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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Love the monster truck. Want one!
  2. From a security point of view, I would set up a proxy at the Apache level, rather than setting up at the Firewall level. Because once you start adding/changing rules at the firewall, the network becomes less secure.
  3. This is awesome, image flying it over the internet. http://www.break.com/index/first-iphone-controlled-quadricopter-drone.html
  4. I honestly don't think those TV are capable of receiving feeds via wireless, it may be possible but what that guy did its not true.
  5. I don't think there is such tool that can do that, the only way to achieve that would be recording the screen as the data gets reconstructed.
  6. Read through this thread and see if that helps. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449
  7. What are you using for the tunnel? What protocol?
  8. hamster/ferret is as far as you can go, in terms of viewing a user's current web session but it won't record in an AVI format. That can be done, but that will need to be hard coded.
  9. Yeah, just take it up to your sys admin, explain it to him and then make some recommendations to improve the wireless performance. But you shouldn't really plug in anything into the network without the sys admin approval.
  10. If the computers and the DHCP server are on the same subnet than I'd say yes. To test it out, see if you can get an ip address from the DHCP server, if you can then its working fine.
  11. Since most Linux Firewall distros like smoothwall, pfsense don't natively support IPv6 as of yet. What you could do is, set up a stand alone box with ip tables and have it routing all the IPv6 traffic. Now to isolate the servers, you could set up two dedicated nics on different subnets and use IP tables to allow/deny any traffic to/from it.
  12. To be honest dude, it takes skills to do that kind of thing. Why don't you give it try and show us what you are made out of.
  13. It reminds me of my college back in High School, he got canned for playing around with hacking tools. He used to show me all this cool stuff he did, like taking screen shots of people screen, logging every users PC activity, sniffing all their passwords and then checking out their emails. He used to be really good but never liked respecting other peoples network. Anyway, you got what I mean and I would strongly advise you to drop what you are doing. Its illegal and frankly speaking could get you expelled. Now I don't know what your intentions are, but do this kind of stuff on your own network. I know its cool what you did, but think about the consequences. Keep in mind that, everything you do on a network is being monitored and logged and it could be used against you, if they want to catch you. Now something you need to learn, is that when you do something illegal, never go around telling people what you did. This can have serious consequences for you. I am telling you this from experience. So don't risk it play cool dude!
  14. What distribution of Linux are you using?
  15. Try the hex editor first, if that fails try to brute force the application with hydra, that's your last resort.
  16. I like Dexter, but haven't seen the other ones yet. I like No ordinary family, The Big Bang Theory and Airworlf (this is an old tv series)
  17. What are your favorite TV shows?
  18. That dude is a hell of a rider, and that bike took a lot for him. Nice video tough!
  19. FYI, There is also Glype but it's a lot slower than Phproxy.
  20. What you need in order to set up a proxy server are: Apache http://apache.org/ SSL http://www.openssl.org/ PHP http://php.net/ and PHProxy http://sourceforge.net/projects/poxy/ Installing Apache is the easiest part, download it and run the installer. For the php installation part, here is a tutorial. http://www.thesitewizard.com/php/install-php-5-apache-windows.shtml Once php is installed you will need to install SSL http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2008/03/04/step-by-step-configuring-ssl-under-apache.html Once SSL is configured and running, unzip the phproxy files in the Apache HTTPdocs directory. And test it out to make sure it all works. Good luck! If you need any help let me know.
  21. If you wireless router doesn't have the option to separate the networks. You could create two network segments with a router in between, blocking any incoming/outgoing traffic that comes from either networks. That would be one way to keep the traffic isolated to one network only.
  22. Hi all, Has anyone in here purchased any training materials from measureup.com. I am currently studying for a MS exam and since I've only used CBT Nuggetts for training, want to try something different this time. So came across Measureup.com but not sure whether they are any good or what. Anyway, your comments/suggestions on this matter are very much welcome. Thank you very much
  23. Umm, read in other forums that it could be a problem with Dual display setup, so if you have two screen at the same time, try disconnecting one to see if that works. If that works, update the graphic drivers as soon as it works.
  24. I could enjoy any kind of music, but I like more heavy metal. scar symmetry Noctornal Rites Avenged SevenFolds Sonyc Syndicate Trivium Amorphis And a lot more
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