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Everything posted by Rkiver

  1. Rkiver

    Gear case

    It's a great bag, small enough to not be in the way, but large enough to fit quite a bit in it.
  2. Rkiver


  3. It's actually really simple how we change this. We raise better children. We raise them to look at what someone says and does, not what their reproductive organs may or may not be.
  4. I'm with digip on this. For light use, sure a small little laptop is fine (I've a Lenovo Yoga 300 for light use). But for work? I've a full fat lenovo thinkpad with a 17inch screen, 8gigs of ram and a 500gig ssd. That gives me the power and speed.
  5. shop@hak5.org is the contact email. Bear in mind that it was thanksgiving, and there is a likely a large backlog that is being worked through. They will reply.
  6. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/80-wifi-pineapple-university/ A whole subsection dedicated to learning.
  7. Rkiver

    Ducky encoder

    https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/56-usb-rubber-ducky/ There is a whole section of the forum dedicated to the ducky.
  8. Hopefully this answers your question. There is a full section for all things ducky.
  9. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/56-usb-rubber-ducky/ Has lists and suggestions.
  10. Firstly, learn to use the search function. I don't say that unkindly, just that trust me this gets asked a lot. A search throws up the topic I've linked below. After that, well just go from there.
  11. That was due to the End of Life of the chip manufacturer, which Darren and Sebkinne explained in great detail. While I cannot speak on behalf of Hak5, I would sincerely doubt that they are replacing the Nano or Tetra any time soon.
  12. https://hakshop.com/pages/policy#shipping I'd go with no, but you can always email shop@hak5.org and ask. Just be patient on a reply.
  13. The Tetra and Nano have been out for a year now, that is true. But there is a huge amount of updates and work being done on them all the time. I doubt that a new one is around the corner mind you.
  14. That'd be your starting point. Also anything in the Wifi Pineapple University section of the forums.
  15. It's not supposed to appear as a flash drive. That's the whole point. You plug it in, and it goes to work. To make it appear as a flash drive, ie mountable, you need to have it open so you can press the button on it.
  16. I think you misunderstood. The drones firmware has been patched, and hence the flaw that was exploited no longer exists, and hence it wont work.
  17. Suggestion seems to be boot from usb with persistance. http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/257554/installing-dual-boot-sierra-and-kali-linux
  18. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Documentation There is a manual.
  19. A quick glance shows this is something that many people had an issue with. https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?22738-Kali-Linux-64-bit-ISO-1-0-9-Will-not-boot-from-USB-on-macbook Also includes a fix from what I read over.
  20. Digininja, aka Robin Wood. wrote up a great guide on how to actually ask for help on a tech forum, and honestly it's brilliant. It should be required reading. I've linked it below, give it a read, it's well worth it for new people, and old hands at it. https://digi.ninja/blog/asking_for_help.php
  21. Model number, version number?
  22. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/56-usb-rubber-ducky/ Best place to ask and look.
  23. Depends on browser and OS. And why? Also check the Ducky section of the forum for ideas.
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