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Everything posted by Rkiver

  1. Ahem for that price there is no way on earth it has liquid cooling. And also it's a core 2 quad, or a phenom II X4, it's not an i7. i7 current smashes every other cpu out there for desktops. That said the Phenom II X3 and X4 are lovely chips and I have one in my little lanbox for gaming. As for your "myth"....stay away from watercooling, please......you'll just end up breaking something.
  2. Utter fail considering most PC components are made in that part of the world. Also why on earth buy a prebuild when doing it yourself is so much better and cheaper?
  3. Well the new parts just arrived. As for a project, well it's just me building a machine. Is that really project worthy? An idea for you all: That's what it looks like right now. Quite a bit will be cleaned up.
  4. Well I'm rebuilding my pc from scratch, taking it all apart, cleaning it up, putting it back together with a new cpu block and an mcubed fan controller in it. And then I'm building a machine for a mate of mine, near identical specs. I'll photo the whole lot, maybe even a video or two in there, and throw it up in here.
  5. A lot of people on the bit-tech forums (myself included) would never buy alienware. It's just not worth what they charge. Always better doing it yourself.
  6. You see Wetwork in that aspect you are mostly correct, however the ram is still passively cooled, as are most of the VRMs. They need airflow over them to keep them cool. Not much mind you, but they do need it.
  7. You see I rather the machines shown at milliondollarpc. Why? Because cable management can look nice and improve air flow. I'm redoing my machine in the next few weeks, and I'll show you the difference before and after.
  8. I'd love to go one year. Maybe in the future. Trips to the US aren't cheap, especially when jobless.
  9. Rkiver


    That is quite the failure....
  10. Cheers Mnemonic, the kind words and support are appreciated, and seeing someone else has gone through it and come out the other side makes me feel less shit about it. I applied to Game today for sales assistant and store manager. Either would do as it'd be a lot more money then the dole gets me. And I stopped bottling up years ago, hence ranting on forums. :P It helps a lot.
  11. Actually bitching on a forum does do me good. It's a release valve. I used to always bottle stuff up. Wasn't fun when I finally went snap years ago. As for being harsh, no you weren't as harsh as I've had flung at me before on other forums, so don't worry about it. And I am spending hours each morning looking for jobs, I'm not sitting on my ass doing nothing. Slight problem, Ireland's job market is next to nothing unless you've finnish or danish for some odd reason. I speak neither. Checking out sales support, customer services, technical support etc etc etc. Absolutely no positive responses as of yet. I do appreciate the words of support mind you. It helps, not sure how or why, but it does make me feel better.
  12. In a word, tanked. It's rock bottom and not getting any better any time soon.
  13. Right so I was made redundant in August from working for a company in Europe, GOA Games part of France Telecom. Despite recording record profits they let go of over 60% of their staff in their Dublin office. So I've a mortgage and a wife, not a good mix. Go on the dole (social welfare, job seekers, whatever you wish to call it). Great. €200 a week is enough to keep food on the table and pay the bills, just about. But not pay the mortgage. Thankfully there is mortgage relief to help out those in need. Brilliant I think. I've been working for 8 years full time, I've paid all my taxes so surely I will get a hand. My mortgage is €800 a month. They will give me €96 a month. They give the scum of the earth free homes, cars etc in this country. Those who have never worked a day in their life, not due to some actual reason, but just because their parents never have, and their parents etc. This whole culture of sponge gets everything on a plate. But when someone who has worked, who scraped and saved to buy a home needs an actual hand....nothing. Suffice to say I am now bloody upset and depressed over this.
  14. Go to http://www.hak5.org/category/episodes and use the feeds there.
  15. Why support linux? Well while repeating what has already been said is passe, I'll risk it. 1. No lisencing fee. You can save millions on that alone. 2. It's yours to do with as you wish, in every sense of the word. 3. Bugs tend to get caught, and fixed, very quickly. 4. It's tested near constantly and tweaked by developers (part of 3 really). 5. People all over the world work on it and make sure it works with as much as possible. So at the end of the day why go with linux for infrastructure? It's simply better overall.
  16. It's a great piece of marketing. Think about how many people will try and get their hands on one just to prove them wrong. :P
  17. I tend to use Gnome quite a bit as I use Mint or Ubuntu. I used to work for novell way back when on SuSE 9.3 and 10.0 and rather liked KDE then too. At the moment, XFCE ftw.
  18. Oh hell yes, guide for this please!
  19. It's a spam bot, it's been reported already on another part of the forum. In any case it's a "Ignore/Block PM sender" and report it to the admins.
  20. Got that too, did the simple thing "block PM sender".
  21. Yes, todays kids want everything handed to them on a plate. /me shakes his fist. Get off my lawn etc etc.
  22. Well should I? I've been intrigued with the Fonera's since catching up on all the past Hak5 episodes (almost all 6 seasons in 4 days here) and was thinking of getting one. I love the sharing part of it especially with other fon users. So looking around, ooh look Fonera+ for €30, that's brilliant and damn cheap. Then they updated their site. The Fonera 2.0n.....saw the epsiode in which Darren and Shannon were talking about it. Sure it's another €50 but damn that looks worth it. Thing is the wife and I are both unemployed due to the company we worked for dumping most of it's staff (shakes fist at Mythic and GOA). So I can only really afford one little techie gift for myself this year (after the Hak5 sticker packs). So is it worth the €80 for the Fonera 2.0n? This newbie wants your opinions! Thanking you! The mad Irish bloke.
  23. Oooh shiny, definately going to check this out.
  24. A snake, as I am allergic to cat and dog hair. :P
  25. Oooh so tempting..I may try that at my local supermarket just to see if it works.
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