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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. It wouldn't hurt. The extra space can come in handy.
  2. Depends on their power consumption. If you use a powered usb hub, then you'd probably be okay.
  3. That biquad primestar dish antenna works pretty good. I used a gladware sandwich container for a radome. http://www.trevormar....com/biquad.htm Very simple and compact Bi-quad design I've also built a "toothpick" omni which worked very well. Looked like a grappling hook. I'm not a fan of the pringles cantennas, but a Malibu rum can works pretty well.
  4. Heh, when you said UPS battery, I was thinking one of these!
  5. This one's search-fu is weak! ;) :P http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=25293&st=0&p=194259&hl=lion&fromsearch=1entry194259
  6. Ahh! 1 year anniversary. Okay, now I understand. You still get to have sex! <_< :lol:
  7. Ahh!! I hadn't noticed that. This should fix it. They're a couple foam "shocks" from an external hard drive enclosure kit. Though anything will work. You could even use the two feet you had to take off to get to the screws in the pineapple! They'll need to be stacked though, so you'll need all four. A piece of 1/4" weather striping will probably work as well. Should be squishy enough to still allow the top to go back on.
  8. Pick the Cat-6 connector. ;)
  9. Well if you actually have scp on your windows box(it's not installed from the factory), the command would be identical from a linux box. scp files root@
  10. You'll probably need a usb Ethernet adapter as well. Though running from a virtual machine is adding a second layer of complexity, why not just run it from the host?
  11. Cat-5 and cat-6 connectors are identical, at least every one I've installed are. You sure it's really a cat-6 cable? It doesn't have these ends does it?
  12. Yep, you can. I'm doing that now with my laptop and a usb ethernet adapter.
  13. The battery packs have the protection circuit in them. This is the inside of a Powerbook G4 battery. The circuit is in the upper right of the pack. There's also a thermister sitting between a couple of the cells for overheat protection.
  14. Probably not from what I've walked into... <_< Though it could be an "open" network, with a radius server after connection. Search Wigle.
  15. I'm glad someone knows what that is! Started quite the hubbub when they started being seen across the country.
  16. Just change the pineapple's ip addresses. Mac OS Lion does the same thing with it's ICS.
  17. Turn on wps in your access point configuration.
  18. Are you pointing to redirect.php, or index.html?
  19. The NYAN cat works on the IV. It's hosted on my /www folder. I'll play around with it tonight when I get home to see if I can swap out the gif for a jpeg.
  20. Settings, Wi-Fi settings, Add Wi-Fi network. Enter whatever ssid you want, leave it open, hit save.
  21. Say it with me, "Heat shrink is better than tape!" Shrink both wires individually, then one bigger piece over both.
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