy a domain, most come with e-mail forwarders.
  19. stingwray

    +4400 amd

    When I link you to something because you have asked a question and can't be bothered to look for the answer yourself I expect you to read the link!
  20. Could you ask the same question any more times?
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperTransport http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front_side_bus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athlon_64 READ! and use your brain.
  22. stingwray

    +4400 amd

    Athlon 64s don't have a FSB, there is no northbridge as the memory controller is found on the CPU die. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front_side_bus
  23. stingwray

    +4400 amd

    Windows is multi-cpu enabled, allowing it to address multiple cores. It depends on the program whether it can multi-threaded and can use more than one core. Programs that are tend to be specialised and in the professional sector such as CAD programs etc. Obviously more and more programs will become multi-threaded now that multi-core computers are more popular. I believe Quake 4 is one of the first multi-threaded games available atm.
  24. http://www.met.police.uk/computercrime/
  25. FSB is only related to Intel CPUs now, as AMD don't have a FSB technically because the memory controller is on the CPU die. Bandwidth is how much raw data you can transfer in and out of the memory. Like most things greater is better. Except for latencies, but please don't ask about latencies because you don't even understand this.
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