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Everything posted by Netshroud

  1. O RLY? http://preyproject.com/download
  2. Prey looks OK, but I can't get it to work on my Macbook - the control site shows no devices, and times out adding a device. Looks like that's one program I won't be using.
  3. Yup. It would probably be easier (and quicker) to just ARP spoof the machine off the network.
  4. You would need to run the attack as their lease expires.
  5. I think it works rather well
  6. I need a beginner's soldering class :(
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- --- --- NTH --- ART --- --- STR ANG --- Did I miss anything?
  8. http://samy.pl/mapxss/ would be better when wardriving.
  9. Confirmed: They work in my Ubuntu/Mint VMs, but not on the Fedora 10 systems. :S
  10. Anyone have any idea why PDOpenLinuxRunBox is failing? At least it is on the Fedora 10 systems here, I haven't tested on my Mint/Ubuntu VMs at home. Alt+F4 and Alt+F2 (tested both) aren't working, and I'm confused.
  11. That link isn't loading for me, but if you're talking about the FON SIMPL, no. The SIMPL has a Ralink chip (IIRC), not Atheros. Don't know about the 2100C, never heard of it.
  12. Yes, it doesn't work in the Windows version of GIMP.
  13. You need GIMP under Linux, not GIMP under Windows.
  14. Thanks Paul, that fixed it. PsyDuk 0.3 is on the wiki, and PsyDuk is now on GitHub too.
  15. Nothing mentioned here or via google seems to work: 127, 118, 0xA4 and 135. I've tried it as a normal button, as well as a modifier, but neither work.
  16. external graphics have come and died so many times
  17. From what I understand, up to 2 administrators (concurrently) will always be allowed to RDP in.
  18. The Broken Image Hotlink The Hungry Monster
  19. I made an IRC bot for the sole purpose of learning (some) Python.
  20. or it could be the end, middle or, overlap of two words.
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