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Everything posted by Rkiver

  1. Yes, it is. I still work, quite a lot actually. However there are delays and I am awaiting updates.
  2. Rkiver

    Wifi Hack

    He actually linked you to topics that tell you how to do it.
  3. I'd argue learn how your systems work first. Then setup a home test lab. A Ducky or Turtle are both wonderful pieces of tech, but I'd recommend checking some of the books from no starch press also to go alongside the items.
  4. Nothing to apologise for. If you want to help, go right ahead. Just making people aware.
  5. In fairness this user has made 4 topics asking for exact walkthroughs on both the pineapple and USB Rubber Ducky.
  6. https://www.nostarch.com/catalog/security In particular Penetration Testing by Georgia Weidman is a rather good one.
  7. https://hakshop.com/pages/policy#shipping You may find that an issue. Technically they do not ship to or sell to Dubai. Easiest thing to go, email the hakshop (which you've done) and wait. It is the holidays after all.
  8. Please don't waste ours posting nonsense. Why would we trust someone we don't know, who just joined and advertised? There are many services already out there that are well used and trusted.
  9. Yes it's perfectly legal, and it's not a key logger. If it was illegal it wouldn't be sold so openly. Should a beginner buy it? If they are willing to learn what it does and how to use it, sure.
  10. I have to say it's rather difficult to attempt to help if you give just two word answers. Can you give us a full run down on the setup please?
  11. In fairness to them, (and yes I am biased as I consider them friends) they are likely up to their eyeballs this close to Christmas. All I can advise is patience.
  12. If you've emailed in what is happening, and they advised you to do a few things, which haven't resolved it, you then email them back and wait. It may indeed need to be replaced.
  13. 1) Learn how a network actually works. 2) Learn to use google. No I'm not being rude. Learning how to google properly is a life saver. 3) Setup a home testing lab using virtual box or some such and away you go. There is a topic in here that also may help:
  14. What is the situation? Happy to answer. Right now Darren and I are awaiting updates and then once we know what stock we will have in the EU store I will be opening it up to pre-orders. Last thing we could say for sure was December 28th we expect an update (though in fairness I may or may not be checking my email around that time, as I do have a family I plan on spending time with). Suffice to say once we have stuff nailed down, the store will go live again.
  15. I sincerely doubt that a sysadmin would attempt to scan your lan just because they can. The legislation that allows them to provide you a work laptop, and be able to monitor you on that work laptop, is very unlikely to include the right to scan your home lan. I mean with that level of paranoia why are you even online? You're connected to this forum, which means IT could scan your lan. As you see once you get to that point, it gets very silly. A work provided laptop is for just that, work. And yes they are supposed to be use from home, to do work. So use them for just that. Of if you're not comfortable with it, bring it up at a meeting.
  16. In all honesty, you don't find it. It's not your laptop, it's the companies. If you use it, you accept that they can, may, and probably are, monitoring every single thing you do on it. So just behave, use it for NOTHING bar work. Now, you want to know what can be done with monitoring software? Set up a small home test lab, in a virtual environment, and start looking into corporate monitoring software.
  17. Rkiver


    You'll forgive us if we don't believe you. You want to know what you can do with powershell? Setup a home test lab using old machines and go from there.
  18. Rkiver


    You don't mess with other peoples tech without express permission. We certainly are not going to tell you how to do that.
  19. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/56-usb-rubber-ducky/ A whole forum all about it. But press the button down when plugging it in.
  20. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/56-usb-rubber-ducky/ All your Ducky needs
  21. Rkiver


    Literally the second link from google, http://www.pivpn.io/
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