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Everything posted by Deveant

  1. few bits of info, by knowing the exact address of the channel, you are able to sign on, with out having a name, some friends have talked about a bot network, which allows a style of attack that DDOS's the chat rooms, but ive never seen it done b4, so not much credibility to go on.
  2. i would say the stop executables on flash drives for a lot more reasons than browsers, normaly in a skool, it will be for games, in a work enviroment, it will tend to be for security.
  3. ... ur not hell sus, just post a link to the site?
  4. the protocol is called XDCC, if ur downloading Linux distros, then use FTP, use either FlashFXP (trial) or Filezilla (open source) and you will have resumable downloads via FTP (theres other clients, just these 2 seem to be the most common).
  5. if ur using an old set of headphones, with the 3 tipped prong (standard head phone jack) and are connecting it to Composite Audio cable, such as the cable Sparda suggested: http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=31700 You will need to wire, Red Jack --{===}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Wire = Red Wire. Open Gold Wire = Open Gold Wire ~~~~~(==)- 3.5mm Jack White Jack / / --{===}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / White Wire = Green Wire. Open Gold Wire = Open Gold Wire The shielding on both the Composite cables will bind onto the one shilding cable on the 3.5mm Jack. The other way to do this is to go down to ur local Electronics shop, or hobby shop, and by a 3.5mm jack, (there about $1.20au). Un-twist the plastice shield, and you will be presented with 3 prongs: there will notacable be one in the center, so turn the jack so that as u look at it, there is two prongs side on, and one at the back. Wire the Red to the Left Side, and the White to the right, the two Shielding wires get wired to the center prong. Sorry for the non-discriptivness of this, kinda tired, n hungry :-)
  6. though cant L/R sound be put through a visuliser and turned into souround sound?
  7. Only 3 threads down, is the same question, mabye search function? Either way, ur not going to be able to torrent of ur skools connection. they have blocked it, its gone, simple. What you can do, is torrent of another computer outside of the network, then transfer it in once its finished downloadin, via means of FTP, HTTP, or other traffic that shouldnt be band. to do this, check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torrentflux It will need to be setup on either a home computer (mix in a lil WAL n she will come up a nice download server) or you could purchase a dedicated server, and use it to download and forward. As for IRC, your outta luck again, best way is to SSH home, and use ur own PC, or again a dedicated server will do the trick. THough this is only for the downloads. If you want to use IRC for a legit cause, then i suggest checking out: http://ircatwork.com Anywho, i suggest that u follow this topic: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,7606.0.html koftaki13 has at;east put effort into his question, and ideas about gettin a live stream torrent setup have been thrown around, either way his post is going to be gaining better feedback than this one.
  8. really interesting idea, but the issue i see wif it would be, that Torrents come in "bits" so what would be coming down the tubes, would need to be the packets download of the client, and not the re-assembled file on the server, though, wif Linux, its easy enough to make a script that just forwards the individual downloaded files (such as multiple rar files) as soon as they have been completed. This is what im currently using for my Download server, to move files to my File Server.
  9. Sorry mate, Hak5 really isnt the place for this. You would have more luck going to a warze forum, that im sure they can help you out. though i also suggest checkin to see if ur "download" has an NFO file, or a read me. this can come in hadny.
  10. need to put the winvnc.exe and vnchooks.dll files in a folder called "tvnc"
  11. the ports are gonna be closed, as well as packet shaping / filtering should be inplace. You will need to encrypt the packets (Bitcomet comes wif this as an option) and find an open port on the network leading out (hard task to do).
  12. Yea, me to, the only cables i have seen over 4 meters, have the noise filters on them, and even wif that state that there may be drop in quaility of the signal, unless u buy the cables that will set u back a lot of $$$. As for connecting a USB into a route... dont... To go google. Wiki a router, read how they work.
  13. this is gonna sound a lil nuts, but if u wanna sound proof ur wall, tape egg cartans to the wall, cover the entire wall wif em, and it will decrease the noise to 3% hearable (i think that was it) it was a prac we did in physics last year. Beacuse the material, and the cone shape, the egg cartans can absord, and re-distribute the soundm easly and efficently.
  14. i use to use a keylogger when working wif putty, then i found u can save the back scroll...
  15. Deveant


    umm, tried Quicktime Alternative, im using that, n CCCP, i can pretty much play anythin, and i highly suggest it to anyone who dislikes VLC, or watches a lot of anime.
  16. to get fit, eat correctly, and exersize often. To get the balance, i guess u just need to practice, theres no simple way of either gettin fit, or being able to pull the tricks, and its not just gonna take weeks, its a life style change.
  17. always start wif the layer1. Check the connection btwn the PC and the Switch, on a physical level, make sure that the cable being used is correct, and in working order. But to me it sounds like a DHCP issue, tryed manulaly assigning the IP / Mask / Gateway?
  18. umm, more info would help, such as, brand n model number, it could be for removable data, such as Extrnal HDD's, being a U3 it may have had issues reading it, ie. Driver issues.
  19. Is there a legitimate use for a port scanner? - yes Is there a legitimate use for a key logger? - no Hmm not 100% true, if u have a family, and young kids, and want to be on the safeside, a keylogger is fine, but u really should atleast tell the kids, u will monitor the, at all times on the PC.
  20. Congratulations, your dead body is worth $4115! Doesn't that make you feel great? ... Ruffly dissapointed.
  21. haha i did say that its nopt the nicest way of doing this script, though to my defence, this is a behind the screen SQL script, normaly the user would have no idea about the SQL work behind it. As for the reading, ill make a dump script now. Also SomeoneE1se, just wondering, could u show me how u would go about imroving the script? Normaly i would strip the string of characters, such as "!#$%^&*()'<>?{}[]:;,./-=+" and not allow certant phrases, like "http, https, www" -=Edit=- Again a simple. crude script, but gets the job done. sorry its not RSS, but i dont really have any experience in RSS, nor the time to look it up. This will simply dump the contents of the email table, with little UI. &lt;?php // Database Connection Details $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbname = 'mail'; $dbusername = 'root'; $dbpassword = ''; mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword); @mysql_select_db($dbname) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query = ("SELECT * FROM `email`"); $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while ($i &lt; $num) { echo ("To: ".mysql_result($result,$i,"To")."&lt;/br&gt;"); echo ("From: ".mysql_result($result,$i,"From")."&lt;/br&gt;"); echo ("Subject: ".mysql_result($result,$i,"Subject")."&lt;/br&gt;"); echo ("Body: ".mysql_result($result,$i,"Body")."&lt;/br&gt;"); echo ("&lt;/br&gt;&lt;hr&gt;&lt;/br&gt;"); $i++; } ?&gt;
  22. haha, americans so strange. Went down there at 12, walked in, got my copy walked out. there was mabye 2 others in there.
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