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Everything posted by Netshroud

  1. [quote name='okiwan' date='Wed, 01 Sep 2010 11:12:13 +0000' post='166236'] its not september. ill post after midnight. [/quote] Depends where you are.
  2. Forums wouldn't let me embed from cl.ly :(
  3. Netshroud


    You need administrator credentials to install the virtual network drivers.
  4. Netshroud


    Considering he's trying to access Facebook, and it's a school computer, I would hazard a guess that it's on a network, Infiltrator.
  5. If it's a brand-new laptop, shouldn't you be prompted to create the admin account during OOBE?
  6. Did you telnet and passwd already? If so, SSH.
  7. Keep it... or give it to me ^_^
  8. Netshroud


    I forgot the name of the program we used, but we actually cracked the BIOS password. It required local administrator privileges in the first place, though. Don't you love recursive infinite loops?
  9. Netshroud


    Be had a similar set-up at my school, but F8 or F12 brought up the boot menu screen (depending on the machine). If your school network is locked down like mine was, you won't be able to access Facebook without a proxy no matter how hard you try. I like Sparda's idea better, though.
  10. BTW, 'hex' = HECS. Just in case anyone wants to google for more info.
  11. I have a Rickroll payload in PsyDuk, although it doesn't make it fullscreen or present the victim with heaps of popups. (Those popups are pointless in Chrome though.)
  12. I'm at Uni doing Java (amongst other things) right now. It's great, except for the Java, which is tolerable.
  13. What about those of us who can't afford international calls?
  14. Connect each port to a port on a 24-port switch. ^_^
  15. You should be fine with a regular router. If DHCP is actually an issue, configure a router with static IPs only.
  16. ISP mail services suck, and are painful when you switch ISP and change email address. My ISP's service provides nowhere near the flexibility of GMail - starting with no IMAP (just POP3), and ~10MB of email space.
  17. Additionally, any @gmail.com address automatically has a matching @googlemail.com account.
  18. Based on the original as mentioned in episode 725. Before You Start You need either a working Pineapple, or a freshly flashed pineapple. I went with a freshly flashed one, but this should also work on a working pineapple. Configuration Note: If you are using a working pineapple, make sure in /etc/config/dhcp that you are not giving out an external DNS server, such as Google DNS or OpenDNS. Additionally, remove or disable any Web UI such as Luci or X-WRT. Note: If you are using a freshly-flashed pineapple, enable the wireless card with: uci set wireless.wifi0.disabled=0 uci commit wireless && wifi (Optional) Remove the default SSID Remove the entire 'wifi-iface' section from /etc/config/wireless Resolve all DNS queries to the Fon. Create the file /etc/dnsmasq.conf if it doesn't exist. Add the following line: address=/#/ Set Karma to start automatically Add the following code to the end of the start function in /etc/init.d/jasager wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode master 2>&1 > /dev/null iwpriv ath0 karma 1 brctl addif br-lan ath0 ifconfig ath0 up Comment out the following line in /etc/init.d/jasager iptables -I FORWARD -i ath0 -o br-lan -j ACCEPT Configure Rick Note: If you are using an IP address other than, edit rr.m3u to reflect that change. SCP the contents of http://cl.ly/f8df030cc9e0bdbe9b6e to /www on your pineapple. Redirect 404s Create /etc/rrhttpd.conf (rick roll httpd.conf) and add the following line to it: E404:/www/index.htm Edit /www/index.htm and change the embed tag to point to /rr.m3u (absolute path) Edit /etc/init.d/httpd, and right above the line eval "$HTTPD_BIN $args" add the line append args "-c /etc/rrhttpd.conf" Restart everything Either restart dnsmasq, httpd, and karma, or just reboot the entire pineapple. (I hope I didn't forget anything)
  19. Strategy: Age of Mythology: The Titans Action: Left 4 Dead 2 Sim: HAWX (I've only played the demo, but it was darn good) All Time: Portal 2 (if eligible, otherwise Plants vs Zombies)
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