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Everything posted by Netshroud

  1. Assuming the school disallows games on the school network: If you can, subnet the network into computer rooms and block all the common gaming ports. Grab the core executables for all the common games at the school and deny them with group policy.
  2. Can you redirect teachers profiles completely (including their desktop) to a shared network drive?
  3. You would need to modify the code that translates the characters into keycodes for the german keyboard layout.
  4. When I need to do this, I just send whatever file it is in a password-protected archive with the filenames encrypted, and include the password in the email.
  5. Touch device + Desktop OS is just asking for trouble. It looks a bit big for an iPod alternative to me, and from what I've heard from 3 different Android users, the Android music player apps are utter garbage.
  6. You can either reflash it, or check your default gateway settings (or nmap -sP) and try get in to it from the LAN side.
  7. XCode 4 (DP4). I just need to figure out how to make a target for Java applications (for uni) that calls javac and then java.
  8. Android on tablets = fail. Even Google admits this much. Desktop OS on tablets = more fail. Poor Microsoft hasn't learnt this yet the hard way after the last 15 years. The only OS that currently works well for tablets is iOS. Everyone else is just trying to jump on the Tablet bandwagon to try make some more money without actually understanding the form factor. As a consumer, I would definitely not buy it. As a hacker, I may consider it, but just throwing touch compatibility on top of a regular desktop OS is just asking for failure, and that on-screen keyboard looks like total junk. Considering most Linux hackery is done via the command line, I would probably look for something a little more usable.
  9. For location I had it so that no-one but me can ever see me, but I changed it so that my friends could see me check in to the secret lair.
  10. Your friends can only see it if you don't block them from doing so. The privacy settings are quite flexible now.
  11. Anyone notice how phone battery life is decreasing? Most Android phones and iPhones barely last a day, but my 2005 Nokia lasts about a week without charging.
  12. Found this, and surprisingly it works. I would have thought Facebook would have a few more checks than that, but I'm now checked into a secret lair underwater off the east coast of Australia
  13. If I knew what I learnt about month after finishing school when I was at school, I could have easily escalated to Domain Admin privileges. School networks are vulnerable as almost all their attacks come from inside the network, and usually the administrators have no clue about network security. It makes an easy target for someone inside the network, as well as people who are just frustrated that they cant do what they want to do.
  14. Different languages also have different guidelines. For example, while good C coding limits lines to 80 characters, Objective-C throws that rule straight out the window.
  15. Probably, I just copy+pasted what Darren had in the OP though.
  16. Would this work? start.sh: for file in `ls /tmp/file00?--?`; do ./wait.sh $file &; done wait.sh: (almost exactly what you had above) white [ $[ $(stat -f "%m" "/tmp/$1") + 300 ] -gt $(date +%s) ]; do sleep 2; done; /tool2.sh /tmp/$1
  17. The one time I needed to take a screenshot of an Android device, I just took a photo of it with my iPod. ^_^
  18. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2980#key
  19. I hate HTC sense, I would recommend the only non-HTC Android phone i've played around with - the Galaxy S.
  20. Erectin' a.... rollercoaster?
  21. Except from the specs I can see, it doesn't have WiFi. Oh - and Hak5 featured the SheevaPlug back in about Season 4.
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