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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. If you have enough ram on your system, just create a few virtual machines for each one of them (metasploit, backtrack and armitage), that's exactly what I do. Be advised that due to the built in signatures in these applications, any security essential tool like an Antivirus will detect it as a virus/trojan. What you need to do is make sure that any security essential tools you have are disabled before attempting running any of the above tools. Edit: Updating Metasploit should be very easy, just click on the Icon called "update" and it will check for any updates and download them.
  2. I think you need to change this part of code, to months instead of years. REM set YYYY - (MINUS) 1 year call set /a cy=!cy!-1 REM merge vars into one var call set cdate=!cy! !cm! !cd! REM remove spaces in cdate call set cdate=!cdate: =!
  3. For your first question, might want to read up on this doco. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_dir.html For your last question, if you want to serve webpages from your webserver, through a proxy server Squid Proxy, might just allow you do to that.
  4. Yeah I know that, but I like backing up the virtual drive to another drive, just for keeping a safe copy somewhere else.
  5. As Mr-Protocol was saying, just create a snap shot of your VM and you shouldn't have any frustration in the future. I do the same, once I have set up a new VM I immediately make a copy of the Virtual Hard drive or an image of it and place it onto an external hard drive. I've experienced instances where one of my VMs crashed on me and I had to revert to an image, it saved me a lot of hours of pain and frustration. That also brings me to another important factor, always keep a backup of what you do.
  6. Its called an Answer file, you place in all the information about the host system like settings and including the serial number and during the installation, the whole process is automated for you. The one thing I don't like about is, Product Activation. I tried playing around with the registry settings to prevent it from having to activate Windows but didn't work, it locked me out after the 30 days grace period. I had to go into safe mode and undo the changes I made and was forced to activate it.
  7. I've changed my mind, I am purchasing a Linksys WAG320N ADSL2+ Modem. That should be enough for what I do and plus it would probably be a waste of money, if I end up buying a PCI Modem Card and finding out later that it doesn't work with my ISP.
  8. Thanks for posting that up Bro. I've been looking for something like this to automate my electronic stuffs at home. Do you know where I can buy one from? Can't find any link where to purchase it from? Edit: Nevermind found a link from Amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=Arduino&x=17&y=22
  9. I remember several years ago, when I took a course in Security at the university I went to. We did a lot of Linux IP tables and File Permissions and other security stuff, but I still remember that back then we used Windows to apply GP to all machines on the network. I think group policy is a Windows thing only.
  10. Very true and I am not 100% certain whether Linux OS support group polices, I know they support file permissions but not group policies.
  11. I am already on a 3rd modem and planning on upgrading my current modem. Now off topic, I've been meaning to ask this question before, but would there be any performance gain, if I built a standard computer using a standard PCI adsl modem card? Or has anyone tried this before?
  12. I personally never used Dell monitors, I've always used monitors from Asus. At home I have a VG236H, which comes with a 120HZ refresh rate, 1080p resolution, 2ms response and to be honest I am very happy with the screen and the quality in overall. Now according to these reviews "Dell Ultrasharp 24", does seem to offer a very good performance. http://www.cnet.com.au/dell-ultrasharp-u2410-339298064.htm http://www.maximumpc.com/article/reviews/dell_ultrasharp_u2410_24inch_display http://reviews.cnet.com/Dell_UltraSharp_2405FPW/4505-3174_7-31335738.html
  13. Not sure if that will make any difference, but try setting an IP range for your network in the config file. For example: localip remoteip, Refer to this link, if you are not sure. http://poptop.sourceforge.net/dox/debian-howto.phtml
  14. Very impressive stuff!!! If acquiring the ability to keep a pencil balanced on its tip is one of your foremost concerns, then you my friend have lived a charmed life. And you will be heartened to learn that a team at The University of Zurich's Institute of Neuroinformatics has invested untold hours into developing a robot that can accomplish this Herculean task that has evaded mankind for too long. The aptly-named "Pencil Balancing Robot" utilizes two Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVR) placed at right angles to observe any tipping of a pencil (or as the developers refer to it: "spike address events". Any address event is sent to a PC where the data is crunched through a tipping-pencil algorithm and a compensating reaction movement is quickly sent to a mechanized platform below the pencil. The result: a sharpened pencil that will never topple. You can read a paper describing the balancing bot here (PDF). It's very easy to mock this proof-of-concept device, however, this sort of robots that can quickly react to visual data could lead to useful real world applications. Namely, any bots that will work among humans are going to have to learn to compensate for our haphazard and chaotic free will-driven actions. Source: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2376096,00.asp
  15. Resource intensive, how much did it used to consume on an average?
  16. Do you have a spare modem that you could try out? As Digip was saying it could be a hardware problem, plus on a side note, how long is your phone line between the socket and the modem, that could also be affecting your speeds as well.
  17. Interesting, I mean it was only the 2002 version you used, so they must have made a lot of improvements on the current version (2010). According to their website, Diskeeper does a better job in keeping the system defragmented than the Windows built in utility. But again it could just be a hype, to get people into buying their products. I will see if Cnet has any review on it. Thanks Mr-Protocol.
  18. Hi, Wondering if anyone has used Diskeeper before? I am thinking on buying it, but since i haven't used it, wanted to know if anyone in here has used or had any real world experience with it. http://www.diskeeper.com/diskeeper/home/home-hyperfast.aspx?id=43571&wid=1 Thank you all in advance.
  19. Since I haven't used Mod_rewrite before and I must admin its kind of complex to understand at first, but once you do it a couple of times you begin to understand how it all comes together. I've experimented with other mods in the past, but not Mod_rewrite. I think I am going to fire up some virtual machines and have a crack at your problem. Will let you know when I have come up with a solution. In the meantime, may be someone else can shed some light for your problem.
  20. That is so sweet, that is exactly what I had in mind.
  21. "Information: Other network traffic is congesting the link" At the time of the test, did you have any 2p2 application or some other file downloading application running on the background. Try re-running the test, with no apps running on the background. If the test is still reporting the same speeds, you might want to consider upgrading your internet plan.
  22. I am not very certain whether you can achieve what you want with Mod_rewrite. Mod_rewrite its only meant for rewriting the last part of the URL. For example: Take note of this URL, http://www.pets.com/show_a_product.php?product_id=7 With mod_rewrite you can substitute it to something like this http://www.pets.com/products/7/ But what you need is a DNS server and an A record added, that points to the subdomain.domain.com.
  23. Since netbooks are generally so underpowered, you may or may not notice any increase in performance by upgrading to a SSD. If I had a notebook, I would definitely ditch my HDD to a SSD. In this case, you are better of with a notebook, you will benefit a lot more.
  24. In the past, I have used Hydra to brute force my router but haven't used that GUI version but the CLI version. I have always been successful, you might want to give it a shot, you might get different results.
  25. Sounds interesting, may be have it attached to the dash board like a gps, so you don't have to keep your hands occupied while you are driving. Do a bit of scripting to automate the process when war driving and also make it less attractive, in case you get pulled over by a cop.
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